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Uaitéar Ó Maicín

Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.
Infotaula de personaUaitéar Ó Maicín
Breith3 Bealtaine 1915
Gaillimh, Éire Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Bás22 Aibreán 1967
51 bliana d'aois
Gaillimh, Éire Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Gairmaisteoir, scríbhneoir, aisteoir stáitse Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

IMDB: nm0533240 IBDB: 50963 TMDB.org: 593171 Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

Aisteoir agus údar Éireannach ab ea Uaitéar Ó Maicín (Béarla: Walter Macken; 3 May 1915 – 22 April 1967).[1] Rugadh i nGaillimh é. Scríobh sé gearrscéalta, úrscéalta, agus drámaí.

Ba aisteoir é i dtosach, go príomha leis an Taibhdhearc (áit ar bhuail sé lena bhean, Peggy)[2] i nGaillimh, agus le hAmharclann na Mainistreach i mBaile Átha Cliath. Bhí príomhpháirteanna aige ar Broadway freisin in The King of Friday's Men[3] le M. J. Molloy agus i ndráma dá chuid féin dar teideal Home Is the Hero. Bhí rólanna aige i roinnt scannán freisin, ina measc an t-athchóiriú a rinne Arthur Dreifuss ar The Quare Fellow le Breandán Ó Beacháin. Mar gheall ar an rath a bhí ar a thríú leabhar, Rain on the Wind (a bhuaigh gradam an Literary Guild sna Stáit Aontaithe),[4] bhí sé in ann díriú ar an scríbhneoireacht. Is dócha gur fearr aithne air as a thríológ d'úrscéalta stairiúla Éireannacha Seek the Fair Land, The Silent People, agus The Scorching Wind.[5]

I Meán Fómhair 1966, bhog sé go Mionlach, baile beag Gaeltachta i ngar do Chathair na Gaillimhe. D’éag sé go tobann sa bhaile ar an 22 Aibreán 1967 agus d'fhág sé a bhean agus a bheirt mhac ina dhiaidh.[6] Is iriseoir aitheanta in Éirinn é a mhac Ultan Macken, agus scríobh sé beathaisnéis ar a athair, Walter Macken: Dreams on Paper.[7]

  • Mungo's Mansion (Macmillan, 1946)
  • Vacant Possession (Macmillan, 1948)
  • Home is the Hero (Macmillan, 1952)
  • Twilight is the Warrior (Macmillan, 1956)
  • Quench the Moon (Macmillan, 1948)
  • I Am Alone (Macmillan, 1949)
  • Rain on the Wind (London, MacMillan, 1950)
  • The Bogman (MacMillan, 1952)
  • Sunset on the Window Panes (Macmillan, 1954)
  • Sullivan (Macmillan, 1957)
  • Seek the Fair Land (MacMillan, 1959)
  • The Silent People (MacMillan, 1962)
  • The Scorching Wind (MacMillan, 1964)
  • Brown Lord of the Mountain (Macmillan, 1966)

Bailiúcháin gearrscéalta

[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]
  • The Green Hills (MacMillan, 1956)
  1. Gaeglers and the Wild Geese
  2. The Currach Race
  3. The Gauger
  4. The Young Turk
  5. The Proud Man
  6. The Green Hills
  7. Barney's Maggie
  8. The Sailor
  9. The Hurling Match
  10. Duck Soup
  11. The Fair Lady
  12. The Lady and the Tom
  13. The Atheist
  14. The Wasteland
  15. Tuesday's Children
  16. Hallmarked
  17. The Eyes of the Cat
  18. Foreign Fish
  19. The Boy and the Brace
  20. The River
  21. The King
  • God Made Sunday and other Stories (Macmillan, 1962)
  1. God Made Sunday
  2. Patter O'Rourke
  3. The Big Fish
  4. Solo and the Nine Irons
  5. The Match Maiden
  6. The Conjugator
  7. Solo and the Simpleton
  8. Light in the Valley
  9. This Was My Day
  10. Solo and the Sinner
  11. No Medal for Matt
  12. The Red Rager
  13. The Lion
  • The Coll Doll and other Stories (Macmillan, 1969)
  1. The Coll Doll
  2. The Currach Race
  3. Duck Soup
  4. The Kiss
  5. Characters in Order of Appearance
  6. Gaeglers and the Wild Geese
  7. The Wasteland
  8. The Fair Lady
  9. The Eyes of the Cat
  10. A Talk in the Dark
  11. My Neighbour
  12. Foreign Fish
  13. The Hurling Match
  14. The Green Hills
  15. Tuesday's Children
  16. The Lady and the Tom
  17. Janey is a Girl
  18. Barney's Maggie
  19. The Dreamer
  20. The River
  21. Three Witnesses
  • City of the Tribes (Brandon, 1997)
  1. Ambition
  2. Battle
  3. The Passing of the Black Swan
  4. New Clothes for the Giolla
  5. Dad
  6. Deputy Johnny
  7. Tail of a Kid
  8. Saga
  9. Dovetail and the Turkey
  10. Homecoming
  11. Homing Salmon
  12. Spanish Joe
  13. Colm comes to the Citie
  14. The Citie
  15. An Act of Charity
  16. Pugnug
  17. The New Broom
  18. Gaeglers and the Greyhound
  • The Grass of the People (Brandon, 1998)
  1. The Grass of the People
  2. What will we do with the Yanks
  3. Solo and the Sailor
  4. This Was My Day
  5. The Storm is Still
  6. How to Poach a Salmon
  7. Sukos
  8. The Mare with Foal at Foot
  9. The Green Dream
  10. Challenge the River
  11. The Tangler
  12. The Bachelor
  13. The Coll Doll
  14. The Kiss
  15. Characters in Order of Appearance
  16. A Talk in the Dark
  17. My Neighbour
  18. Jane is a Girl
  19. The Dreamer
  20. Three Witnesses
  1. Diarmuid Breathnach agus Máire Ní Mhurchú. “MacKEN, Walter (1915–1967) | ainm.ie” (ga). An Bunachar Náisiúnta Beathaisnéisí Gaeilge (Ainm.ie). Dáta rochtana: 2024-02-17.
  2. Walter Macken Playwright Walter Macken Writer Walter Macken Galway City Ireland”. galwaycity.galway-ireland.ie.
  3. The King of Friday's Men: Cast (Playbill)”.
  4. "Biographic details of Walter Macken at waltermacken.com". Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 2010-04-12. Dáta rochtana: 2024-02-17.
  5. Biography of Walter Macken at irishwriters-online.com”.
  6. Hourican, Bridget (October 2009). “Macken, Walter”. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Dáta rochtana: 30 March 2023.
  7. Robert Allen (November 2009). “I Am Alone – [Walter Macken: Dreams on Paper, by Ultan Macken]”. www.bluegreenearth.com.