There is a very small project called Gaeilge Wikiquote.
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Gaeilge. (Same thing for Gaeilge Wikibooks, with a vote here.) --Coppertwig23:05, 9 Samhain 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Iontach! Bail ó Dhia ar an obair. Ní neart go cur le chéile, srl - caithfidh mé smaoineamh ar chúpla seanfhocal éagsúil - don 7000 le cúnamh Dé! Nmacu18:38, 5 Feabhra 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Sísus, cad a tharla inné in aon chor, ni fhaca an méid seo alt cruthaithe in aon lá amháin riamh. Níl fhios agam cé sibhse, agus is cuma, ach leanaigí ar aghaidh! --An Tóin Mór12:27, 9 Feabhra 2008 (UTC)[reply]
An bhfuil alt scríofa agat? Ar mhaith leat a fháil amach cé acu (nó cá mhéad) a léadh é? Muna bhfuil suim ag éinne, tá leathanch nua (leagan "béite" as Béarla ar dtús) curtha isteach agam anseo chun roinnt eolas a foilsigh faoi na cuairteoirí/"hits"/trácht/srl an dtionscadal seo. Guliolopez13:58, 11 Iúil 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Nuair a fhéachaim ar an leathanach seo, uaireanta feicim Inniu an Satharn, 13 Mí na Nollag 2008 (14:24 de réir UTC), agus uaireanta feicim an dáta agus an t-am ceart. Cad í an fhadhb seo? Tameamseo 12:52, 17 Mí na Nollag 2008 (UTC)
Agus inniu chonaic mé Inniu an Satharn, 20 Mí na Nollag 2008. An féidir an leathanach a dheisiú? Tameamseo 21:31, 21 Mí na Nollag 2008 (UTC)
Bhí oíche an-gaofar aréir agus bhí mo mháthair (ó chuige Chonnacht) ag caint liom mar gheall ar "revach days" nó "rerogue days" - nior raibh sí cinnte maidir leis an fuaimniú. Níor chuala mé an téarma riamh agus dá bhrí sin chuir mé ceist ar mo áthair (ó chuige Mí) níos déanaí agus bhí níos mó eolas aige ar an téarma "revach days" nó 'Laethanta na mBó Riabhaigh', mar a duirt sé. Fuair mé alt amhain ar an idirlíon ag diriú ar na laethanta anseo:
'The Old Cows Days: Laethanta na mBó Riabhaigh. The last days of March and the first three days of April are known as The Old Cows Days/The Days of the Brindled Cow or, in the Irish language, Laethanta na mBó Riabhaigh. The term comes from a folk tale, illustrating the unpredictability of the weather at this time of year in Ireland. The tale relates how the bó riabhach, "the brindled cow," complained at the beginning of April to her companions in the herd of the terrible harshness of the previous month of March. As the grumbling of the cow continued, the at first disinterested March began to take umbrage and decided to teach the speckled cow a lesson she would never forget. March "borrowed" the first three days of April but made them so bitterly cold and miserable that before they were ended the unlucky bó riabhach had died. These "days of the brindled cow" are still with us to remind us that we complain about the harshness of the weather at our peril.'
Ar aon chaoi, b'fhéidir go deanfaidh sibh alt eigin ar na laethanta i gceist. Beir bua!, 1 Aibreán 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Is deas liom an pictiúr, ach ní mór an ceannteideal a athrú mar a leanas: "Hong Cong san oíche, pictiúr a tógadh ó Bhóthar Lugar ar Victoria Peak".
Colin Ryan07:23, 4 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It says "Fáilte chuig an Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor is féidir le héinne í a chur in eagar" on the top of the main page. The le is used incorrectly, the word gur should be there instead. Alternatively, there could be a full stop after the word "shaor" with "le" being the first word of the next sentence, but its' current usage is incorrect. Footyfanatic3000 14:56, 15 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)
I beg to differ, the "le" is correct, but it should read "... ar féidir le ... í a chur..." Carraigaonair07:59, 17 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Ní saineolaí mé ach is dóigh liom go raibh an abairt seo ceart mar a bhí sé roimh athrú. Is é 'is' foirm fhorainm choibhneasta chirt na copaile sa tuiseal ainmneach. Féach ar an suíomh seo: relative clause in the present tense preceding a consonant atá i gceist.
Molaim é a athrú ar ais go dtí an leagan ceart. Tá súil agam nár chuir mé isteach ar aoinne.
Rryswny (talk) 16:44, 3 Mí na Nollag 2012 (UTC)
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to raise this issue, or if it would get more attention
if I wrote in English as I am doing. Can someone please instruct me on the correct procedure to have a change
such as this implemented please?
Rryswny (talk) 18:22, 11 Mí na Nollag 2012 (UTC)
Cén sort athrú atá i gceist agat - go sonrach? Athrú do téacs nó teimpléad ar an bpríomhleathanach? Dá bhrí sin, is é seo an áit ceart.. Guliolopez (talk) 09:22, 12 Mí na Nollag 2012 (UTC)
Go raibh maith agat as aird a thabhairt dom. Is é an athrú a bhí i gceist agam ná an abairt ag barr an leathanaigh a athrú ar ais ó "Fáilte chuig an Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor ar féidir le cách í a chur in eagar." go "Fáilte chuig an Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor is féidir le cách í a chur in eagar." mar a bhí sé ar dtús. Bhí sé ceart mar a bhí sé roimh a athraíodh é. Rryswny (talk) 22:53, 16 Mí na Nollag 2012 (UTC)
Is dóigh go baineann an t-athrú leis an téacs. Tá an botún ar an ochtú líne de chód foinseach an leathanaigh. Seo an líne sin:
<div style="top:+0.2em; font-size:95%;"> an chiclipéid [[Bogearraí saora|shaor]] ar féidir le
Seo an líne mar a bheadh sé dá mbeadh sé ceart:
<div style="top:+0.2em; font-size:95%;"> an chiclipéid [[Bogearraí saora|shaor]] is féidir le
An féidir na rudaí a leanas a cheartú ar "Leathanaigh Speisialta"? Seimhiú i ndiaidh “gan” agus i ndiaidh consain chaola is mó atá i gceist, in éineacht le hurú ansiúd is anseo agus le cúpla athlitriú eile.
Hmmm...ní féidir liom an leagan seo a aimsiú ag Is é seo an leagan reatha: All pages with prefix "Gach leathanach le réimír". Níl a fhios am tuige nach bhfuil sé le feiceáil fós anseo ná sa Vicífhoclóir. B'fhéidir go bhfuil 'commit' ag teastáil thall? ☸ Moilleadóir☎08:44, 23 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Liostaigh na athsheolaí - Liostaigh na hathsheoltaí
Athshocraigh d’fhocail faire - Athshocraigh d’fhocail fhaire
Bunaithe ar sheanleagan Bhéarla b'fhéidir. Leagan reatha: Change password "Athraigh d'fhocal faire". 'Sé an t-ainm atá ar an "teachtaireacht" MediaWiki seo ná resetpass. ☸ Moilleadóir☎08:44, 23 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Athruithe is déanaí agus logaí - Na hathruithe is déanaí agus logaí
Leathanaigh leis na catagóir is mó - Leathanaigh leis na catagóirí is mó
(faoi láthair: Leathanaigh leis na chatagóir is mó) Pages with the most categories "Leathanaigh leis an méid catagóirí is mó"? "Leathanaigh is mó catagóirí acu"? ☸ Moilleadóir☎08:44, 23 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
(Béarla: What links here) Ní féidir é seo a chur sa roghchlár gan an líne a bhriseadh. B'fhearr liom "Naisc chuig an lch seo" ar aon nós. Cé "leis" na naisc sin? An leathanach seo nó an leathanach siúd? Hmmm..."Naisc chuige seo"? ☸ Moilleadóir☎08:44, 23 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Your suggestion is not new, and has been made severaltimesbefore. (For reasons I can't explain all seem to come in the form of "drive by" suggestions from anons not directly contributing to the project). Whatever the source, the main argument generally tends to be that "Bh is better because there is no V in Irish". However, this argument is demonstrablyflawed - as Foras na Gaeilge has been using "V"s for some time now. As Alison (more succinctly) points out. Anyway, given that your point was "would have been better", it's probably fair to say that, with the aid of a time machine, we might have given additional consideration to "Bhicipéid". (Though it would not have had my vote - as it is as awkward a construct as "Bhitimín B" would be). That said, this project has operated as "Vicipéid" for 4 or 5 years now, and we're unlikely to open a naming discussion at this point. Certainly not when it's based on a premise on "the real Irish alphabet" that's a few centuries behind the times. Thanks for your input though. If my tongue in cheek reposte hasn't put you off, please consider contributing by adding or editing an article. (We're more in need of contributing editors than "Bh" evangelists at the moment :D) Go raibh maith agat agus beir bua! Guliolopez18:22, 25 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)[reply]
May I add, Foras na Gaeilge is not the 'guardian' of the Language, neither State, Government nor Government bodies can lay claim to that of the people. As for the "bh" v. "v": the 'h' is a mutation on a consonant, therefore a word beginning with "bh" is merely a mutation of a word beginning with "b". Thus an alternative to Vikipéid (which of course is not needed) would be 'Bicipéid', without the lenition.
Nothing was said about Foras na Gaeilge being the guardian of the language. It was only being used as an example. The letter V is widely used nowadays in the Irish such as "veain", so it's OK for this site. --Footyfanatic300011:33, 17 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It is these days. Have you ever noticed the 'v' section of Foclóir Uí Dhónaill? Are you acquainted with vóta, vuinsciú, vearanda, vacsaín, veilbhit, vaighid, vata, vearnais, vásta, veain, veidhlín and the other words in that section? Tameamseo16:52, 29 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Well, yes, that is true... but can't you spell words like vacsaín and veidhlín like mhacsaín/mheidhlín or bhacsaín/bheidhlín? Go raibh maith agat. /Úsáideoir19:29, 29 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
No. The preference for using the letter v in these words is to show that 1) they are of foreign origin and 2) that the v sound at the start of the word is always a v sound irrespective of lenition, eclipsis etc. Usage of bh or mh is preferred when that sound does undergo eclipsis of lenition - e.g. vicipéid (nominative), but na vicipéide (genitive) etc. Compare bh in bhí where the b undergoes lenition due to the former presence of the word do - (do) bhí (past tense), but bí (present tense), and an mbeidh (interogative). So, in short, the following formula lets you when v is to be expected and when bh or mh is preferred:
Since neither bh nor mh is ever occuring by themselves, I don't see why we shan't accept An Bhicipéid or An Mhicipéid. Surely there must be some words in the language not using the letter v but still being loan words. Or maybe I'm just a tad conservative... I rarely see words with this letter and I've never had either... /Úsáideoir13:30, 3 Iúil 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Yes but if, for example, you were to use bh then we could create the words an bhicipéid. The problem is that this would then render the genitive of this word as na bicipéide, losing the h or séimhiú - remember h is only used to lenite the preceding consonant, or to produce a h sound when it is in word initial placement (e.g. hata). This means we lose the v sound at the start of the word when in genitive position. However, because the word is foreign (vicí is an Irish loanword taken from Hawaiian) we actually do pronounce the v sound even in the genitive case. This is why we use the letter v. Only this letter can allow us to maintain grammatical accuracy, while adhering to the pronunciation of foreign words. If we were to use bh or mh, then the genitive spelling of the word would not reflect the pronunciation. i.e. Wikipedia in Irish would be spelled (if we take bh as an example):
bicipéid -> an bhicipéid -> na bicipéide -> ar an mbicipéid
But pronounced as:
bhicipéid -> an bhicipéid -> na bhicipéide -> ar an bhicipéid
If we use v then we get:
vicipéid -> an vicipéid -> na vicipéide -> ar an vicipéid
And they would all be pronounced:
vicipéid -> an vicipéid -> na vicipéide -> ar an vicipéid
Thank you for your replies everyone. It's nice to see that I spurned on some constructive debate. I would sincerely love to help out; but unfortunately I'm just a beginner: tá cúpla focal agam. The argument of a constant V sound has swayed me.
Also mind you, at the risk of sounding a little above my station, why is 'vici' a loan word? This is not as a question of its etymology, moreover why it has to be a loanword?
(PS: If anyone's willing to tutor me in the language I'm more than willing to accept the help =D) -
An féidir na híomhánna a leanas a aistriú go dtí Fiodh Ard? Theip orm iad a thabhairt anall ó Fethard an Bhéarla.
Image:IMG FethardWalls3475c.jpg|thumb|Fethard's town walls with tower house.
Image:FethardWalls3483c.jpg|thumb|left|Town wall along the northern bank of the Clashawley River.
Colin Ryan23:24, 25 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Uaslódáladh na pictiúirí ar an vicí Bhéarla amháin. Ar an Vicipéid Ghaeilge, is féidir linn úsáid a bhaint as pictiúirí a raibh uaslódáladh ar an vicí seo nó Cómhaoin. Footyfanatic300018:41, 29 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Tá na híomhánna ar Vicipéid an Bhéarla, ach níl siad ar Chómhaoin fós. Mar sin, ní féidir leat iad a thabhairt anall ó Vicipéid an Bhéárla. Má chuireann tú ar Chómhaoin iad beidh tú in ann úsáid a bhaint astu ar Vicipéid na Gaeilge. Féach ar an leathanach seo. Tameamseo23:14, 29 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Tá sé tugtha faoi deara agam go bhfuil cnaipe ar iarraidh ar ár Vici Gaeilge - an ceann "Reference", atá le fáil sa Vici Béarla. An mbeadh sé éasca é a thabhairt isteach? Sábhálfaidh sé am agus muid i mbun eagarthóireachta.
Agus muid ag caint faoi, tá an téacs a léimeann amach i Bhéarla fós, ó "#R" ar aghaidh. An féidir an jab a chríochnú agus Gaeilge a chur orthu? --Antóin
Seo an fógra a dhéantar faoi láthair nuair atá dréacht le sábháil:
Má sábhálann tú do dhréacht, aontaíonn tú le é a scaoileadh go neamh-inchúlghairthe faoi réir an Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 agus an GFDL. Aontaíonn tú le creidiúint a fháil ó athúsáideoirí, mar bheart íosta, i bhfoirm hipearnaisc nó URL chuig an leathanach a bhfuil tú ag seoladh isteach do dhréacht chuige. Féach ar na Téarmaí Úsáide le sonraí a fháil.
B'fhearr an leagan seo a leanas a úsáid:
Scriosfar aon ábhar a sháraíonn cóipcheart. Caithfear an t-ábhar a bheith indeimhnithe. Má shábhálann tú do dhréacht, toilíonn tú lena scaoileadh uait de réir an Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 agus an GFDL. Toilíonn tú le creidiúint a fháil trí hipearnasc nó trí URL ar a laghad nuair a bhaintear athúsáid as do shaothar ar dhóigh ar bith. Tá breis eolais ar fáil ó na Téarmaí Úsáide.
Scriosfar aon ábhar a sháraíonn cóipcheart. Caithfear an t-ábhar a bheith infhíoraithe. Má shábhálann tú do dhréacht, toilíonn tú lena scaoileadh uait de réir an Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 agus an GFDL. Toilíonn tú le creidiúint a fháil nuair a bhaintear athúsáid as do shaothar ar dhóigh ar bith, trí hipearnasc nó URL chuig an leathanach atá tú ag seoladh do dhréacht chuige, ar a laghad. Tá breis eolais ar fáil ó na Téarmaí Úsáide.
Chun difríochtaí a roghnú, marcáil na cnaipíní de na heagráin atá tú ag iarraidh comparáid a dhéanamh astu, agus brúigh Iontráil nó an cnaipe ag bun an leathanaigh.
B'fhearr an leagan a leanas:
Chun difríochtaí a roghnú, marcáil cnaipíní na n-eagrán a bhfuil tú ag iarraidh comparáid a dhéanamh eatarthu, agus brúigh Iontráil nó an cnaipe ag bun an leathanaigh.
Hi, I could string a sentence together in Gaelgie let alone find the Village Pump area. I have a request for anyone interested in making Gaelgie easier knowledge for English speakers. Could ye put in redirects from the English words such as when I looked for Fire and I found the Gaelic? I made a couple of edits so far to redirect Waterford to Port Lairge and Kilkenny as well. RTG12:20, 15 Meán Fómhair 2009 (UTC)[reply]
You should enter a request to Disney because that is their big thing doing all the languages... Thanks for that Tameamseo. Slan agus slainte RTG16:37, 23 Deireadh Fómhair 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Ba cheart go mbeadh a fhios ag pobal na Vicipéide go bhfuil sé seo ar siúl. Mangaire 21:58, 17 Mí na Samhna 2009 (UTC)
An bhfuil an plean sin fógraithe ar na vicíonna eile? Cuspóir mhaith atá ann, i mo thuairim. Go raibh maith agat, a Mhangaire. --MacTire02 16:07, 22 Mí na Nollag 2009 (UTC)
Thug mé súil ar 'Mo Liosta Faire'. Is é an míniú a bhaineann leis an teideal úd ná 'Liosta de na leathanaigh a dhéanann tú faire ar maidir le athruithe'. B'fhearr é a athrú mar a leanas: 'Liosta na leathanach a ndéanann tú faire orthu maidir le hathruithe'.
An féidir 'Mo phlé féin' a dhéanamh de 'Mo chuid phlé' ar an bpríomhleathanach? (Is fiú a chuimhneamh, dála an scéil, nach séimhíonn 'cuid' an chéad chonsan d'ainmfhocal.)
A chairde, seo teachtaireacht do lucht na Vicipéide.
A chairde, Eoghan Ó Néill anseo ag Nuacht24 i mBéal Feirste. Comhghairdeas as alt 10,000 a chur i gcló! Nár laga Dia bhur bpeann. Bhí mé ag iarraidh alt a dhéanamh faoin Vicipéid Ghaeilge do Nuacht24 agus do Raidió Fáilte. Arbh fhéidir le duine agaibh dul i dteagmháil liom nó eolas teagmhála agaibhse a thabhairt dom.
Tá Eoghan "ag iarraidh agallamh a shocrú i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla a luaithe agus is féidir faoi 10.000 alt a bheith déanta agaibh". D'iarr sé orm "an nóta seo a chur ar aghaidh chuig an duine chuí". An bhfuil éinne sásta dul i dteagmháil leis maidir leis an agallam seo? Má tá, tabharfaidh mé an seoladh ríomhphoist / uimhir theileafóin duit. Tadhganseo
Murar chuir aon duine eile isteach ar an jaibín seo, táim sásta dul chun cainte leis.
Can you use pictures from the english wikipedia on the irish one or do you have to upload them again to use them?? —Scríobh an t-úsáideoir Omgomgomgomg2 (plé • dréachtaí) an trácht roimhe seo, ach bhí síniú in easnamh.
Only pictures expressly loaded to this project and those on Commons can be used here. Pictures on the English project are not "automatically" available. Please note that pictures can only be uploaded to this project if tagged with an appropriate licence/rationale/etc. Guliolopez22:54, 28 Márta 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Nuair a dhéantar alt a chur in eagar tá an méid a leanas le feiceáil ag bun an leathanaigh:
Mura mian leat go gcuirfí do chuid scríbhinn in eagar go héadrócaireach agus go n-athdálfaí gan teorainn í, ná seol í. Murar scríobh tú féin é seo, ní foláir go bhfuil sé ar fáil faoi réir téarmaí i gcomhréir leis na Téarmaí Úsáide, agus aontaíonn tú le leanúint gach riachtanas ceadúnaithe a bhaineann leis, má tá ceann ar bith.
Tá a lán le ceartú anseo, agus b’fhearr ar aon chuma é a bheith níos gaire don leagan Béarla:
If you do not want your writing to be edited, used, and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here. All text that you did not write yourself, except brief excerpts, must be available under terms consistent with Wikipedia's Terms of Use before you submit it.
Mholfainn an méid a leanas:
Mura mian leat go ndéanfaí do shaothar a úsáid, a athdháileadh agus a chur in eagar gan chosc gan cheangal, ná cuir anseo é. Rud ar bith nár scríobh tú thú féin, cé is moite de shleachta gearra, caithfidh sé a bheith ar fáil de réir na dTéarmaí Úsáide sula bhfoilsítear anseo é.
Strictly the "sister projects" template on the mainpage should link to . But this doesn't exist. Granted I'm not all that familiar with Wikisource, but is the page you link above strictly to standard/spec? Shouldn't a new lang version be setup "properly" by following the meta process? Guliolopez10:45, 8 Iúil 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I think the Irish Wikisource would get more traffic if it were linked to from the front page of the wiki. If it had more contributers, it would probably get to the point where it could have its own domain. The Esperanto Wikipedia, on its mainpage, links to the Esperanto Wikisource even though it's a Wikisource subproject which doesn't have its own site. --Frglz19:30, 8 Iúil 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Ciclipéid atá inti a bhíonn á comhchumadh ag na léitheoirí féin. Bíonn daoine ag feabhsú na Vicipéide gan stad, agus déantar na céadta athrú ar an leagan Gaeilge gach mí. Coinnítear cuntas ar na hathruithe seo i stair na n-alt agus i liosta na n-athruithe is déanaí. Baintear amach athruithe neamhoiriúnacha go tapa de ghnáth.
Ná bíodh eagla ort ailt a chur in eagar — is féidir le duine ar bith é sin a dhéanamh. Moltar duit a bheith dána agus tú i mbun ceartú (ach gan loitiméireacht a dhéanamh, le do thoil)! Má fheiceann tú rud éigin a d'fhéadfá a fheabhsú maidir le cúrsaí gramadaí, le cúrsaí formáidithe nó leis an ábhar féin, déan é!
Ní féidir an Vicipéid a mhilleadh. Má dhéanann tú botún, is féidir leat féin nó le Vicipéideoir eile é a réiteach go héasca. Ar aghaidh leat mar sin! Cuir alt in eagar agus cuidigh linn an Vicipéid a choinneáil ar bun mar an fhoinse eolais lán-Ghaeilge is fearr ar an Idirlíon!
Déan do chéad athrú anois díreach:
1. Cliceáil ar ‘’Cuir in eagar” ar an leathanach seo thuas
2. Scríobh teachtaireacht ghearr
3. Cliceáil ar “Sábháil an lch” chun do chuid athruithe a shábháil
...nó ar "Taispeáin reamhamharc" chun do chuid athruithe a thástáil
Hi everybody!
First of all, sorry for not being able to speak in Gaeilge. I would like to request a little change in the Príomhleathanach. Note that the Catalan Wikipedia has reached 300.000 articles on 22, December. So in your main page you should change the link of the Catalan Wikipedia, which now is in "Vicipéidí le níos mó ná 100,000 alt" to "Vicipéidí le níos mó ná 300,000 alt". Please note the difference. Thank you very much. A lot of luck in your Wikipedia! Take care. My user page in the Catalan Wikipedia --Catalaalatac 14:19, 24 Mí na Nollag 2010 (UTC)
YDéanta - thanks for letting us know & congratulations on achieving this milestone. Well done :) - Alison❤ 14:30, 24 Mí na Nollag 2010 (UTC)
Dear friends, may I ask you to add a hyperlink to our Tatar Wikipedia ( to yourr Front page. Tatars - are turkic nation living in Tatarstan Republic, second biggest nation in Russian Federation. hope to hear from you soon. sincerely yours, Muhtac20:54, 20 Márta 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ag barr an leathanaigh tá an abairt "Mo chuid phlé" le fáil - leagan nach bhfuil róshlachtmhar ó thaobh na gramadaí de. An féidir "Mo phlé féin" a dhéanamh de?
Tá alt iomlán déanta agam agus súil agam go bhfuil sé níos greanta ná an leagan Béarla. Chuirfeadh suíomh Gaeilge na Roinne domheanma ort, ar ndóigh, cé go bhfuil sé luaite mar nasc. Seachain é.
A chairde, an bhféadfadh éinne míniú dom conas go bhféadfainn clár nó rud éigin ar an gcaoi sin a chur le chéile ina bhféadfainn roinnt sonraí a chur isteach ann agus go nginfeadh sé ailt éagsúla dom? Táim ag iarraidh ailt a dhéanamh do bhaill uile na Dála trí ainm páirtí agus áit chónaithe an duine a chur isteahc ann go huathoibreach. Tuairim ag éinne? Mo leithscéal mur bhfuil mórán céile le m'achainí! Eomurchadha 21:48, 12 Meán Fómhair 2011 Eomurchadha23:09, 26 Meán Fómhair 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Dia Dhuit! Is mise Xxglennxx. And I'm afraid I'll have to continue sa Béarla (or Welsh, being a fluent speaker :D). Also, sorry if this is the wrong area! I'm creating a list of vocabulary on posters to use around my classroom in school in the Celtic languages - I'm using Welsh, Cornish, Scottish and Irish Gaelic. Here are the words I have in Irish Gaelic - could someone check them for me, please? Doras (door); Fuinneog (window - just one); Ríomhaire (computer); Deasc/cathaoir (desk/chair); Leabhair (books - plural); Gliú (glue - such as a pritstick); Bosca bruscair (rubbish bin - for general waste); Bosca athchúrsála (recycle bin - for paper); Bord bán (whiteboard - for writing on). If you'd like to add any more which you think would promote the language, please do. Also, I can be contacted much quicker at cy:Defnyddiwr:Xxglennxx. Slán! Xxglennxx13:32, 25 Deireadh Fómhair 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Dia dhaoibh,a chairde. Shroich an Vicipéid Norsk Bokmal níos mó ná 300,000 ailt. An féidir linn é sin a dheihmniú ar an bpríomhleathanach?
Go raibh míle. :-) Bonzostar 14:42, 14 Mí na Nollag 2011 (UTC)
An féidir a fháil amach cá mhéad duine a léann aon chuid de Vicipéid na Gaeilge? (An beagán, ar ndóigh, ach bíodh dóchas againn.)
Colin Ryan (talk) 04:05, 9 Iúil 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Just a heads up that Wikidata will be coming to the Irish Wikipedia in a few weeks. When this happens, articles will get their list of other languages from Wikidata and will no longer need to maintain a local copy in the article's Wikitext. The local links will suppument or override the information from Wikidata. Editing the list on Wikidata will update all languages automaticly. This wasen't anounced propely on the English Wikipeda and it resulted in a few edit wars with prople mistaking the removal of interlanguage links as vandilisim. Might be a good idea to start updating help and policy pages to let people know of the incomming changes. Just FYI., 17 Feabhra 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. Thanks for the info. However can you be a bit more specific on the types of changes that are envisioned and the types of problems encountered on other projects? So we can better anticipate/address? A simple diff or diffs would help. Is this the type of thing you mean? If so, just FYI, it might be worthwhile someone from Wikidata creating an account or bot with a name so those types of misunderstandings are less likely! Guliolopez (talk) 02:25, 17 Feabhra 2013 (UTC)[reply]
That's exactly the type of revert war I'm on about. The problem is that 5 days ago removing the intelanguage links form an article was vandalisim, and now it's not, but a lot of people don't realize that and keep treating it as vandalisim. AFAIK there's no bot to remove these links from pages, and each Wikipedia gets to make its own policy on what to do with the info from Wikidata. I've just been removing the links from random articles on en:Wikipedia as I come across them. I wrote some extra info at en:Help:Interlanguage links and en:WP:WDATA to explain for people on the English Wikipedia.
Quick summery:
All intelanguage links will be maintained on Wikidata.
This information will be shared to all language Wikipedias so articles will get their interlanguage links from Wikidata.
4 Wikipedias, including the English one currently use this system. Its due to be rolled out to the remaining Wikipedias next month.
The local articles can still contain interwikilinks in their wikitext. These links will override the ones from Wikidata. So if a link gets updated on Wikidata, you will need to eiter update the link manualy in the wikitext (as you must do now) or remove the link from the wikitext so that you will get the updated link from Wikidata.
In the future, infoboxes will also get their data from Wikidata, but this part of Wikidata is still under development and doen't work on any Wikipedia.
An féidir Liosta stairiúil de lucht Gaeilge san Astráil a athrú go Liosta stairiúil lucht Gaeilge san Astráil? Tá an dara leagan níos caighdeánaí, cé gurb é an chéad leagan a chloisfeá i roinnt canúintí.