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Plé Vicipéide:Lárionad comhphobail

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Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.

Irish learners

[athraigh foinse]

If your Irish isn't the best or you're still learning it, don't be afraid to add articles, edit articles where you see a mistake or ask questions, in any language. The users on this page have a wide range of languages, so ask away and someone will answer you. Most of all, add to the Vicipéid, 'a full Wikipedia with terrible grammar is better than an empty one with perfect grammar'.

I've added to a few pages (like Raidió na Life), which seem to be to be good, honest stubs... but I worry about creating articles full of broken Irish that make this place a less useful resource. Perhaps a "cupla focal" category is needed, so that those who are more talented with the language might check the work of those who aren't so good, and at least make it legible and comprehensible. What do you think? Lankiveil 10:09, 29 Mei 2005 (UTC).
I wouldn't worry about it, Generally I click the leathanach fánach link and correct any bad Irish I see, and if I ever make a mistake it's usually not too long before someone's edited it for, so your stuff is probably getting checked without you noticing. One thing I find helpful in other language wikis where my grasp of that language isn't perfect, is to type in 'Check my grammar please'(Féach ar mo ghramadach, le do thoil), and then when/if the page has been fixed, look at the differences, that way, I learn from my mistakes and any obvious grammar mistake I made can be fixed next time. - Dalta 16:52, 30 Mei 2005 (UTC)
Many thanks - I didn't want to be seen as a menace to the community. Also, I do compare my versions to the corrected versions as a form of study, I've learned quite a lot. I still think my best bet is to go and create "fill in the blanks" sort of articles (cities, countries, etc) - once I've got the template down pat, most of the work is done that way. Less work for everyone else to fix it up, too! Lankiveil 9 Iúil 2005 00:51 (UTC).

Cá bhfuair sibh an focal aisteach sin 'comhphobal'? Téarma é a bhain leis an eagraíocht ar a dtugtar anois 'An tAontas Eorpach', agus tá cuma fhíorait air sa chomhthéacs áirithe seo.

Agus comhphobal á úsáid i gcónaí agaibh! In ainm Dé, Chroim, agus Déithe na Róimhe agus na hÉigipte agus na hIndia agus araile, nach bhféadfaí ligint do dhaoine a bhfuil Gaeilge acu eagarthóireacht a dhéanamh ar na teidil áiféiseacha atá á n-úsáid anseo. Nó an leanfaidh na daill ar aghaidh ag treorú a chéile? Eanáir 2006 Louis Stein

Audio recordings

[athraigh foinse]

Dia diabh. Sa Vicipéide Bearla, tá WikiProject Spoken Wikipedia fantastic for learners of Bearla. Mise, is fear liom foghlaim Gaeilge, ach níl aon audio recordings anseo. Just a suggestion. Go raibh maith agaibh.

An Teimpléad - Bosca Sonraí Tacsanomaíocha

[athraigh foinse]

Tá mé tar éis a bheith ag plé leis seo le tamall anuas agus tá sé tugtha faoi deara agam go mbíonn sé deacair cuid de na paraiméadair chuí i nGaeilge a aithint ón mBéarla. Chruthaigh mé leathanach nua inniu leis an bpróiseas sin a éascú Vicipéid:Gluais Thacsanomaíochta. rud a rith liom ná go mb'fhéidir gur cheart na hathróga Gaeilge a aistriú ar ais go Béarla sa teimpléad é féin. Ciallaíonn sé seo go mbeadh sé i bhfad níos éasca na boscaí tacsanomaíocha seo a chóipeáil trasna ó Wikipedia gan a bheith ag athrú ainmneacha na n-athróga. Ar ndóigh bheadh na lipéid sa teimpléad fós i nGaeilge. Ní fheicfeadh gnáthléitheoirí na Vicipéide ach Gaeilge ach d'éascódh sé an próiseas aistrithe go mór. Seo an t-am leis an ábhar seo a phlé mar nach bhfuil mórán de na boscaí seo ar an Vicipéid faoi láthair agus bheadh sé éasca na hathruithe a chur i bhfeidhm.

Rud beag eile ná, tá Bosca Sonraí Tacsanomaíocha míchruinn. Is Bosca Sonraí Tacsanomaíochta atá ceart.

Tuairimí? Nmacu 11:44, 13 Meitheamh 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Tuigim a bhfuil le rá agat, ach fiú dá mbeadh sé féideartha dúinn an teimpléad a chóipeáil isteach go díreach ón leagan Béarla, bheadh sé riachtanach ar chaoi ar bith ainm an orgánaigh, fortheideal an íomhá, fonótaí srl a aistriú go Gaeilge. Bhuail smaoineamh eile mé le gairid, áfach: bainimse úsáid as an leathanach seo go minic chun téacs a aistriú idir an leagan Unicode agus an leagan heicsidheachúlach. Ceapaim go bhféadfar script nó feidhmchláirín den saghas sin a scríobh chun na boscaí Béarla a aistriú go Gaeilge go huathoibríoch; níl eolas agamsa féin ar conas scripteanna den saghas sin a chur le chéile, ach tá barúil agam nach mbeadh ann ach cód simplí. --Gabriel Beecham 11:16, 23 Meitheamh 2007 (UTC)[reply]
GRMA as ucht an mholta sin. D'fhéadfadh a leithéid d'uirlis a bheith an-úsáideach - cé nach mbeadh an t-am agam tabhairt faoi rud mar sin faoi láthair. Tá mé ag útamáil thart leis an teimpléad faoi láthair ar mo leathanach baile ag iarraidh leagan dá-theangach a chur ar fáil ionas go bhfuil an rogha ag daoine ainmneacha na n-athróg a úsáid i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla. Nmacu 14:16, 25 Meitheamh 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

[athraigh foinse]

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the English language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. Infact, of the 1798 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 1054 messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages of about 80 extensions, with almost 1000 messages.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator priviledges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on meta and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki

PS Please help us complete the most wanted messages..

Revision tag

[athraigh foinse]

Manx Wikipedia has a revision tag with the following content:

"This article needs an orthographic and grammatic revision. Please don't remove this template until the article has been revised by an experienced Manx speaker."

Shouldn't we introduce one, too? The glanadh tag is somewhat vague.

I would suggest the following content (bilingually)

"This article needs an orthographic and grammatic revision. Please don't remove this template until the article has been revised by a native or fluent Irish speaker. Ní mór feabhas a chur ar an litriú agus/nó ar an ngramadach san alt seo. Ná bain an chlib seo den alt ach i ndiaidh do chainteoir dúchasach nó líofa súil a chaitheamh air, le do thoil." 16:34, 18 Aibreán 2008 (UTC)[reply]

That was me, of course...not logged in.Panu Petteri Höglund 16:35, 18 Aibreán 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I would definitely support this, I'd feel a lot less nervous about adding content if I could tag it as being created by someone who's not that skilled in the language yet. It would be even better if whomever checks out the article could summarise the fixes they made on the original user's talkpage, but I realise this would be extremely time-consuming and obviously would not be essential. Lankiveil 06:45, 9 Iúil 2008 (UTC).[reply]
Déanta Teimpléad:Athbhreithniú - Dalta 19:13, 9 Iúil 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The most often used MediaWiki messages

[athraigh foinse]

Hoi, the most often used MediaWiki messages (less than 25% of all MediaWiki messages) are the most visible messages. They help our readers and editors the most. We are aiming to get these messages localised for as many languages as possible by the end of the year. Please help us and yourself and localise these messages. Thanks, GerardM 13:12, 17 Samhain 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The LocalisationUpdate extension has gone live

[athraigh foinse]

The LocalisationUpdate extension is now enabled for all Wikimedia projects. From now on new localisations that become available in SVN will become available to your project within 24 hours. Your localisations get into SVN from translatewiki.net typically within a day and at worst in two days. This is a huge improvement from the old practice where the localisations became available with new software. This could take weeks, even months.

The localisations done by our community at translatewiki.net are committed to SVN typically every day. When the system messages in English are the same as the local messages, they will now be inserted in a file and are available for use in all our projects in a timely manner

What this means for you

[athraigh foinse]

Local messages have an impact on the performance of our system. It is best when messages are as much as possible part of the system messages. In order to remove unnecessary duplication, all the messages that have a local localisation and are exactly the same as the system message will be removed. What we ask you to do is to compare and proof read the messages in translatewiki.net and the local messages. You can then either remove local messages when the translatewiki.net message is to be preferred or, you can update the message at translatewiki.net.

Messages that are specific to your project will have to stay as they are. You do want to check if the format and the variables of the message are still the same.

Why localise at translatewiki.net

[athraigh foinse]

When you localise at translatewiki.net, your messages will be used in all Wikimedia projects and eventually in all MediaWiki based projects. This is how we provide the standard support for your language. When messages change, at translatewiki.net you will be prompted to revisit your translations. Localising is more efficient because we have innovated the process to make you more efficient; there is text explaining about messages and we have applied AJAX technology to reduce the number of clicks you have to make.

Translatewiki.net update

[athraigh foinse]
  • Currently 64.40% of the MediaWiki messages and 6.57% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 21:29, 28 Meán Fómhair 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Currently 63.73% of the MediaWiki messages and 6.31% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 11:09, 1 Mí na Samhna 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 65.89% of the MediaWiki messages and 6.67% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 13:01, 7 Mí na Nollag 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 65.68% of the MediaWiki messages and 7.00% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 15:28, 4 Eanáir 2010 (UTC)[reply]

How can we improve the usability for your language

[athraigh foinse]

We expect that with the implementation of LocalisationUpdate the usability of MediaWiki for your language will improve. We are now ready to look at other aspects of usability for your language as well. There are two questions we would like you to answer: Are there issues with the new functionality of the Usability Initiative Does MediaWiki support your language properly

The best way to answer the first question is to visit the translatewiki.net. Change the language to your language, select the “vector” skin and add the advanced tool bar in in the preferences and check out the new functionality. And make some changes in your user page. When there is a need to improve on the localisation, please make the necessary changess . It should update your localisation straight away. We would like you to report each issue individually at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Usability_issues.

When there are problems with the support of MediaWiki for your language, we really want to know about this. It is best to report each issue separately. In this way there will be no large mass of issues to resolve but we can address each issue on its own. Consider issues with the display of characters, the presentation of your script, the position of the side bar, the combination of text with other languages, scripts. It is best to try this in an environment like the prototype wiki as it provides you with a clean, basic and up to date environment. The prototype wiki is available for five languages but you can select any of them, change the preferences to your language and test out MediaWiki for your language.

We would like you to report each issue individually at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Language issues. The issues you raise will all be assessed. It is important to keep each issue separate, because this will make it easier to understand the issues and find solutions.

PS This text has been approved by Naoko, Brion and Siebrand. Thanks, GerardM 21:29, 28 Meán Fómhair 2009 (UTC)[reply]


[athraigh foinse]

An féidir fáil amach cé mhéid alt atá cruthaithe agat nó ag duine? Eomurchadha (talk) 23:37, 7 Eanáir 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Is féidir - brú ar "Dréachtaí" i stair an leathanaigh. Rogha eile ná d'ainm (nó ainm an úsáideora) a chur ag deireadh an URL seo: http://ga.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speisialta:Contributions/Ant%C3%B3in . --Antóin (talk) 19:43, 8 Eanáir 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Líon alt agus caighdeán

[athraigh foinse]

A chairde, cé gur iontach an rud é 30,000 alt a bheith againn is líne amháin atá i bhformhór mór na n-alt. Mholfainn do dhaoine ar mian leo sraith d'ailt nua a chruthú smaoineamh ar ailt fhada a chur le chéile ina háit sin. I bhfírinne is beag úsáid is féidir a bhaint as míle alt nach bhfuil ach líne faoi bhaile éigin i dtír x iontu. B'fhearr i bhfad 10 n-alt fhada a gcuirfeadh daoine suim/spéis iontu/a bhféadfaí leas a bhaint astu.


Mo smaointe scaipthe: Tá géarghá le téacs anseo, gan amhras. Iontas (agus díoma) orm an fhadhb chéanna a fheiceáil ag Vicipéidí móra, fiú, go minic. (Uaireanta bíonn ailt níos faide againne.) Agus bhí mé féin ag smaoineamh gur thig le Vicipéid mhionteanga a bheith an-úsáideach gan ach líon beag alt. Ach tá cead ag daoine bheith páirteach sa tionscadal ar bhealach ar bith taobh istigh de rialacha na Vicipéide. Mar a dúirt eagarthóir anseo uair amháin agus i bhfocla eile, Bíodh amhlaidh, beidh Vicipéid shuimiúil dár gcuid féin againn. Ar a laghad ní bhaintear úsáid as na bots chun ailt a chur suas (seachas cúpla tionscadal faoi leith agus dea-dhéanta mar Fréamh an Eolais agus bailte na Breataine Bige).
Tá duine againn atá ina Johnny Appleseed ceart (réalt sciobóil tuillte aige) agus is trua nach dtig linn coinneáil suas leis. Tá moltaí ar thig liom a thabhairt dóibh a chuireann a lán síolta suas anseo: Tá a lán príomhchathracha tíre agus stáit, chomh maith le cathracha móra, ag teastáil uainn. Agus thig le daoine daonra a chur isteach le habairt gearr amháin. Leanfaimis ar aghaidh ag scríobh agus ag baint suilt as an chóisir (mar a deir eagarthóir ag Vicipéid na Breatnaise). SeoMac (talk) 02:27, 4 Nollaig 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Gmra, ar nódigh tá cead a gcinn ag daoine, ach theastaigh uaim moladh do dhaoine smaoineamh ar ailt níos faide(nó ar a alaghad tar éis sraith a scríobh cothabháil a dhéanamh air! Eomurchadha

Agus an ceart agat. Agus rud maith gur tharraing tú an cheist aníos! SeoMac (talk) 21:42, 5 Nollaig 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Líon alt agus caighdeán II

[athraigh foinse]

Cuirfidh mé mo theachtaireacht anseo. Baineann sé le cách agus ba mhaith liom cloisteáil ó chách. Cad é bharúil daoine faoi staid na Vicipéid faoi láthair agus faoin treo ina bhfuilimid ag dul? Chosain mise thuas cruthú na síolta go léir atá anseo againn. Tá mé ar a son go fóill, cé go bhfeicim fadhbanna. Luafaidh mé cúpla rud: Ar an meán tá méid na n-alt anseo ag Vicipéid na Gaeilge a cailleadh 100 giotán sa bhliain le ceithre bliana anuas (1,000 giotán san alt anois, má's buan mo chuimhne). Rud eile de—agus muidne anseo ag cur suas an oiread seo síolta faoi chontaetha i Meiriceá agus chomharsanachtaí i Londain—tá teorainn 10 lá (sílim) ar shíolta nua sula gcaithfidh iad a thabhairt suas go stádas mar ghnáthalt. Táthar ag scriosadh a gcuid síolta faoi chontaetha Mheiriceá ceann i ndiaidh a chéile.

So we've been losing 100 bytes per article, on average, per year for four years now (1,000 per article at present, if I remember correctly). On the Scots Gaelic Wikipedia, there is now a limit of—I think—ten days to bring a stub-class article (what we call a síol) up to status as a normal article. They are also systematically deleting stub-class articles on American counties—and faster than we are putting them up. Now I'm happy to see that Vicipéid12 is putting more into these articles than they had at the Scots Gaelic project. And the bytes per article is a bit misleading since we have more text than ever as well. Longer articles are just not growing as fast as síolta. I'm still strongly against doing something like the policy at the Scots Gaelic Wiki but uneasy about balance. Fáilte roimh thuairimí! And as we head toward Lá 'le Pádraig, don't let up on your efforts unless it's to celebrate. Beannachtaí na féile oraibh! SeoMac (talk) 00:30, 15 Márta 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Delete my user page and its talk

[athraigh foinse]

Hello! I don't speak irish, so I will talk you in English. I want my user page and itsk talk were deleted because i have no plans to contribute in your wikipedia. Please, I hope your help and understanding. --Humberto del Torrejón (talk) 00:42, 6 Bealtaine 2015 (UTC)[reply]

[athraigh foinse]

Tá an duine seo ag scrios alt, conas is féidir iad a stop?

Please move Gǃkúnǁ'hòmdímà to Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà -- the ' is a glottal letter, not an apostrophe. Go raibh maith agat! Kwamikagami (plé) 17:17, 23 Deireadh Fómhair 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Bog Hi'iaka go Hiʻiaka, le do thoil. Ní féidir liom toisc nach bhfuil an litir Haváise ʻokina ceadaithe in ainmneacha alt. Go raibh maith agat! Kwamikagami (plé) 01:58, 2 Eanáir 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Secure your Tickets for Celtic Knot 2024

[athraigh foinse]

We are thrilled to invite you to the Celtic Knot Wikimedia Languages Conference 2024, taking place from September 25th-27th in the historic city of Waterford, Ireland. This event is a unique opportunity to engage with language enthusiasts, Wikimedia contributors, cultural advocates, and researchers dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Celtic, and minority languages.

Why Attend? Access to All Sessions: Participate in workshops, keynotes, and panel discussions with leading experts. Gala Dinner: Join us for a special conference dinner on Friday, September 27th to close off Celtic Knot 2024. Cultural Experiences: Enjoy access to Waterford museums and a city walking tour. Entertainment: Experience a range of evening entertainment as part of the conference events. Including live music and dance!

Special Accommodation Rate! Book your accommodation at the Tower Hotel before July 24th to take advantage of our special rate. Reserve directly with the venue to ensure you get the best deal.

🎟️ Purchase Your Ticket Today: Eventbrite Link Secure your spot today and be a part of a vibrant community working towards language preservation and cultural heritage. We look forward to welcoming you to Waterford!

Best regards,

The Celtic Knot Conference Team Cailínréalta (plé) 11:36, 19 Iúil 2024 (UTC)[reply]