Scátháin na bhFlatha
Ba chóir an t-alt seo a ghlanadh, mar: aistriúchán de dhíth fós...
Tar éis an t-alt a ghlanadh, is féidir an teachtaireacht seo a bhaint de. Féach ar Conas Leathanach a Chur in Eagar agus an Lámhleabhar Stíle le tuilleadh eolais a fháil. |
Is genre teagaisc iad Scátháin na bhFlatha (Laidin: specula principum), scríofa le linn na meánaoise agus an Renaissance. Is cuid iad de genre níos leithne, Litríochta Speculi.
Feictear is minice iad mar théacsleabhair a thugann teagasc go díreach do ríthe nó rialtóirí eile, ar ghnéithe áirithe rialachais agus iompair, le samplaí i gcomhair nó aithrise nó seachanta. Cumadh iad go minic agus rí nua, idir óg agus/nó ar bheagán taithí, ag teacht i réim.[1]
Scríobhadh an saothar is luaite den chineál seo ag Sedulius Scottus (beo 840–860), an file Éireannach a mheastar a chum an dán gluaise, Pangur Bán (9ú haois). Is é An Prionsa (c. 1513) le Niccolò Machiavelli, an sampla is mó le rá, cé nach tipiciúil go leor é is féidir a rá.
Téacsanna clasaiceacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]Gréagacha agus Rómhánacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Xenophon, Cyropaedia
- Isocrates, Do Nicocles agus Evagoras
- Philodemus, An Rí Maith dar le Homer
- Dio Chrysostom, An Chéad Dioscúrsa ar Ríogacht srl.
- Seneca, De Clementia
- Cicero, De Officiis
- Eusebius, Vita Constantini, scáthán na bhflatha, b'fhéidir, ach pléitear fós a genre cruinn, lucht spéise agus cuspóir.
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]Síneacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu. D'fhéadfadh a rá gurb é téacs mistiúlachta, philosophical téacs fealsúnachta, nó dréacht ar ríogacht)
- Sima Guang, Zizhi Tongjian nó Teagasc Cuimsitheach i gcomhair Rialachais
- Mencius. Faightear an plé leis na Talmhaithe, an chéad ghrúpa sóisialach a mhol sochaí gan aicmí
- Han Fei Zi. Teagasc dleathaíochta agus ceird ríogachta.
Téacsanna Iarthar na hEorpa
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]Luathmheánaois
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Agaistín Hippo, De civitate Dei, iml. 24, "The true felicity of Christian Emperors."
- Gréagóir Tours, History of the Franks, a thabhairt rabhadh ina éadan aighneas cathartha.
- De duodecim abusivis saeculi, (7ú haois), dréacht Laidin na hÉireann le húdar Éireannach anaithnid, luaite scaití mar Pseudo-Cyprian. Cé nach 'scáthán na bhFlatha' é per se, bhí tionchar mór aige ar fhorbairt an genre ar an mór-roinn.
- Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, a deir go sonrach gurb é cuspóir staidéar staire ná samplaí aithrise nó seachanta a chur in úil.
Teacsanna Cairilínseacha:
- Smaragdus Saint-Mihiel, Via regia (813), d'fhéadfaí a rá gurb é an chéad fíor scáthán na bhflatha, tiomnaithe do Louis Diaganta, agus é ina rí Aquitania.
- Einhard, Vita Karoli, which idolises Charlemagne's reign as something for other rulers to aspire to.
- Jonas Orléans, De Institutione Regia (c. 831), scríofa do Pepin I Aquitaine, is amhlaidh coimisiúnaithe ag comhairle ag Orléans.[2]
- Agobard Lyons, a litreacha.
- Sedulius Scottus, De rectoribus christianis (c. 855-9), curtha ar rí Lothar II Lotharingia.
- Hincmar of Reims, De regis persona
- Hincmar of Reims, De ordine palatii (882), a leagan dualgais mhorálta an rí amach agus chuir síos ar eagrú páláis.
- Jonas of Orléans, De Institutione Laicali (818 x 828), scrios do Matfrid Orléans.
- Paulinus Aquileia, Liber exhortationis (795), scríofa do Heiric Friuli.
- Alcuin, De virtutibus et vitiis (c. 799–800), scríofa do Wido na Briotáine.
- Dhuoda, Liber manualis, scríofa dá mac, William.
Téacsanna Éireannacha
- De duodecim abusivis saeculi, féach thuas. Is pearsana seanscéalacha iad á dteagasc sa saothar seo.
- Audacht Morainn, scríofa c. 700 as Sean-Ghaeilge, réamhtheachtaí 'scátháin na bhflatha'.[3] Deirtear gur chuir an breitheamh eagnaí, Morann, comhairle chuig Feradach Finnfechtnach agus é ar tí éirí ina rí na Teamhrach.[4]
- Tecosca Cormaic, ina múineann Cormac mac Airt a mhac Cairbre Lifechair in ábhair éagsúla.
- Bríatharthecosc Con Culainn[5] (Cú Chulainn) (le fáil mar chuid de Serglige Con Culainn), curtha ar Lugaid Réoderg.
- Tecosc Cuscraid[6]
- Senbríathra Fithail[7]
- Briathra Flainn Fína[8][9] (Flann Fína)
Meánaois déanach
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Stephen I na hUngáire, Admonitions (1010s), scríofa dá mhac agus rídhamhna, Naomh Emeric.
- John Salisbury, Policraticus, The Statesman's Book (1159).
- Godfrey Viterbo, Speculum regum (c. 1183), dedicated to his Staufian imperial patrons, athair Frederick Barbarossa agus mac, Henry VI.
- Pseudo-Plutarch, Institutio Traiani (first quoted in John of Salisbury's Policraticus le).
- Gerald na Breataine Bige, Liber de principis instructione (c. 1193) agus De instructione principis.
- Konungs skuggsjá nó Speculum regale, (c. 1250) dréacht Lochlannach scríofa don rí Magnús lagabœtir.
- Vincent Beauvais, De eruditione filiorum nobilium (c. 1250).
- Vincent de Beauvais, De morali principis institutione (c. 1262), scríofa is dóigh do Louis IX na Fraince[10][11]
- Guibert Tournai, De modo addiscendi (c. 1260).
- Guibert Tournai, Eruditio regum et principum (1259), scríofa do Louis IX na Fraince.[12]
- Thomas Aquinas, De regno (c. 1260), often conflated with the De regimine principum of Ptolemy Lucca
- William Peraldus, De eruditione principum = 'On the Education of Princes' (c. 1265), formerly attributed to Thomas Aquinas.
- Brunetto Latini, Li livres dou trésor (1266), written for Charles of Anjou.
- Giles of Rome, De regimine principum = 'On the Rule of Princes' (c. 1278), written for Philip the Fair.
- William of Pagula, Speculum regis, written for Edward III of England (c. 1331).
- Don Juan Manuel, Tales of Count Lucanor (1335).
- Alvarus Pelagius, Speculum regum (1340s), written for Alfonso XI of Castile.[13]
- Um styrilsi kununga ok höfþinga (1350s), Old Swedish treatise
- The III Consideracions Right Necesserye to the Good Governaunce of a Prince (c. 1350), a translation of a French treatise from 1347, intended for King John II of France.[14]
- Evrart de Trémaugon, Le songe du verger (1376).
- Christine de Pizan, Epistre Othea a Hector (c. 1400), Livre du corps de policie (1407), Livre de la paix (between 1412 and 1414).
- Thomas Hoccleve, De regimine principum (early 1410s) written for Henry V of England.
- John of Ireland, The Meroure of Wysedome, (1490) written for James IV of Scotland.
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- John Skelton, Speculum principis (1501), lost work written for the then future Henry VIII. A copy of this treatise, which may not be entirely the same as that presented to Henry, resides with the British Museum.[15]
- Erasmus, Institutio principis Christiani 'Education of a Christian Prince' (1516), written as advice to King Charles of Spain (the later Charles V).
- Thomas More, Utopia (1516), written as advice to Henry VIII
- Martin Luther. On Secular Authority (1523), a letter dedicated to John, Toghthóir na Sacsaine
- Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier (1528), based on experiences of the courts of Urbino.
- Antonio de Guevara, Relox de príncipes (1529), inspired by and dedicated to Charles V, a bestseller of its times, translated during the 16th Century to English, Latin, Italian, German, French and Dutch.
- Machiavelli, Il Principe (c. 1513, published in 1532).
- George Buchanan, De iure regni apud Scotos (1579), a work in the form of a Socratic dialogue on ideal kingship dedicated to the young James VI of Scotland
- Giovanni Botero, The Reason of State (1589), a criticism of Machiavelli's Prince.
- Johann Damgaard, Alithia (1597), written for the young Danish monarch King Christian IV.[16]
- Juan de Mariana, De rege et regis institutione (Toledo, 1598); The King and the Education of the King, translated by George Albert Moore, Country Dollar Press (1948).
- James VI of Scotland, Basilikon Doron (1599) written as a gift to his eldest son.
- Hugo Grotius, De jure belli ac pacis (1625) dedicated to Louis XIII of France
- John Gauden, Eikon Basilike (1649) published after Charles I of England was beheaded.
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture (1709) dedicated to the future Louis XV of France.
- Frederick II of Prussia, Anti-Machiavel (1740) a critique of Machiavelli's Prince.
Téacsanna Biosántacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Synesius, easpag Cyrene, De regno, óráid ráite le himpire Arcadius.
- Agapetu deacon, óráid ráite le himpire Justinian I.
- Patrarc Photios I Chathair Chonstaintín, litir do Boris I na Bulgáire.
- Basil I Macadóine, dá mhac Leo VI Eagnaí
- Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos, De Administrando Imperio, teagasc ar polasaí intíre agus eachtrannach dá mhac agus chomharba, impire Romanos II.
- Kekaumenos, Strategikon (1075/1078), an dá alt deireanacha ach go háirithe.
- Ardeaspag Theophylact Ohrid, Paideia Basilike (Laidin Institutio Regia) (c. 1088), dá dhalta Constaintín mac an Impire Michael VII Doukas.
- Spaneas nó Didaskalia Parainetike, dán de chuid na 12ú haoise bunaithe ar Ad Demonicum as Isocratea.
- Nikephoros Blemmydes, Andrias Basilikos (Laidin. Regia statua), scríofa do Theodore II Laskaris, rídhamhna Nicaea
- Thomas Magistros, La regalita.
- Manuel II Palaiologos, Paideia Regia.
- Patrarc Antony IV Cathair Chonstaintín, letter to Vasily I Moscó (1393).
- Poucheniye (teagasc) Vladmir Monomakh dá chlann (1120í).
Téacsanna Peirseacha Réamh-Ioslamacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Ewen-Nāmag (“Leabhar Rialacha”): Ar mhodhanna, nósanna, skills, ealaíona, eolaíochtaí, srl. na Sasanach
- Tāj-Nāmag (“Leabhar na Corónach”)
- Kalilag ud Damanag: aistriúchán Meán-Pheirsise de Panchatantra as an India.
- Jāvidan Khrad ("Eagnaíocht Neamhbhásmhar")
- Litríocht Andarz.
Téacsanna Ioslamacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Ibn Arabi, (At-Tadbidrat al-ilahiyyah fi islah al-mamlakat al-insaniyyah (Rialachas Diaga don Ríocht Daonna)
- Abd al-Hamid al-Katib, litir d'Abdallah mac an chailif Umayyad, Marwan II (c. 750)
- Ibn al-Muqaffa, Kalila wa Dimna (c. 750)
- Abu Yahya ibn al-Batriq (d. 815) Sirr al-Asrar (سر الأسرار) 'Secretum Secretorum'
- Al-Farabi (c. 872–950), Fusul al-Madani (Seanráite Státóra)[17]
- Abu'l-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Maghribi (981–1027), Kitab fi'l-si'yasa[18]
- Al-Mubashshir ibn Fatik (beo 1053, Damascus), مختار الحكم ومحاسن الكلم Mukhtār al-Hikam wa-Maḥāsin al-Kalim (Natháin agus Seanráite Áirithe)
- Nizam al-Mulk, Siyāset-nāmeh, (Leabhar Rialachais) (c. 1090) (Peirsis)
- Al-Ghazali (1058–1111), Nasihat al-muluk (Comhairle do Thiarnaí) (Peirsis)
- Qabus nama (1082) (Peirsis)
- Al-Imam al-Hadrami (bás 1095), Kitâb al-Ishâra
- Yusuf Balasaghuni, Kutadgu Bilig (11ú haois)
- At-Turtushi, Siraj al-Muluk (Lampa Ríthe) (c. 1121)
- Ibn Ẓafar al-Ṣiqillī, Sulwan al-Muta' fi 'udwan al-atba (Sólás don Rí le linn Naimhdeas Géillsineach)[19]
- Bahr Al-Fava'id (Muir Shuáilcí), tiomsaithe sa 12ú haois.[20]
- Muhammad al-Baqir Najm-I Sani, Mau‘izah-i Jahangiri (Foláireamh Jahāngír nó Comhairle ar Cheird an Rialachais) (1612-1613).[21]
- Saadi, Gulistan Sa'di, chéad alt ar "Nósanna ríthe" (13ú haois, Peirsis).
- Hussain Vaiz Kashifi, Aklhaq i Muhsini (Peirsis, AH 900/AD 1495).
Téacsanna Slavacha
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Neagoe Basarab (1512–1521), Teagaisc Neagoe Basarab dá mhac Theodosie, ar cheann deana chéad saothair liteartha as Wallachia
Féach freisin
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Conduct book
- Ensenhamen (Occitan)
- Islamic advice literature
- Nasîhatnâme
- Panchatantra
- Phronesis
- Speculum literature
- Wisdom literature
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- Anton, H.H. Fürstenspiegel und Herrscherethos in der Karolingerzeit. Bonner Historische Forschungen 32. Bonn, 1968.
- — Fürstenspiegel (Königsspiegel) des frühen und hohen Mittelalters Ein Editionsprojekt an der Universität Trier
- Finotti, Fabio (eag.), I volti del principe. Venezia: Marsilio, 2018.
- Handy, Amber. The Specula principum in northwestern Europe, A.D. 650-900 : the evolution of a new ethical rule. Thesis (Ph. D.), University of Notre Dame, 2011. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame, 2011. Dátarochtana 17ú Bealtaine, 2015. Univ. of Notre Dame Online theses & dissertations[nasc briste go buan]
- Konstantinos D.S. Paidas, He thematike ton byzantinon "katoptron hegemonos" tes proimes kai meses Byzantines periodoy(398-1085). Symbole sten politike theoria ton Byzantinon, Athens 2005.
- —, Tá byzantina "katoptra hegemonos" tes ysteres periodoy (1254–1403). Ekfraseis toy byzantinoy basilikou ideodous, Athens 2006.
- Lambton, Ann K.S. Islamic Mirrors for Princes. In: eadem, Theory and Practice in Medieval Persian Government. Londain. 1980. VI: 419–442.
- Smith, Roland M. The Speculum Principum in Early Irish Literature. Speculum 2 (1927): 411–45.
[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]- ↑ "Revitalising Leadership: Putting Theory and Practice into Context" (2017). Routledge. “Monarchy was then the most common form of governance in Europe, and the truth about leadership could be found in a genre of books known as 'mirrors for princes'”
- ↑ A. Dubreucq (esg.), Jonas d'Orléans, Le métier du roi (De institutione regia). Sources Chrétiennes 407. Páras, 1995, ll. 45–9.
- ↑ Rob Meens. "Politics, mirrors of princes and the Bible: sins, kings and the well-being of the realm." Early Medieval Europe 7.3 (1998): 352
- ↑ "Audacht Morainn" .
- ↑ Bríatharthecosc Con Culainn ar CODECS
- ↑ Tecosc Cuscraid ar CODECS
- ↑ Senbríathra Fíthail ar CODECS
- ↑ "Old Irish Wisdom Attributed to Aldfrith of Northumbria: An Edition of Bríathra Flainn Fhína Maic Ossu" (1999).
- ↑ Bríathra Flainn Fhína (maic Ossu) ar CODECS
- ↑ Vincent de Beauvais (1995). "De morali principis institutione". Turnhout: Brepols.
- ↑ Schneider, Robert J. (Eanáir 1991). "The Medieval Circulation of the De morali principis institutione of Vincent of Beauvais". Viator 22: 189–228. doi: . ISSN 0083-5897.
- ↑ Guibert de Tournai (1914). "Le traité Eruditio regum et principum de Guibert de Tournai : étude critique et texte inédit".
- ↑ M. Pinto de Mencses (ed.). Espelho dos Reis por Alvaro Pais. Lisbon, 1955.
- ↑ Jean-Philippe Genet (ed.). Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages Camden Society, 4th ser. 18 (1977). 177-9.
- ↑ Salter, F.M. "Skelton's Speculum Principis" Speculum 9 (1934): 25–37
- ↑ Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian (ed.). Alithia. Et dansk fyrstespejl til Christian IV. UJDS-Studier 14. Copenhagen, 2003.
- ↑ Dunlop, D.M. (aistr.). Fusul al-Madani: Aphorisms of the Statesman. University of Cambridge Oriental Publications. Cambridge, 1961.
- ↑ Bosworth, C. E. (1998). "al-Maghribī, al-Ḥusayn ibnʿAlī". In Meisami, Julie Scott; Starkey, Paul (eds.). Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature, Volume 2: L–Z, Chronological Tables, Index. Routledge. p. 488. ISBN 0-415-18572-6.
- ↑ Michele Amari (1852), Solwān; or Waters Of Comfort by Ibn Zafer, iml. 1, iml. 2
- ↑ Meisami, Julie Scott (aistr.). Sea of Precious Virtues. Salt Lake City, 1991.
- ↑ Sajida Sultana Alvi. Advice on the art of governance. An Indo-Islamic Mirror for Princes. State University of New York Press. 1989.