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Tilda Swinton

Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.
Infotaula de personaTilda Swinton

(2024) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Breith(en) Katherine Matilda Swinton Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
5 Samhain 1960
64 bliana d'aois
Londain, England Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Faisnéis phearsanta
Scoil a d'fhreastail sé/síColáiste Murray Edwards, Cambridge
Queen's Gate School (en) Aistrigh
Coláiste Fettes
West Heath Girls' School (en) Aistrigh Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Áit chónaitheInbhir Narann
Airde1.78 m Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Suíomh oibre An Ríocht Aontaithe Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Gairmaisteoir, stiúrthóir scannán, taibhealaíontóir, coimeádaí taispeántais, aisteoir scannáin, aisteoir gutha, aisteoir stáitse, scríbhneoir scripte Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Tréimhse oibre1984 –
Saothar suntasach
PáirtíJohn Byrne (1989–2003)
Sandro Kopp (2004–) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
PáisteXavier Swinton Byrne
 ( John Byrne)
Honor Swinton Byrne
 ( John Byrne) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
AthairJohn Swinton  agus Judith Balfour Killen
Duine muintearthaElizabeth Ebsworth (sin-seanmháthair) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

IMDB: nm0842770 Allocine: 7542 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/tilda_swinton Allmovie: p69397 TCM: 0842770 Metacritic: person/tilda-swinton TV.com: people/tilda-swinton AFI: 184442 TMDB.org: 3063
Last fm: Tilda+Swinton Musicbrainz: 902fd149-f7e1-47c5-b773-ebb8725524b9 Songkick: 2471891 Discogs: 147822 Goodreads author: 685455 Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

Is ban-aisteoir Albanach í Katherine Matilda "Tilda" Swinton (5 Samhain 1960 a rugadh í).

Bliain Teideal Ról Nótaí eile
1986 Egomania - Insel ohne Hoffnung Sally
Zastrozzi: A Romance Julia Mionsraith teilifíse
Caravaggio Lena
1987 Aria Young Girl ("Depuis le jour")
Friendship's Death Friendship
1988 The Last of England
Das Andere Ende der Welt
Degrees of Blindness
L' Ispirazione
1989 Play Me Something Gruagaire Teilifís
War Requiem Altra
1990 "Your Cheatin' Heart" Cissie Crouch Teilifís
The Garden Madonna
1991 Edward II Isabella
The Party: Nature Morte Queenie
1992 "Shakespeare: The Animated Tales" Ophelia Guth
Orlando Orlando
Man to Man Ella/Max Gericke
1993 Blue Guth
Das Offene Universum Carla Teilifís
Wittgenstein Lady Ottoline Morrell
1994 Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies
Visions of Heaven and Hell Tráchtaire
1996 Female Perversions Eve Stephens
1997 Conceiving Ada Ada Augusta Byron King, Countess of Lovelace
1998 Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon Muriel Belcher
The Protagonists
1999 The War Zone Mum
2000 Possible Worlds Joyce
The Beach Sal
2001 Vanilla Sky Rebecca Dearborn
The Deep End Margaret Hall
2002 Adaptation Valerie Thomas
Teknolust Rosetta/Ruby/Marinne/Olive
2003 The Statement Annemarie Livi
Young Adam Ella Gault
2005 Constantine Angel Gabriel
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Jadis (White Witch)
Broken Flowers Penny
Thumbsucker Audrey Cobb
2006 Stephanie Daley Lydie Crane
Galapagos Tráchtaire
2007 Sleepwalkers Veidhleadóir
Strange Culture Hope Kurtz
The Man from London Camélia
Michael Clayton Karen Crowder
2008 Julia Julia
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian White Witch
Burn After Reading Katie Cox
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Elizabeth Abbott
2009 The Limits of Control -
Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll Bean chéile
Come Like Shadows Lady Macbeth

Naisc sheachtracha

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