Vicipéid:Athainmniú cuntas
Ar an leathanach seo, is féidir leat iarratas a chur isteach chun do chuntas úsáideora a athainmniú. De ghnáth ní féidir cuntas a athainmniú go hainm eile ach amháin mura roghnaigh úsáideoir eile an t-ainm nua cheana.
Treoracha | |
[athraigh foinse]Iarratais reatha
[athraigh foinse]محمد الجداوي → Avocato
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: محمد الجداوي (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: Avocato (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: Privacy reasons and SUL. M.Gedawy 22:27, 1 Lúnasa 2012 (UTC)
Please note: I maybe created a new account here automatically by wrong, Please solve this problem.
Déanta Guliolopez (talk) 14:39, 2 Lúnasa 2012 (UTC)
GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: GedawyBot (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: AvocatoBot (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: Privacy reasons and SUL. M.Gedawy 22:27, 1 Lúnasa 2012 (UTC)
Please note: I maybe created a new account here automatically by wrong, Please solve this problem.
Déanta Guliolopez (talk) 14:39, 2 Lúnasa 2012 (UTC)
Kontos → Sanyi4
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: Kontos (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: Sanyi4 (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: "Sanyi4" already exist. Both "Kontos" and "Sanyi4" belong to me. I would like "Kontos" to be renamed to "Sanyi4", so that I can attach it to my global account. It is important that the current "Sanyi4" be renamed to "Sanyi4 (usurped)", not something else! Confirmation: [1]. Thanks. -- Kontos (talk) 21:14, 14 Iúil 2013 (UTC)
Déanta - Alison ❤ 22:33, 15 Iúil 2013 (UTC)
لطرش أحمد الهاشمي → لطرش احمد الهاشمي
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: لطرش احمد الهاشمي (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: لطرش أحمد الهاشمي (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: I want the same name in all Wikimedia projects.--لطرش احمد الهاشمي (talk) 07:28, 13 Nollaig 2013 (UTC)
Déanta - Alison ❤ 09:23, 13 Nollaig 2013 (UTC)
PePeEfe → PePeEfe_previous
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: PePeEfe (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: PePeEfe_previous (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: Hello. My username is PePeEfe in all Wikipedias (main is in Spanish Wikupedia: es:User:PePeEfe), but this one does not allow me to use it, nor can I complete my registration SUL. Here the user exists but has no edits. Can I take that name here? 20:56, 13 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
- Hi there. Can you possibly make an edit with your main PePeEfe on eswiki, then post the link back here, please? As the account here is unused, I'm happy to move it so you can claim it here - I just need to verify you're the SUL owner - Alison ❤ 03:17, 14 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
- Hi Alison, I make an edit at my own Plé page in the Spanish Wikipedia right here. Thanks in advance, yours (PePeEfe) -- 07:23, 14 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
Déanta Thank you! It's done now, so you should now be free to claim the account here - Alison ❤ 19:53, 14 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
- Thaks you very much. I dont need to claim the account, the system automatically recognized me. Best regards from Spain. --PePeEfe (talk) 22:02, 14 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
- Hi Alison, I make an edit at my own Plé page in the Spanish Wikipedia right here. Thanks in advance, yours (PePeEfe) -- 07:23, 14 Feabhra 2014 (UTC)
Hosiryuhosi → Rxy
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: Hosiryuhosi (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: Rxy (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: I want to change my current username to short username at WMF wikis globally. Note: Global account "Rxy" is my account (confirm). Thanks. Hosiryuhosi (talk) 19:31, 8 Márta 2014 (UTC)
Déanta - ok, done. I had to usurp the original SUL account first - Alison ❤ 04:50, 29 Lúnasa 2014 (UTC)
An Eagarthóir → Eagarthóir
[athraigh foinse]- Ainm reatha: An Eagarthóir (plé · dréachtaí · logaí · loga coiscthe)
- Ainm atá á iarraidh: Eagarthóir (tionscadail eile?) (athainmnigh úsáideoir)
- Cúis: Rinne mé dearmad ar an 't' (ie An tEagarthóir) ach ba mhaith liom an focal Eagarthóir amháin a úsáid anois. An Eagarthóir (talk) 22:25, 28 Lúnasa 2014 (UTC)
Déanta anois! Beir bua :) - Alison ❤ 04:46, 29 Lúnasa 2014 (UTC)