Documentation for this module may be created at Module:HTMLEntities/doc
local char = mw.ustring.char
This contains the complete non-extensible set of entities defined in HTML 5.0, with
backward compatiblity with XML 1.0 and previous versions of HTML, adding all entities
from MathML 2.0 (but with values fixed in NFC form, modified to replace old PUA or CJK
compatibility characters previously used from old versions of Unicode); however
MathML 3.0 was finalized to use HTML 5.0 entities, and with values fully compatible with
it, but not with MathML 2.0 which is deprecated). MathML 3.0 is fully integrable in HTML
5.0, or in XML 1.0 and XHTML with a newer DTD for its HTML 5.0 / MathML3.0 entities.
codepoints, entities -- standards (DTDs; old ISO subsets): description (ISO names); notes
Entities followed by a 0 indicate that the trailing semicolon is optional for character
references in HTML (not in XML), for backward compatiblity with HTML 2.0 (only applies
to ISO 8859-1 characters in the Latin-1 Supplement, and four ASCII symbols).
Entities followed by a 1 indicate additional entities defined in ISOgrk1, ISOgrk2 or ISOgrk4
subsets that are not recognized in HTML 5.0, but are included in old DTDs explicitly
referenced by documents based on XML, XHTML, SVG, MathML or older versions of HTML.
local defs = {
-- 0000-007F Basic Latin (ASCII)
0x0009, 'Tab', -- HTML 5.0: character tabulation (TAB)
0x000A, 'NewLine', -- HTML 5.0: line feed (LF)
0x0021, 'excl', -- HTML 5.0 (ISOnum): exclamation mark
0x0022, 'QUOT', 0 ,'quot', 0, -- XML 1.0, HTML 2.0 (html.dtd, HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: quotation mark
0x0023, 'num', -- HTML 5.0: number sign
0x0024, 'dollar', -- HTML 5.0: dollar sign
0x0025, 'percnt', -- HTML 5.0 (ISOnum): percent sign
0x0026, 'AMP', 0 ,'amp', 0, -- XML 1.0, HTML 2.0 (html.dtd, HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: ampersand
0x0027, 'apos', -- XML 1.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOnum): apostrophe (apostrophe-quote)
0x0028, 'lpar', -- HTML 5.0: left parenthesis
0x0029, 'rpar', -- HTML 5.0: right parenthesis
0x002A, 'ast', 'midast', -- HTML 5.0: asterisk (middle asterisk)
0x002B, 'plus', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign
0x002C, 'comma', -- HTML 5.0: comma
0x002E, 'period', -- HTML 5.0: full stop (period)
0x002F, 'sol', -- HTML 5.0: solidus; slash
0x003A, 'colon', -- HTML 5.0: colon
0x003B, 'semi', -- HTML 5.0: semicolon
0x003C, 'LT', 0 ,'lt', 0, -- XML 1.0, HTML 2.0 (html.dtd, HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: less-than sign
0x003C, 0x20D2, 'nvlt', -- HTML 5.0: less-than sign, combining long vertical line overlay
0x003D, 'equals', -- HTML 5.0 (ISOnum): equals sign
0x003D, 0x20E5, 'bne', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign, combining reverse solidus overlay
0x003E, 'GT', 0 ,'gt', 0, -- XML 1.0, HTML 2.0 (html.dtd, HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: greater-than sign
0x003E, 0x20D2, 'nvgt', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than sign, combining long vertical line overlay
0x003F, 'quest', -- HTML 5.0: question mark
0x0040, 'commat', -- HTML 5.0: commercial at (arobase)
0x005B, 'lbrack', 'lsqb', -- HTML 5.0: left square bracket (left bracket)
0x005C, 'bsol', -- HTML 5.0: reverse solidus (backward solidus); backslash
0x005D, 'rbrack', 'rsqb', -- HTML 5.0: right square bracket (right bracket)
0x005E, 'Hat', -- HTML 5.0: circumflex accent (hat)
0x005F, 'UnderBar', 'lowbar', -- HTML 5.0: low line (low bar; &underbar); underscore
0x0060, 'DiacriticalGrave', 'grave', -- HTML 5.0: grave accent (diacritical grave)
0x0066, 0x006A, 'fjlig', -- HTML 5.0: latin small letter f, latin small letter j
0x007B, 'lbrace', 'lcub', -- HTML 5.0: left curly bracket (left brace)
0x007C, 'VerticalLine', 'verbar', 'vert', -- HTML 5.0: vertical line (vertical bar, pipe character)
0x007D, 'rbrace', 'rcub', -- HTML 5.0: right curly bracket (right brace)
-- 0080-00FF C1 controls and Latin-1 Supplement
0x00A0, 'NonBreakingSpace', 'nbsp', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: no-break space (non-breaking space)
0x00A1, 'iexcl', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): inverted exclamation mark
0x00A2, 'cent', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): cent sign
0x00A3, 'pound', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): pound sign
0x00A4, 'curren', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): currency sign
0x00A5, 'yen', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): yen sign (yuan sign)
0x00A6, 'brvbar', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): broken bar (broken vertical bar)
0x00A7, 'sect', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): section sign
0x00A8, 'Dot', 'DoubleDot', 'die', 'uml', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOdia), HTML 5.0: diaeresis (spacing dieresis, double dot); see also Germanic umlaut
0x00A9, 'COPY', 0 ,'copy', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: copyright sign
0x00AA, 'ordf', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): feminine ordinal indicator
0x00AB, 'laquo', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet)
0x00AC, 'not', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): not sign
0x00AD, 'shy', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen)
0x00AE, 'REG', 0 ,'circledR', 'reg', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: registered sign (registered trademark symbol)
0x00AF, 'macr', 0 ,'strns', -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOdia), HTML 5.0: macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar)
0x00B0, 'deg', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): degree sign
0x00B1, 'PlusMinus', 'plusmn', 0 ,'pm', -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: plus–minus sign (plus-or-minus sign)
0x00B2, 'sup2', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): superscript two (superscript digit two, squared)
0x00B3, 'sup3', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed)
0x00B4, 'DiacriticalAcute', 'acute', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOdia), HTML 5.0: acute accent (diacritical acute, spacing acute)
0x00B5, 'micro', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): micro sign
0x00B6, 'para', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): pilcrow sign (paragraph sign)
0x00B7, 'CenterDot', 'centerdot', 'middot', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: middle dot (center dot, Georgian comma, Greek middle dot)
0x00B8, 'Cedilla', 'cedil', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOdia), HTML 5.0: cedilla (spacing cedilla)
0x00B9, 'sup1', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): superscript one (superscript digit one)
0x00BA, 'ordm', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): masculine ordinal indicator
0x00BB, 'raquo', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet)
0x00BC, 'frac14', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter)
0x00BD, 'frac12', 0 ,'half', -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half)
0x00BE, 'frac34', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters)
0x00BF, 'iquest', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): inverted question mark (turned question mark)
0x00C0, 'Agrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter A with grave (Latin capital letter A grave)
0x00C1, 'Aacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter A with acute
0x00C2, 'Acirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter A with circumflex
0x00C3, 'Atilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter A with tilde
0x00C4, 'Auml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
0x00C5, 'Aring', 0 ,'angst', -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1), HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring Angstrom sign)
0x00C6, 'AElig', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE)
0x00C7, 'Ccedil', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter C with cedilla
0x00C8, 'Egrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter E with grave
0x00C9, 'Eacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter E with acute
0x00CA, 'Ecirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter E with circumflex
0x00CB, 'Euml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
0x00CC, 'Igrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter I with grave
0x00CD, 'Iacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter I with acute
0x00CE, 'Icirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter I with circumflex
0x00CF, 'Iuml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
0x00D0, 'ETH', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter Eth
0x00D1, 'Ntilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter N with tilde
0x00D2, 'Ograve', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with grave
0x00D3, 'Oacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with acute
0x00D4, 'Ocirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with circumflex
0x00D5, 'Otilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with tilde
0x00D6, 'Ouml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
0x00D7, 'times', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum): multiplication sign (times sign)
0x00D8, 'Oslash', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash)
0x00D9, 'Ugrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter U with grave
0x00DA, 'Uacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter U with acute
0x00DB, 'Ucirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter U with circumflex
0x00DC, 'Uuml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
0x00DD, 'Yacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter Y with acute
0x00DE, 'THORN', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin capital letter Thorn
0x00DF, 'szlig', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see also German eszett
0x00E0, 'agrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with grave
0x00E1, 'aacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with acute
0x00E2, 'acirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with circumflex
0x00E3, 'atilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with tilde
0x00E4, 'auml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with diaeresis
0x00E5, 'aring', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter a with ring above
0x00E6, 'aelig', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae)
0x00E7, 'ccedil', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter c with cedilla
0x00E8, 'egrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter e with grave
0x00E9, 'eacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter e with acute
0x00EA, 'ecirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter e with circumflex
0x00EB, 'euml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter e with diaeresis
0x00EC, 'igrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter i with grave
0x00ED, 'iacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter i with acute
0x00EE, 'icirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter i with circumflex
0x00EF, 'iuml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter i with diaeresis
0x00F0, 'eth', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter eth
0x00F1, 'ntilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter n with tilde
0x00F2, 'ograve', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with grave
0x00F3, 'oacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with acute
0x00F4, 'ocirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with circumflex
0x00F5, 'otilde', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with tilde
0x00F6, 'ouml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with diaeresis
0x00F7, 'div', 'divide', 0, -- HTML 3.2 (HTMLlat1; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: division sign
0x00F8, 'oslash', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash)
0x00F9, 'ugrave', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter u with grave
0x00FA, 'uacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter u with acute
0x00FB, 'ucirc', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter u with circumflex
0x00FC, 'uuml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter u with diaeresis
0x00FD, 'yacute', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter y with acute
0x00FE, 'thorn', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter thorn
0x00FF, 'yuml', 0, -- HTML 2.0 (HTMLlat1; ISOlat1): Latin small letter y with diaeresis
-- 0100-017F Latin Extended-A
0x0100, 'Amacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter A with macron
0x0101, 'amacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter a with macron
0x0102, 'Abreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter A with breve
0x0103, 'abreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter a with breve
0x0104, 'Aogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter A with ogonek
0x0105, 'aogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter a with ogonek
0x0106, 'Cacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter C with acute
0x0107, 'cacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter c with acute
0x0108, 'Ccirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter C with circumflex
0x0109, 'ccirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter c with circumflex
0x010A, 'Cdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter C with dot above
0x010B, 'cdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter c with dot above
0x010C, 'Ccaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter C with caron
0x010D, 'ccaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter c with caron
0x010E, 'Dcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter D with caron
0x010F, 'dcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter d with caron
0x0110, 'Dstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter D with stroke
0x0111, 'dstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter d with stroke
0x0112, 'Emacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter E with macron
0x0113, 'emacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter e with macron
0x0116, 'Edot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter E with dot above
0x0117, 'edot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter e with dot above
0x0118, 'Eogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter E with ogonek
0x0119, 'eogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter e with ogonek
0x011A, 'Ecaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter E with caron
0x011B, 'ecaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter e with caron
0x011C, 'Gcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter G with circumflex
0x011D, 'gcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter g with circumflex
0x011E, 'Gbreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter G with breve
0x011F, 'gbreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter g with breve
0x0120, 'Gdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter G with dot above
0x0121, 'gdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter g with dot above
0x0122, 'Gcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter G with cedilla
0x0124, 'Hcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter H with circumflex
0x0125, 'hcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter h with circumflex
0x0126, 'Hstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter H with stroke
0x0127, 'hstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter h with stroke
0x0128, 'Itilde', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter I with tilde
0x0129, 'itilde', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter i with tilde
0x012A, 'Imacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter I with macron
0x012B, 'imacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter i with macron
0x012E, 'Iogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter I with ogonek
0x012F, 'iogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter i with ogonek
0x0130, 'Idot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter I with dot above
0x0131, 'imath', 'inodot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter dotless i (i mathematical)
0x0132, 'IJlig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital ligature IJ
0x0133, 'ijlig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature ij
0x0134, 'Jcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter J with circumflex
0x0135, 'jcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter j with circumflex
0x0136, 'Kcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter K with cedilla
0x0137, 'kcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter k with cedilla
0x0138, 'kgreen', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter kra (k greenlandic)
0x0139, 'Lacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter L with acute
0x013A, 'lacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter l with acute
0x013B, 'Lcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter L with cedilla
0x013C, 'lcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter l with cedilla
0x013D, 'Lcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter L with caron
0x013E, 'lcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter l with caron
0x013F, 'Lmidot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter L with middle dot
0x0140, 'lmidot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter l with middle dot
0x0141, 'Lstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter L with stroke
0x0142, 'lstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter l with stroke
0x0143, 'Nacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter N with acute
0x0144, 'nacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter n with acute
0x0145, 'Ncedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter N with cedilla
0x0146, 'ncedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter n with cedilla
0x0147, 'Ncaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter N with caron
0x0148, 'ncaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter n with caron
0x0149, 'napos', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe
0x014A, 'ENG', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Eng
0x014B, 'eng', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter eng
0x014C, 'Omacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter O with macron
0x014D, 'omacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter o with macron
0x0150, 'Odblac', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter O with double acute
0x0151, 'odblac', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter o with double acute
0x0152, 'OElig', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOlat2): Latin capital ligature OE
0x0153, 'oelig', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOlat2): Latin small ligature oe
0x0154, 'Racute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter R with acute
0x0155, 'racute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter r with acute
0x0156, 'Rcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter R with cedilla
0x0157, 'rcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter r with cedilla
0x0158, 'Rcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter R with caron
0x0159, 'rcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter r with caron
0x015A, 'Sacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter S with acute
0x015B, 'sacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter s with acute
0x015C, 'Scirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter S with circumflex
0x015D, 'scirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter s with circumflex
0x015E, 'Scedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter S with cedilla
0x015F, 'scedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter s with cedilla
0x0160, 'Scaron', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOlat2): Latin capital letter S with caron
0x0161, 'scaron', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOlat2): Latin small letter s with caron
0x0162, 'Tcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter T with cedilla
0x0163, 'tcedil', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter t with cedilla
0x0164, 'Tcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter T with caron
0x0165, 'tcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter t with caron
0x0166, 'Tstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter T with stroke
0x0167, 'tstrok', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter t with stroke
0x0168, 'Utilde', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with tilde
0x0169, 'utilde', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with tilde
0x016A, 'Umacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with macron
0x016B, 'umacr', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with macron
0x016C, 'Ubreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with breve
0x016D, 'ubreve', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with breve
0x016E, 'Uring', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with ring above
0x016F, 'uring', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with ring above
0x0170, 'Udblac', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with double acute
0x0171, 'udblac', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with double acute
0x0172, 'Uogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter U with ogonek
0x0173, 'uogon', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter u with ogonek
0x0174, 'Wcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter W with circumflex
0x0175, 'wcirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter w with circumflex
0x0176, 'Ycirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Y with circumflex
0x0177, 'ycirc', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter y with circumflex
0x0178, 'Yuml', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOlat2): Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
0x0179, 'Zacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Z with acute
0x017A, 'zacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter z with acute
0x017B, 'Zdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Z with dot above
0x017C, 'zdot', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter z with dot above
0x017D, 'Zcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Z with caron
0x017E, 'zcaron', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter z with caron
-- 0180-024F Latin Extended-B
0x0192, 'fnof', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin)
0x01B5, 'imped', -- HTML 5.0: Latin capital letter Z with stroke
0x01F5, 'gacute', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter g with acute
0x0237, 'jmath', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small letter dotless j (j mathematical)
-- 02B0-02FF Spacing Modifier Letters
0x02C6, 'circ', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): modifier letter circumflex accent
0x02C7, 'Hacek', 'caron', -- HTML 5.0: caron (hacek)
0x02D8, 'Breve', 'breve', -- HTML 5.0: breve
0x02D9, 'DiacriticalDot', 'dot', -- HTML 5.0: dot above (diacritical dot)
0x02DA, 'ring', -- HTML 5.0: ring above
0x02DB, 'ogon', -- HTML 5.0: ogonek
0x02DC, 'DiacriticalTilde', 'tilde', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOdia), HTML 5.0: small tilde (diacritical tilde)
0x02DD, 'DiacriticalDoubleAcute', 'dblac', -- HTML 5.0: double acute accent (diacritical double acute)
-- 0300-036F Combining Diacritical Marks
0x0311, 'DownBreve', -- HTML 5.0: combining inverted breve (combining down breve)
-- 0370-03FF Greek and Coptic
0x0386, 'Aacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Alpha with tonos
0x0388, 'Eacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Epsilon with tonos
0x0389, 'EEacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Eta with tonos
0x038A, 'Iacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Iota with tonos
0x038C, 'Oacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Omicron with tonos
0x038E, 'Uacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Upsilon with tonos
0x038F, 'OHacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Omega with tonos
0x0390, 'idiagr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter iota with dialytika and tonos
0x0391, 'Agr', 1, 'Alpha', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Alpha
0x0392, 'Bgr', 1, 'Beta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Beta
0x0393, 'Ggr', 1, 'Gamma', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Gamma
0x0394, 'Dgr', 1, 'Delta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Delta
0x0395, 'Egr', 1, 'Epsilon', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Epsilon
0x0396, 'Zgr', 1, 'Zeta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Zeta
0x0397, 'EEgr', 1, 'Eta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Eta
0x0398, 'THgr', 1, 'Theta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Theta
0x0399, 'Igr', 1, 'Iota', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Iota
0x039A, 'Kgr', 1, 'Kappa', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Kappa
0x039B, 'Lgr', 1, 'Lambda', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Lambda
0x039C, 'Mgr', 1, 'Mu', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Mu
0x039D, 'Ngr', 1, 'Nu', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Nu
0x039E, 'Xgr', 1, 'Xi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Xi
0x039F, 'Ogr', 1, 'Omicron', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Omicron
0x03A0, 'Pgr', 1, 'Pi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Pi
0x03A1, 'Rgr', 1, 'Rho', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Rho
0x03A3, 'Sgr', 1, 'Sigma', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Sigma
0x03A4, 'Tgr', 1, 'Tau', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Tau
0x03A5, 'Ugr', 1, 'Upsilon', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Upsilon
0x03A6, 'PHgr', 1, 'Phi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Phi
0x03A7, 'KHgr', 1, 'Chi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol): Greek capital letter Chi
0x03A8, 'PSgr', 1, 'Psi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek capital letter Psi
0x03A9, 'OHgr', 1, 'Omega', 'ohm', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek capital letter Omega (Ohm sign)
0x03AA, 'Idigr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Iota with dialytika
0x03AB, 'Udigr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek capital letter Upsilon with dialytika
0x03AC, 'aacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter alpha with tonos
0x03AD, 'eacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter epsilon with tonos
0x03AE, 'eeacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter eta with tonos
0x03AF, 'iacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter iota with tonos
0x03B0, 'udiagr', 1, -- (ISOgrk2): Greek small letter upsilon with dialytika and tonos
0x03B1, 'agr', 1, 'alpha', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter alpha
0x03B2, 'bgr', 1, 'beta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter beta
0x03B3, 'ggr', 1, 'gamma', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter gamma
0x03B4, 'dgr', 1, 'delta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter delta
0x03B5, 'egr', 1, 'epsi', 'epsilon', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek small letter epsilon
0x03B6, 'zgr', 1, 'zeta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter zeta
0x03B7, 'eegr', 1, 'eta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter eta
0x03B8, 'thgr', 1, 'theta', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter theta
0x03B9, 'igr', 1, 'iota', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter iota
0x03BA, 'kgr', 1, 'kappa', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter kappa
0x03BB, 'lgr', 1, 'lambda', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter lambda
0x03BC, 'mgr', 1, 'mu', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter mu
0x03BD, 'ngr', 1, 'nu', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter nu
0x03BE, 'xgr', 1, 'xi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter xi
0x03BF, 'ogr', 1, 'omicron', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter omicron
0x03C0, 'pgr', 1, 'pi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter pi
0x03C1, 'rgr', 1, 'rho', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter rho
0x03C2, 'sfgr', 1, 'sigmaf', 'sigmav', 'varsigma', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek small letter final sigma (variant sigma)
0x03C3, 'sgr', 1, 'sigma', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter sigma
0x03C4, 'tgr', 1, 'tau', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter tau
0x03C5, 'ugr', 1, 'upsi', 'upsilon', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek small letter upsilon
0x03C6, 'phgr', 1, 'phi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter phi
0x03C7, 'khgr', 1, 'chi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter chi
0x03C8, 'psgr', 1, 'psi', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter psi
0x03C9, 'ohgr', 1, 'omega', -- (ISOgrk1); HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3): Greek small letter omega
0x03CA, 'idigr', 1, -- (ISOgrk1): Greek small letter iota with dialytika
0x03CB, 'udigr', 1, -- (ISOgrk1): Greek small letter upsilon with dialytika
0x03CC, 'oacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk1): Greek small letter omicron with tonos
0x03CD, 'uacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk1): Greek small letter upsilon with tonos
0x03CE, 'ohacgr', 1, -- (ISOgrk1): Greek small letter omega with tonos
0x03D1, 'thetasym', 'thetav', 'vartheta', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek theta symbol (variant theta)
0x03D2, 'Upsi', 'upsih', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek Upsilon with hook symbol
0x03D5, 'phiv', 'straightphi', 'varphi', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek phi symbol (straight phi, variant phi)
0x03D6, 'piv', 'varpi', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOgrk3), HTML 5.0: Greek pi symbol (variant pi)
0x03DC, 'Gammad', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek letter digamma
0x03DD, 'digamma', 'gammad', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek small letter digamma
0x03F0, 'kappav', 'varkappa', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek kappa symbol (variant kappa)
0x03F1, 'rhov', 'varrho', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek rho symbol (variant rho)
0x03F5, 'epsiv', 'straightepsilon', 'varepsilon', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek lunate epsilon symbol (epsilon, variant epsilon, straight epsilon)
0x03F6, 'backepsilon', 'bepsi', -- (ISOgrk3); HTML 5.0: Greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol (back epsilon)
-- 0400-04FF Cyrillic
0x0401, 'IOcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Io
0x0402, 'DJcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Dje
0x0403, 'GJcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Gje
0x0404, 'Jukcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ukrainian Ie
0x0405, 'DScy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Dze
0x0406, 'Iukcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I (Ukrainian I)
0x0407, 'YIcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter yi
0x0408, 'Jsercy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Je (Serbian J)
0x0409, 'LJcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Lje
0x040A, 'NJcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Nje
0x040B, 'TSHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Tshe
0x040C, 'KJcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Kje
0x040E, 'Ubrcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter short U (U breve)
0x040F, 'DZcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Dzhe
0x0410, 'Acy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter A
0x0411, 'Bcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Be
0x0412, 'Vcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ve
0x0413, 'Gcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ghe
0x0414, 'Dcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter De
0x0415, 'IEcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ie
0x0416, 'ZHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Zhe
0x0417, 'Zcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ze
0x0418, 'Icy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter I
0x0419, 'Jcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter short I (J)
0x041A, 'Kcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ka
0x041B, 'Lcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter El
0x041C, 'Mcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Em
0x041D, 'Ncy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter En
0x041E, 'Ocy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter O
0x041F, 'Pcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Pe
0x0420, 'Rcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Er
0x0421, 'Scy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Es
0x0422, 'Tcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Te
0x0423, 'Ucy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter U
0x0424, 'Fcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ef
0x0425, 'KHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ha (Kha)
0x0426, 'TScy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Tse
0x0427, 'CHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Che
0x0428, 'SHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Sha
0x0429, 'SHCHcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Shcha
0x042A, 'HARDcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Hard Sign
0x042B, 'Ycy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Yeru (Y)
0x042C, 'SOFTcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Soft Sign
0x042D, 'Ecy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter E
0x042E, 'YUcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Yu
0x042F, 'YAcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic capital letter Ya
0x0430, 'acy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter a
0x0431, 'bcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter be
0x0432, 'vcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ve
0x0433, 'gcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ghe
0x0434, 'dcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter de
0x0435, 'iecy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ie
0x0436, 'zhcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter zhe
0x0437, 'zcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ze
0x0438, 'icy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter i
0x0439, 'jcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter short i (j)
0x043A, 'kcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ka
0x043B, 'lcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter el
0x043C, 'mcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter em
0x043D, 'ncy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter en
0x043E, 'ocy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter o
0x043F, 'pcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter pe
0x0440, 'rcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter er
0x0441, 'scy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter es
0x0442, 'tcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter te
0x0443, 'ucy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter u
0x0444, 'fcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ef
0x0445, 'khcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ha (kha)
0x0446, 'tscy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter tse
0x0447, 'chcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter che
0x0448, 'shcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter sha
0x0449, 'shchcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter shcha
0x044A, 'hardcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter hard sign
0x044B, 'ycy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter yeru (y)
0x044C, 'softcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter soft sign
0x044D, 'ecy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter e
0x044E, 'yucy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter yu
0x044F, 'yacy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ya
0x0451, 'iocy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter io
0x0452, 'djcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter dje
0x0453, 'gjcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter gje
0x0454, 'jukcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie
0x0455, 'dscy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter dze
0x0456, 'iukcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian i (Ukrainian i)
0x0457, 'yicy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter yi
0x0458, 'jsercy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter je (Serbian j)
0x0459, 'ljcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter lje
0x045A, 'njcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter nje
0x045B, 'tshcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter tshe
0x045C, 'kjcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter kje
0x045E, 'ubrcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter short u (u breve)
0x045F, 'dzcy', -- HTML 5.0: Cyrillic small letter dzhe
-- 2000-206F General Punctuation
0x2002, 'ensp', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): en space
0x2003, 'emsp', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): em space
0x2004, 'emsp13', -- HTML 5.0: three-per-em space (1'3 em space)
0x2005, 'emsp14', -- HTML 5.0: four-per-em space (1'4 em space)
0x2007, 'numsp', -- HTML 5.0: figure space (number space)
0x2008, 'puncsp', -- HTML 5.0: punctuation space
0x2009, 'ThinSpace', 'thinsp', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: thin space
0x200A, 'VeryThinSpace', 'hairsp', -- HTML 5.0: hair space (very thin space)
0x200B, 'NegativeMediumSpace', 'NegativeThickSpace', 'NegativeThinSpace', 'NegativeVeryThinSpace', 'ZeroWidthSpace', -- HTML 5.0: zero width space (negative space)
0x200C, 'zwnj', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; NEW RFC 2070): zero width non-joiner
0x200D, 'zwj', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; NEW RFC 2070): zero width joiner
0x200E, 'lrm', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; NEW RFC 2070): left-to-right mark
0x200F, 'rlm', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; NEW RFC 2070): right-to-left mark
0x2010, 'dash', 'hyphen', -- HTML 5.0: hyphen (Unicode hyphen)
0x2013, 'ndash', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): en dash
0x2014, 'mdash', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): em dash
0x2015, 'horbar', -- HTML 5.0: horizontal bar
0x2016, 'Verbar', 'Vert', -- HTML 5.0: double vertical line
0x2018, 'OpenCurlyQuote', 'lsquo', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: left single quotation mark (open curly quote)
0x2019, 'CloseCurlyQuote', 'rsquo', 'rsquor', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: right single quotation mark (close curly quote)
0x201A, 'lsquor', 'sbquo', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; New), HTML 5.0: single low-9 quotation mark
0x201C, 'OpenCurlyDoubleQuote', 'ldquo', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: left double quotation mark (open curly double quote)
0x201D, 'CloseCurlyDoubleQuote', 'rdquo', 'rdquor', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: right double quotation mark (close curly double quote)
0x201E, 'bdquo', 'ldquor', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; New), HTML 5.0: double low-9 quotation mark
0x2020, 'dagger', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub): dagger (obelisk)
0x2021, 'Dagger', 'ddagger', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: double dagger (double obelisk)
0x2022, 'bull', 'bullet', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: bullet (black small circle)
0x2025, 'nldr', -- HTML 5.0: two dot leader (n leader)
0x2026, 'hellip', 'mldr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader, m leader)
0x2030, 'permil', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISOtech): per mille sign
0x2031, 'pertenk', -- HTML 5.0: per ten thousand sign (basis point)
0x2032, 'prime', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): prime (arcminutes feet)
0x2033, 'Prime', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): double prime (arcseconds inches)
0x2034, 'tprime', -- HTML 5.0: triple prime (thirds, lignes)
0x2035, 'backprime', 'bprime', -- HTML 5.0: reversed prime (back prime)
0x2039, 'lsaquo', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISO proposed): single left-pointing angle quotation mark
0x203A, 'rsaquo', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; ISO proposed): single right-pointing angle quotation mark
0x203E, 'OverBar', 'oline', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; New), HTML 5.0: overline (spacing overscore)
0x2041, 'caret', -- HTML 5.0: caret insertion point
0x2043, 'hybull', -- HTML 5.0: hyphen bullet
0x2044, 'frasl', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; New): fraction slash (solidus)
0x204F, 'bsemi', -- HTML 5.0: reversed semicolon (backward semicolon)
0x2057, 'qprime', -- HTML 5.0: quadruple prime (fourths)
0x205F, 'MediumSpace', -- HTML 5.0: medium mathematical space (medium space)
0x205F, 0x200A, 'ThickSpace', -- HTML 5.0: medium mathematical space, hair space
0x2060, 'NoBreak', -- HTML 5.0: word joiner (no break)
0x2061, 'ApplyFunction', 'af', -- HTML 5.0: function application (apply function)
0x2062, 'InvisibleTimes', 'it', -- HTML 5.0: invisible times
0x2063, 'InvisibleComma', 'ic', -- HTML 5.0: invisible separator (invisible comma)
-- 20A0-20CF Currency Symbols
0x20AC, 'euro', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLspecial; New): euro sign
-- 20D0-20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
0x20DB, 'TripleDot', 'tdot', -- HTML 5.0: combining three dots above
0x20DC, 'DotDot', -- HTML 5.0: combining four dots above
-- 2100-214F Letterlike Symbols
0x2102, 'Copf', 'complexes', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital C (Complex number)
0x2105, 'incare', -- HTML 5.0: care of
0x210A, 'gscr', -- HTML 5.0: script small g
0x210B, 'HilbertSpace', 'Hscr', 'hamilt', -- HTML 5.0: script capital H (Hilbert space Hamiltonian mechanics)
0x210C, 'Hfr', 'Poincareplane', -- HTML 5.0: black-letter capital H (Fraktur capital H Poincare plane)
0x210D, 'Hopf', 'quaternions', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital H (Quaternion)
0x210E, 'planckh', -- HTML 5.0: Planck constant
0x210F, 'hbar', 'hslash', 'planck', 'plankv', -- HTML 5.0: Planck constant over two pi (h bar, h slash, Planck variant)
0x2110, 'Iscr', 'imagline', -- HTML 5.0: script capital I (image line)
0x2111, 'Ifr', 'Im', 'image', 'imagpart', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamso), HTML 5.0: black-letter capital I (Fraktur capital I, imaginary part)
0x2112, 'Laplacetrf', 'Lscr', 'lagran', -- HTML 5.0: script capital L (Lagrangian mechanics, Laplace transform)
0x2113, 'ell', -- HTML 5.0: script small l (ell, a mathematical symbol)
0x2115, 'Nopf', 'naturals', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital N (Natural number)
0x2116, 'numero', -- HTML 5.0: numero sign
0x2117, 'copysr', -- HTML 5.0: sound recording copyright; or phonogram copyright symbol
0x2118, 'weierp', 'wp', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamso), HTML 5.0: script capital P (power set Weierstrass p)
0x2119, 'Popf', 'primes', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital P (prime number)
0x211A, 'Qopf', 'rationals', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital Q (rational number)
0x211B, 'Rscr', 'realine', -- HTML 5.0: script capital R (Riemann integral)
0x211C, 'Re', 'Rfr', 'real', 'realpart', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamso), HTML 5.0: black-letter capital R (Fraktur capital R, real part symbol)
0x211D, 'Ropf', 'reals', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital R (real number)
0x211E, 'rx', -- HTML 5.0: prescription take (Rx)
0x2122, 'TRADE', 'trade', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: trademark symbol; see superscript Latin capital letters TM
0x2124, 'Zopf', 'integers', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck capital Z (integer)
0x2127, 'mho', -- HTML 5.0: inverted ohm sign (mho)
0x2128, 'Zfr', 'zeetrf', -- HTML 5.0: black-letter capital Z (Fraktur capital Z, dram)
0x2129, 'iiota', -- HTML 5.0: turned Greek small letter iota (inverted iota)
0x212C, 'Bernoullis', 'Bscr', 'bernou', -- HTML 5.0: script capital B (Bernoulli polynomials)
0x212D, 'Cayleys', 'Cfr', -- HTML 5.0: black-letter capital C (Fraktur capital C)
0x212F, 'escr', -- HTML 5.0: script small e
0x2130, 'Escr', 'expectation', -- HTML 5.0: script capital E (electromotive force)
0x2131, 'Fouriertrf', 'Fscr', -- HTML 5.0: script capital F (Fourier transform)
0x2133, 'Mellintrf', 'Mscr', 'phmmat', -- HTML 5.0: script capital M (Mellin transform, M-matrix (physics))
0x2134, 'order', 'orderof', 'oscr', -- HTML 5.0: script small o (order, of inferior order to)
0x2135, 'alefsym', 'aleph', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; New), HTML 5.0: alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal)
0x2136, 'beth', -- HTML 5.0: bet symbol (beth symbol)
0x2137, 'gimel', -- HTML 5.0: gimel symbol
0x2138, 'daleth', -- HTML 5.0: dalet symbol (daleth symbol)
0x2145, 'CapitalDifferentialD', 'DD', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck italic capital D
0x2146, 'DifferentialD', 'dd', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck italic small d
0x2147, 'ExponentialE', 'ee', 'exponentiale', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck italic small e
0x2148, 'ImaginaryI', 'ii', -- HTML 5.0: double-struck italic small i
-- 2150-218F Number Forms
0x2153, 'frac13', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction one third (fraction one third)
0x2154, 'frac23', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction two thirds (fraction two thirds)
0x2155, 'frac15', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction one fifth (fraction one fifth)
0x2156, 'frac25', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction two fifths (fraction two fifths)
0x2157, 'frac35', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction three fifths (fraction three fifths)
0x2158, 'frac45', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction four fifths (fraction four fifths)
0x2159, 'frac16', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction one sixth (fraction one sixth)
0x215A, 'frac56', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction five sixths (fraction five sixths)
0x215B, 'frac18', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction one eighth (fraction one eighth)
0x215C, 'frac38', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction three eighths (fraction three eighths)
0x215D, 'frac58', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction five eighths (fraction five eighths)
0x215E, 'frac78', -- HTML 5.0: vulgar fraction seven eighths (fraction seven eighths)
-- 2190-21FF Arrows
0x2190, 'LeftArrow', 'ShortLeftArrow', 'larr', 'leftarrow', 'slarr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow
0x2191, 'ShortUpArrow', 'UpArrow', 'uarr', 'uparrow', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: upwards arrow
0x2192, 'RightArrow', 'ShortRightArrow', 'rarr', 'rightarrow', 'srarr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow
0x2193, 'DownArrow', 'ShortDownArrow', 'darr', 'downarrow', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: downwards arrow
0x2194, 'LeftRightArrow', 'harr', 'leftrightarrow', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsa), HTML 5.0: left right arrow (horizontal arrow)
0x2195, 'UpDownArrow', 'updownarrow', 'varr', -- HTML 5.0: up down arrow (vertical arrow)
0x2196, 'UpperLeftArrow', 'nwarr', 'nwarrow', -- HTML 5.0: north west arrow (upper left arrow)
0x2197, 'UpperRightArrow', 'nearr', 'nearrow', -- HTML 5.0: north east arrow (upper right arrow)
0x2198, 'LowerRightArrow', 'searr', 'searrow', -- HTML 5.0: south east arrow (lower right arrow)
0x2199, 'LowerLeftArrow', 'swarr', 'swarrow', -- HTML 5.0: south west arrow (lower left arrow)
0x219A, 'nlarr', 'nleftarrow', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow with stroke (not left arrow)
0x219B, 'nrarr', 'nrightarrow', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with stroke (not right arrow)
0x219D, 'rarrw', 'rightsquigarrow', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards wave arrow (rightwards squiggle arrow)
0x219D, 0x0338, 'nrarrw', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards wave arrow, combining long solidus overlay
0x219E, 'Larr', 'twoheadleftarrow', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards two headed arrow
0x219F, 'Uarr', -- HTML 5.0: upwards two headed arrow
0x21A0, 'Rarr', 'twoheadrightarrow', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards two headed arrow
0x21A1, 'Darr', -- HTML 5.0: downwards two headed arrow
0x21A2, 'larrtl', 'leftarrowtail', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow with tail
0x21A3, 'rarrtl', 'rightarrowtail', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with tail
0x21A4, 'LeftTeeArrow', 'mapstoleft', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow from bar (maps to leftward, left tee arrow)
0x21A5, 'UpTeeArrow', 'mapstoup', -- HTML 5.0: upwards arrow from bar (maps to upward, up tee arrow)
0x21A6, 'RightTeeArrow', 'map', 'mapsto', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow from bar (maps to, right tee arrow)
0x21A7, 'DownTeeArrow', 'mapstodown', -- HTML 5.0: downwards arrow from bar (maps to downward, down tee arrow)
0x21A9, 'hookleftarrow', 'larrhk', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow with hook
0x21AA, 'hookrightarrow', 'rarrhk', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with hook
0x21AB, 'larrlp', 'looparrowleft', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow with loop
0x21AC, 'looparrowright', 'rarrlp', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with loop
0x21AD, 'harrw', 'leftrightsquigarrow', -- HTML 5.0: left right wave arrow (horizontal wave arrow, left right squiggle arrow)
0x21AE, 'nharr', 'nleftrightarrow', -- HTML 5.0: left right arrow with stroke (not horizontal arrow, not left right arrow)
0x21B0, 'Lsh', 'lsh', -- HTML 5.0: upwards arrow with tip leftwards (left shift)
0x21B1, 'Rsh', 'rsh', -- HTML 5.0: upwards arrow with tip rightwards (right shift)
0x21B2, 'ldsh', -- HTML 5.0: downwards arrow with tip leftwards (left down shift)
0x21B3, 'rdsh', -- HTML 5.0: downwards arrow with tip rightwards (right down shift)
0x21B5, 'crarr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; New): downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return)
0x21B6, 'cularr', 'curvearrowleft', -- HTML 5.0: anticlockwise top semicircle arrow (curve arrow left)
0x21B7, 'curarr', 'curvearrowright', -- HTML 5.0: clockwise top semicircle arrow (curve arrow right)
0x21BA, 'circlearrowleft', 'olarr', -- HTML 5.0: anticlockwise open circle arrow (circle arrow left, open left arrow)
0x21BB, 'circlearrowright', 'orarr', -- HTML 5.0: clockwise open circle arrow (circle arrow right, open right arrow)
0x21BC, 'LeftVector', 'leftharpoonup', 'lharu', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb upwards (left vector)
0x21BD, 'DownLeftVector', 'leftharpoondown', 'lhard', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb downwards (down left vector)
0x21BE, 'RightUpVector', 'uharr', 'upharpoonright', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb rightwards (right up vector)
0x21BF, 'LeftUpVector', 'uharl', 'upharpoonleft', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb leftwards (left up vector)
0x21C0, 'RightVector', 'rharu', 'rightharpoonup', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb upwards (right vector)
0x21C1, 'DownRightVector', 'rhard', 'rightharpoondown', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb downwards (down right vector)
0x21C2, 'RightDownVector', 'dharr', 'downharpoonright', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb rightwards (right down vector)
0x21C3, 'LeftDownVector', 'dharl', 'downharpoonleft', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb leftwards (left down vector)
0x21C4, 'RightArrowLeftArrow', 'rightleftarrows', 'rlarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
0x21C5, 'UpArrowDownArrow', 'udarr', -- HTML 5.0: upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
0x21C6, 'LeftArrowRightArrow', 'leftrightarrows', 'lrarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
0x21C7, 'leftleftarrows', 'llarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards paired arrows
0x21C8, 'upuparrows', 'uuarr', -- HTML 5.0: upwards paired arrows
0x21C9, 'rightrightarrows', 'rrarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards paired arrows
0x21CA, 'ddarr', 'downdownarrows', -- HTML 5.0: downwards paired arrows
0x21CB, 'ReverseEquilibrium', 'leftrightharpoons', 'lrhar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon (Reverse Equilibrium)
0x21CC, 'Equilibrium', 'rightleftharpoons', 'rlhar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon (Equilibrium)
0x21CD, 'nLeftarrow', 'nlArr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards double arrow with stroke (not leftwards double arrow)
0x21CE, 'nLeftrightarrow', 'nhArr', -- HTML 5.0: left right double arrow with stroke (not horizontal double arrow, not left right double arrow)
0x21CF, 'nRightarrow', 'nrArr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards double arrow with stroke (not rightwards double arrow)
0x21D0, 'DoubleLeftArrow', 'Leftarrow', 'lArr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: leftwards double arrow
0x21D1, 'DoubleUpArrow', 'Uparrow', 'uArr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsa), HTML 5.0: upwards double arrow
0x21D2, 'DoubleRightArrow', 'Implies', 'Rightarrow', 'rArr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOnum), HTML 5.0: rightwards double arrow (implies)
0x21D3, 'DoubleDownArrow', 'Downarrow', 'dArr', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsa), HTML 5.0: downwards double arrow
0x21D4, 'DoubleLeftRightArrow', 'Leftrightarrow', 'hArr', 'iff', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsa), HTML 5.0: left right double arrow (iff)
0x21D5, 'DoubleUpDownArrow', 'Updownarrow', 'vArr', -- HTML 5.0: up down double arrow
0x21D6, 'nwArr', -- HTML 5.0: north west double arrow
0x21D7, 'neArr', -- HTML 5.0: north east double arrow
0x21D8, 'seArr', -- HTML 5.0: south east double arrow
0x21D9, 'swArr', -- HTML 5.0: south west double arrow
0x21DA, 'Lleftarrow', 'lAarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards triple arrow
0x21DB, 'Rrightarrow', 'rAarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards triple arrow
0x21DD, 'zigrarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards squiggle arrow (rightwards zigzag arrow)
0x21E4, 'LeftArrowBar', 'larrb', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow to bar
0x21E5, 'RightArrowBar', 'rarrb', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow to bar
0x21F5, 'DownArrowUpArrow', 'duarr', -- HTML 5.0: downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
0x21FD, 'loarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards open-headed arrow
0x21FE, 'roarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards open-headed arrow
0x21FF, 'hoarr', -- HTML 5.0: left right open-headed arrow (horizontal open-headed arrow)
-- 2200-22FF Mathematical Operators
0x2200, 'ForAll', 'forall', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: for all
0x2201, 'comp', 'complement', -- HTML 5.0: complement
0x2202, 'PartialD', 'part', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: partial differential
0x2202, 0x0338, 'npart', -- HTML 5.0: partial differential, combining long solidus overlay
0x2203, 'Exists', 'exist', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: there exists
0x2204, 'NotExists', 'nexist', 'nexists', -- HTML 5.0: there does not exist
0x2205, 'empty', 'emptyset', 'emptyv', 'varnothing', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamso), HTML 5.0: empty set (null set, empty variable, variable nothing); see also U+8960
0x2207, 'Del', 'nabla', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: nabla (del, vector differential operator)
0x2208, 'Element', 'in', 'isin', 'isinv', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: element of (in set)
0x2209, 'NotElement', 'notin', 'notinva', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: not an element of (not in set)
0x220B, 'ReverseElement', 'SuchThat', 'ni', 'niv', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: contains as member (Reversed element, Reversed in set, such that)
0x220C, 'NotReverseElement', 'notni', 'notniva', -- HTML 5.0: does not contain as member (Not reversed element, nor reversed in set)
0x220F, 'Product', 'prod', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsb), HTML 5.0: n-ary product (product sign)
0x2210, 'Coproduct', 'coprod', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary coproduct (coproduct sign)
0x2211, 'Sum', 'sum', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsb), HTML 5.0: n-ary summation
0x2212, 'minus', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): minus sign
0x2213, 'MinusPlus', 'mnplus', 'mp', -- HTML 5.0: minus-or-plus sign (minus–plus sign)
0x2214, 'dotplus', 'plusdo', -- HTML 5.0: dot plus (dot plus sign, plus dot sign)
0x2216, 'Backslash', 'setminus', 'setmn', 'smallsetminus', 'ssetmn', -- HTML 5.0: set minus
0x2217, 'lowast', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): asterisk operator
0x2218, 'SmallCircle', 'compfn', -- HTML 5.0: ring operator (composition function, small circle)
0x221A, 'Sqrt', 'radic', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: square root (radical sign)
0x221D, 'Proportional', 'prop', 'propto', 'varpropto', 'vprop', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: proportional to
0x221E, 'infin', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): infinity
0x221F, 'angrt', -- HTML 5.0: right angle
0x2220, 'ang', 'angle', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamso), HTML 5.0: angle
0x2220, 0x20D2, 'nang', -- HTML 5.0: angle, combining long vertical line overlay
0x2221, 'angmsd', 'measuredangle', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle
0x2222, 'angsph', -- HTML 5.0: spherical angle
0x2223, 'VerticalBar', 'mid', 'shortmid', 'smid', -- HTML 5.0: divides (vertical bar, mid, short mid)
0x2224, 'NotVerticalBar', 'nmid', 'nshortmid', 'nsmid', -- HTML 5.0: does not divide (not vertical bar, not mid, not short mid)
0x2225, 'DoubleVerticalBar', 'par', 'parallel', 'shortparallel', 'spar', -- HTML 5.0: parallel to (double vertical bar)
0x2226, 'NotDoubleVerticalBar', 'npar', 'nparallel', 'nshortparallel', 'nspar', -- HTML 5.0: not parallel to (not double vertical bar)
0x2227, 'and', 'wedge', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: logical and (wedge)
0x2228, 'or', 'vee', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: logical or (vee)
0x2229, 'cap', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): intersection (cap)
0x2229, 0xFE00, 'caps', -- HTML 5.0: intersection, variation selector-1
0x222A, 'cup', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): union (cup)
0x222A, 0xFE00, 'cups', -- HTML 5.0: union, variation selector-1
0x222B, 'Integral', 'int', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: integral
0x222C, 'Int', -- HTML 5.0: double integral
0x222D, 'iiint', 'tint', -- HTML 5.0: triple integral
0x222E, 'ContourIntegral', 'conint', 'oint', -- HTML 5.0: contour integral (circle integral)
0x222F, 'Conint', 'DoubleContourIntegral', -- HTML 5.0: surface integral (double contour integral)
0x2230, 'Cconint', -- HTML 5.0: volume integral
0x2231, 'cwint', -- HTML 5.0: clockwise integral
0x2232, 'ClockwiseContourIntegral', 'cwconint', -- HTML 5.0: clockwise contour integral
0x2233, 'CounterClockwiseContourIntegral', 'awconint', -- HTML 5.0: anticlockwise contour integral
0x2234, 'Therefore', 'there4', 'therefore', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: therefore
0x2235, 'Because', 'becaus', 'because', -- HTML 5.0: because
0x2236, 'ratio', -- HTML 5.0: ratio
0x2237, 'Colon', 'Proportion', -- HTML 5.0: proportion
0x2238, 'dotminus', 'minusd', -- HTML 5.0: dot minus
0x223A, 'mDDot', -- HTML 5.0: geometric proportion
0x223B, 'homtht', -- HTML 5.0: homothetic
0x223C, 'Tilde', 'sim', 'thicksim', 'thksim', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: tilde operator (varies with, similar to, thick tilde)
0x223C, 0x20D2, 'nvsim', -- HTML 5.0: tilde operator, combining long vertical line overlay
0x223D, 'backsim', 'bsim', -- HTML 5.0: reversed tilde (back similar to)
0x223D, 0x0331, 'race', -- HTML 5.0: reversed tilde, combining macron below
0x223E, 'ac', 'mstpos', -- HTML 5.0: inverted lazy s
0x223E, 0x0333, 'acE', -- HTML 5.0: inverted lazy s, combining double low line
0x223F, 'acd', -- HTML 5.0: sine wave
0x2240, 'VerticalTilde', 'wr', 'wreath', -- HTML 5.0: wreath product (vertical tilde)
0x2241, 'NotTilde', 'nsim', -- HTML 5.0: not tilde (is not similar to)
0x2242, 'EqualTilde', 'eqsim', 'esim', -- HTML 5.0: minus tilde (equal tilde)
0x2242, 0x0338, 'NotEqualTilde', 'nesim', -- HTML 5.0: minus tilde, combining long solidus overlay
0x2243, 'TildeEqual', 'sime', 'simeq', -- HTML 5.0: asymptotically equal to (tilde equal)
0x2244, 'NotTildeEqual', 'nsime', 'nsimeq', -- HTML 5.0: not asymptotically equal to (not tilde equal)
0x2245, 'TildeFullEqual', 'cong', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: approximately equal to (congruent to)
0x2246, 'simne', -- HTML 5.0: approximately but not actually equal to (similar but not equal to)
0x2247, 'NotTildeFullEqual', 'ncong', -- HTML 5.0: neither approximately nor actually equal to (not congruent to)
0x2248, 'TildeTilde', 'ap', 'approx', 'asymp', 'thickapprox', 'thkap', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsr), HTML 5.0: almost equal to (asymptotic to, approximately, tilde over tilde)
0x2249, 'NotTildeTilde', 'nap', 'napprox', -- HTML 5.0: not almost equal to (not approximately, not tilde over tilde)
0x224A, 'ape', 'approxeq', -- HTML 5.0: almost equal or equal to (approximately equal to)
0x224B, 'apid', -- HTML 5.0: triple tilde
0x224B, 0x0338, 'napid', -- HTML 5.0: triple tilde, combining long solidus overlay
0x224C, 'backcong', 'bcong', -- HTML 5.0: all equal to (backwards congruent to)
0x224D, 'CupCap', 'asympeq', -- HTML 5.0: equivalent to (asymptotically equivalent to, Cup and Cap)
0x224D, 0x20D2, 'nvap', -- HTML 5.0: equivalent to, combining long vertical line overlay
0x224E, 'Bumpeq', 'HumpDownHump', 'bump', -- HTML 5.0: geometrically equivalent to (bump equals, hump and down hump equals)
0x224E, 0x0338, 'NotHumpDownHump', 'nbump', -- HTML 5.0: geometrically equivalent to, combining long solidus overlay
0x224F, 'HumpEqual', 'bumpe', 'bumpeq', -- HTML 5.0: difference between (hump equals)
0x224F, 0x0338, 'NotHumpEqual', 'nbumpe', -- HTML 5.0: difference between, combining long solidus overlay
0x2250, 'DotEqual', 'doteq', 'esdot', -- HTML 5.0: approaches the limit (dot equal)
0x2250, 0x0338, 'nedot', -- HTML 5.0: approaches the limit, combining long solidus overlay
0x2251, 'doteqdot', 'eDot', -- HTML 5.0: geometrically equal to (dot equal dot)
0x2252, 'efDot', 'fallingdotseq', -- HTML 5.0: approximately equal to or the image of (falling dot sequence)
0x2253, 'erDot', 'risingdotseq', -- HTML 5.0: image of or approximately equal to (rising dot sequence)
0x2254, 'Assign', 'colone', 'coloneq', -- HTML 5.0: colon equals (Assignment (computer science))
0x2255, 'ecolon', 'eqcolon', -- HTML 5.0: equals colon
0x2256, 'ecir', 'eqcirc', -- HTML 5.0: ring in equal to (equals circle)
0x2257, 'circeq', 'cire', -- HTML 5.0: ring equal to (circle equals)
0x2259, 'wedgeq', -- HTML 5.0: estimates (wedge equals)
0x225A, 'veeeq', -- HTML 5.0: equiangular to (vee equals)
0x225C, 'triangleq', 'trie', -- HTML 5.0: delta equal to (triangle equals)
0x225F, 'equest', 'questeq', -- HTML 5.0: questioned equal to
0x2260, 'NotEqual', 'ne', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: not equal to
0x2261, 'Congruent', 'equiv', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' or 'congruent'
0x2261, 0x20E5, 'bnequiv', -- HTML 5.0: identical to, combining reverse solidus overlay
0x2262, 'NotCongruent', 'nequiv', -- HTML 5.0: not identical to; sometimes used for 'not congruent'
0x2264, 'le', 'leq', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: less-than or equal to
0x2264, 0x20D2, 'nvle', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
0x2265, 'GreaterEqual', 'ge', 'geq', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: greater-than or equal to
0x2265, 0x20D2, 'nvge', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
0x2266, 'LessFullEqual', 'lE', 'leqq', -- HTML 5.0: less-than over equal to
0x2266, 0x0338, 'nlE', 'nleqq', -- HTML 5.0: less-than over equal to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2267, 'GreaterFullEqual', 'gE', 'geqq', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than over equal to
0x2267, 0x0338, 'NotGreaterFullEqual', 'ngE', 'ngeqq', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than over equal to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2268, 'lnE', 'lneqq', -- HTML 5.0: less-than but not equal to
0x2268, 0xFE00, 'lvertneqq', 'lvnE', -- HTML 5.0: less-than but not equal to, variation selector-1
0x2269, 'gnE', 'gneqq', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than but not equal to
0x2269, 0xFE00, 'gvertneqq', 'gvnE', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than but not equal to, variation selector-1
0x226A, 'Lt', 'NestedLessLess', 'll', -- HTML 5.0: much less-than
0x226A, 0x0338, 'NotLessLess', 'nLtv', -- HTML 5.0: much less-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x226A, 0x20D2, 'nLt', -- HTML 5.0: much less-than, combining long vertical line overlay
0x226B, 'Gt', 'NestedGreaterGreater', 'gg', -- HTML 5.0: much greater-than
0x226B, 0x0338, 'NotGreaterGreater', 'nGtv', -- HTML 5.0: much greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x226B, 0x20D2, 'nGt', -- HTML 5.0: much greater-than, combining long vertical line overlay
0x226C, 'between', 'twixt', -- HTML 5.0: between
0x226D, 'NotCupCap', -- HTML 5.0: not equivalent to (not cup cap)
0x226E, 'NotLess', 'nless', 'nlt', -- HTML 5.0: not less-than
0x226F, 'NotGreater', 'ngt', 'ngtr', -- HTML 5.0: not greater-than
0x2270, 'NotLessEqual', 'nle', 'nleq', -- HTML 5.0: neither less-than nor equal to
0x2271, 'NotGreaterEqual', 'nge', 'ngeq', -- HTML 5.0: neither greater-than nor equal to
0x2272, 'LessTilde', 'lesssim', 'lsim', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or equivalent to (less-than tilde, less-than or similar to)
0x2273, 'GreaterTilde', 'gsim', 'gtrsim', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or equivalent to (greater-than tilde, greater-than or similar to)
0x2274, 'NotLessTilde', 'nlsim', -- HTML 5.0: neither less-than nor equivalent to (not less-than tilde, neither less-than nor similar to)
0x2275, 'NotGreaterTilde', 'ngsim', -- HTML 5.0: neither greater-than nor equivalent to (not greater-than tilde, neither greater-than nor similar to)
0x2276, 'LessGreater', 'lessgtr', 'lg', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or greater-than
0x2277, 'GreaterLess', 'gl', 'gtrless', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or less-than
0x2278, 'NotLessGreater', 'ntlg', -- HTML 5.0: neither less-than nor greater-than
0x2279, 'NotGreaterLess', 'ntgl', -- HTML 5.0: neither greater-than nor less-than
0x227A, 'Precedes', 'pr', 'prec', -- HTML 5.0: precedes
0x227B, 'Succeeds', 'sc', 'succ', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds
0x227C, 'PrecedesSlantEqual', 'prcue', 'preccurlyeq', -- HTML 5.0: precedes or equal to (precedes curly equals, precedes slant equals)
0x227D, 'SucceedsSlantEqual', 'sccue', 'succcurlyeq', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds or equal to (succeeds curly equals, succeeds slant equals)
0x227E, 'PrecedesTilde', 'precsim', 'prsim', -- HTML 5.0: precedes or equivalent to (precedes or similar to, precedes tilde)
0x227F, 'SucceedsTilde', 'scsim', 'succsim', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds or equivalent to (succeeds or similar to, succeeds tilde)
0x227F, 0x0338, 'NotSucceedsTilde', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds or equivalent to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2280, 'NotPrecedes', 'npr', 'nprec', -- HTML 5.0: does not precede
0x2281, 'NotSucceeds', 'nsc', 'nsucc', -- HTML 5.0: does not succeed
0x2282, 'sub', 'subset', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: subset of
0x2282, 0x20D2, 'NotSubset', 'nsubset', 'vnsub', -- HTML 5.0: subset of, combining long vertical line overlay
0x2283, 'Superset', 'sup', 'supset', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: superset of
0x2283, 0x20D2, 'NotSuperset', 'nsupset', 'vnsup', -- HTML 5.0: superset of, combining long vertical line overlay
0x2284, 'nsub', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsn): not a subset of
0x2285, 'nsup', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsn): not a superset of
0x2286, 'SubsetEqual', 'sube', 'subseteq', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: subset of or equal to
0x2287, 'SupersetEqual', 'supe', 'supseteq', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: superset of or equal to
0x2288, 'NotSubsetEqual', 'nsube', 'nsubseteq', -- HTML 5.0: neither a subset of nor equal to
0x2289, 'NotSupersetEqual', 'nsupe', 'nsupseteq', -- HTML 5.0: neither a superset of nor equal to
0x228A, 'subne', 'subsetneq', -- HTML 5.0: subset of with not equal to
0x228A, 0xFE00, 'varsubsetneq', 'vsubne', -- HTML 5.0: subset of with not equal to, variation selector-1
0x228B, 'supne', 'supsetneq', -- HTML 5.0: superset of with not equal to
0x228B, 0xFE00, 'varsupsetneq', 'vsupne', -- HTML 5.0: superset of with not equal to, variation selector-1
0x228D, 'cupdot', -- HTML 5.0: multiset multiplication (cup dot)
0x228E, 'UnionPlus', 'uplus', -- HTML 5.0: multiset union (union plus)
0x228F, 'SquareSubset', 'sqsub', 'sqsubset', -- HTML 5.0: square image of (square subset)
0x228F, 0x0338, 'NotSquareSubset', -- HTML 5.0: square image of, combining long solidus overlay
0x2290, 'SquareSuperset', 'sqsup', 'sqsupset', -- HTML 5.0: square original of (square superset)
0x2290, 0x0338, 'NotSquareSuperset', -- HTML 5.0: square original of, combining long solidus overlay
0x2291, 'SquareSubsetEqual', 'sqsube', 'sqsubseteq', -- HTML 5.0: square image of or equal to (square subset equal)
0x2292, 'SquareSupersetEqual', 'sqsupe', 'sqsupseteq', -- HTML 5.0: square original of or equal to (square superset equal)
0x2293, 'SquareIntersection', 'sqcap', -- HTML 5.0: square cap (square intersection)
0x2293, 0xFE00, 'sqcaps', -- HTML 5.0: square cap, variation selector-1
0x2294, 'SquareUnion', 'sqcup', -- HTML 5.0: square cup (square union)
0x2294, 0xFE00, 'sqcups', -- HTML 5.0: square cup, variation selector-1
0x2295, 'CirclePlus', 'oplus', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsb), HTML 5.0: circled plus (direct sum)
0x2296, 'CircleMinus', 'ominus', -- HTML 5.0: circled minus
0x2297, 'CircleTimes', 'otimes', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsb), HTML 5.0: circled times (vector product)
0x2298, 'osol', -- HTML 5.0: circled division slash (circled solidus)
0x2299, 'CircleDot', 'odot', -- HTML 5.0: circled dot operator (circled dot)
0x229A, 'circledcirc', 'ocir', -- HTML 5.0: circled ring operator (circled circle)
0x229B, 'circledast', 'oast', -- HTML 5.0: circled asterisk operator
0x229D, 'circleddash', 'odash', -- HTML 5.0: circled dash
0x229E, 'boxplus', 'plusb', -- HTML 5.0: squared plus (boxed plus)
0x229F, 'boxminus', 'minusb', -- HTML 5.0: squared minus (boxed minus)
0x22A0, 'boxtimes', 'timesb', -- HTML 5.0: squared times (boxed times)
0x22A1, 'dotsquare', 'sdotb', -- HTML 5.0: squared dot operator (boxed small dot)
0x22A2, 'RightTee', 'vdash', -- HTML 5.0: right tack (proves, right tee)
0x22A3, 'LeftTee', 'dashv', -- HTML 5.0: left tack (left tee)
0x22A4, 'DownTee', 'top', -- HTML 5.0: down tack (top tack, down tee)
0x22A5, 'UpTee', 'bot', 'bottom', 'perp', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech), HTML 5.0: up tack (orthogonal to perpendicular, bottom tack, up tee)
0x22A7, 'models', -- HTML 5.0: models
0x22A8, 'DoubleRightTee', 'vDash', -- HTML 5.0: true (double right tee)
0x22A9, 'Vdash', -- HTML 5.0: forces
0x22AA, 'Vvdash', -- HTML 5.0: triple vertical bar right turnstile
0x22AB, 'VDash', -- HTML 5.0: double vertical bar double right turnstile
0x22AC, 'nvdash', -- HTML 5.0: does not prove
0x22AD, 'nvDash', -- HTML 5.0: not true
0x22AE, 'nVdash', -- HTML 5.0: does not force
0x22AF, 'nVDash', -- HTML 5.0: negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
0x22B0, 'prurel', -- HTML 5.0: precedes under relation
0x22B2, 'LeftTriangle', 'vartriangleleft', 'vltri', -- HTML 5.0: normal subgroup of (left triangle)
0x22B3, 'RightTriangle', 'vartriangleright', 'vrtri', -- HTML 5.0: contains as normal subgroup (right triangle)
0x22B4, 'LeftTriangleEqual', 'ltrie', 'trianglelefteq', -- HTML 5.0: normal subgroup of or equal to (left triangle equal)
0x22B4, 0x20D2, 'nvltrie', -- HTML 5.0: normal subgroup of or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
0x22B5, 'RightTriangleEqual', 'rtrie', 'trianglerighteq', -- HTML 5.0: contains as normal subgroup or equal to (right triangle equal)
0x22B5, 0x20D2, 'nvrtrie', -- HTML 5.0: contains as normal subgroup or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
0x22B6, 'origof', -- HTML 5.0: original of
0x22B7, 'imof', -- HTML 5.0: image of
0x22B8, 'multimap', 'mumap', -- HTML 5.0: multimap
0x22B9, 'hercon', -- HTML 5.0: Hermitian conjugate matrix
0x22BA, 'intcal', 'intercal', -- HTML 5.0: intercalate
0x22BB, 'veebar', -- HTML 5.0: xor
0x22BD, 'barvee', -- HTML 5.0: nor
0x22BE, 'angrtvb', -- HTML 5.0: right angle with arc
0x22BF, 'lrtri', -- HTML 5.0: right triangle (lower right triangle)
0x22C0, 'Wedge', 'bigwedge', 'xwedge', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary logical and (x wedge, big wedge)
0x22C1, 'Vee', 'bigvee', 'xvee', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary logical or (x vee, big vee)
0x22C2, 'Intersection', 'bigcap', 'xcap', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary intersection (x cap, big cap)
0x22C3, 'Union', 'bigcup', 'xcup', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary union (x cup, big cup)
0x22C4, 'Diamond', 'diam', 'diamond', -- HTML 5.0: diamond operator
0x22C5, 'sdot', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsb): dot operator (small dot)
0x22C6, 'Star', 'sstarf', -- HTML 5.0: star operator
0x22C7, 'divideontimes', 'divonx', -- HTML 5.0: division times
0x22C8, 'bowtie', -- HTML 5.0: bowtie
0x22C9, 'ltimes', -- HTML 5.0: left normal factor semidirect product (left times)
0x22CA, 'rtimes', -- HTML 5.0: right normal factor semidirect product (right times)
0x22CB, 'leftthreetimes', 'lthree', -- HTML 5.0: left semidirect product (left three times)
0x22CC, 'rightthreetimes', 'rthree', -- HTML 5.0: right semidirect product (right three times)
0x22CD, 'backsimeq', 'bsime', -- HTML 5.0: reversed tilde equals (back similar or equal to)
0x22CE, 'curlyvee', 'cuvee', -- HTML 5.0: curly logical or (curly vee)
0x22CF, 'curlywedge', 'cuwed', -- HTML 5.0: curly logical and (curly wedge)
0x22D0, 'Sub', 'Subset', -- HTML 5.0: double subset
0x22D1, 'Sup', 'Supset', -- HTML 5.0: double superset
0x22D2, 'Cap', -- HTML 5.0: double intersection (double cap)
0x22D3, 'Cup', -- HTML 5.0: double union (double cup)
0x22D4, 'fork', 'pitchfork', -- HTML 5.0: pitchfork (Transversality theorem)
0x22D5, 'epar', -- HTML 5.0: equal and parallel to
0x22D6, 'lessdot', 'ltdot', -- HTML 5.0: less-than with dot
0x22D7, 'gtdot', 'gtrdot', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than with dot
0x22D8, 'Ll', -- HTML 5.0: very much less-than
0x22D8, 0x0338, 'nLl', -- HTML 5.0: very much less-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x22D9, 'Gg', 'ggg', -- HTML 5.0: very much greater-than
0x22D9, 0x0338, 'nGg', -- HTML 5.0: very much greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x22DA, 'LessEqualGreater', 'leg', 'lesseqgtr', -- HTML 5.0: less-than equal to or greater-than
0x22DA, 0xFE00, 'lesg', -- HTML 5.0: less-than equal to or greater-than, variation selector-1
0x22DB, 'GreaterEqualLess', 'gel', 'gtreqless', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than equal to or less-than
0x22DB, 0xFE00, 'gesl', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than equal to or less-than, variation selector-1
0x22DE, 'cuepr', 'curlyeqprec', -- HTML 5.0: equal to or precedes (curly equal to or precedes)
0x22DF, 'cuesc', 'curlyeqsucc', -- HTML 5.0: equal to or succeeds (curly equal to or succeeds)
0x22E0, 'NotPrecedesSlantEqual', 'nprcue', -- HTML 5.0: does not precede or equal (not precedes curly equal, not precedes slant equal)
0x22E1, 'NotSucceedsSlantEqual', 'nsccue', -- HTML 5.0: does not succeed or equal (not succeeds curly equal, not succeeds slant equal)
0x22E2, 'NotSquareSubsetEqual', 'nsqsube', -- HTML 5.0: not square image of or equal to (not square subset equal)
0x22E3, 'NotSquareSupersetEqual', 'nsqsupe', -- HTML 5.0: not square original of or equal to (not square superset equal)
0x22E6, 'lnsim', -- HTML 5.0: less-than but not equivalent to (less-than but not similar to)
0x22E7, 'gnsim', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than but not equivalent to (greater-than but not similar to)
0x22E8, 'precnsim', 'prnsim', -- HTML 5.0: precedes but not equivalent to (precedes but not similar to)
0x22E9, 'scnsim', 'succnsim', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds but not equivalent to (succeeds but not similar to)
0x22EA, 'NotLeftTriangle', 'nltri', 'ntriangleleft', -- HTML 5.0: not normal subgroup of (not left triangle)
0x22EB, 'NotRightTriangle', 'nrtri', 'ntriangleright', -- HTML 5.0: does not contain as normal subgroup (not right triangle)
0x22EC, 'NotLeftTriangleEqual', 'nltrie', 'ntrianglelefteq', -- HTML 5.0: not normal subgroup of or equal to (not left triangle equal)
0x22ED, 'NotRightTriangleEqual', 'nrtrie', 'ntrianglerighteq', -- HTML 5.0: does not contain as normal subgroup or equal (not right triangle equal)
0x22EE, 'vellip', -- HTML 5.0: vertical ellipsis
0x22EF, 'ctdot', -- HTML 5.0: midline horizontal ellipsis (centered triple dot)
0x22F0, 'utdot', -- HTML 5.0: up right diagonal ellipsis (upward triple dot)
0x22F1, 'dtdot', -- HTML 5.0: down right diagonal ellipsis (downward triple dot)
0x22F2, 'disin', -- HTML 5.0: element of with long horizontal stroke
0x22F3, 'isinsv', -- HTML 5.0: element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
0x22F4, 'isins', -- HTML 5.0: small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
0x22F5, 'isindot', -- HTML 5.0: element of with dot above
0x22F5, 0x0338, 'notindot', -- HTML 5.0: element of with dot above, combining long solidus overlay
0x22F6, 'notinvc', -- HTML 5.0: element of with overbar
0x22F7, 'notinvb', -- HTML 5.0: small element of with overbar
0x22F9, 'isinE', -- HTML 5.0: element of with two horizontal strokes
0x22F9, 0x0338, 'notinE', -- HTML 5.0: element of with two horizontal strokes, combining long solidus overlay
0x22FA, 'nisd', -- HTML 5.0: contains with long horizontal stroke
0x22FB, 'xnis', -- HTML 5.0: contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
0x22FC, 'nis', -- HTML 5.0: small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
0x22FD, 'notnivc', -- HTML 5.0: contains with overbar
0x22FE, 'notnivb', -- HTML 5.0: small contains with overbar
-- 2300-23FF Miscellaneous Technical
0x2305, 'barwed', 'barwedge', -- HTML 5.0: projective
0x2306, 'Barwed', 'doublebarwedge', -- HTML 5.0: perspective
0x2308, 'LeftCeiling', 'lceil', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsc), HTML 5.0: left ceiling (APL upstile)
0x2309, 'RightCeiling', 'rceil', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsc), HTML 5.0: right ceiling
0x230A, 'LeftFloor', 'lfloor', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsc), HTML 5.0: left floor (APL downstile)
0x230B, 'RightFloor', 'rfloor', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOamsc), HTML 5.0: right floor
0x230C, 'drcrop', -- HTML 5.0: bottom right crop (down right crop)
0x230D, 'dlcrop', -- HTML 5.0: bottom left crop (down left crop)
0x230E, 'urcrop', -- HTML 5.0: top right crop (up right crop)
0x230F, 'ulcrop', -- HTML 5.0: top left crop (up left crop)
0x2310, 'bnot', -- HTML 5.0: reversed not sign (backwards not sign)
0x2312, 'profline', -- HTML 5.0: arc
0x2313, 'profsurf', -- HTML 5.0: segment
0x2315, 'telrec', -- HTML 5.0: telephone recorder
0x2316, 'target', -- HTML 5.0: position indicator (target)
0x231C, 'ulcorn', 'ulcorner', -- HTML 5.0: top left corner (up left corner)
0x231D, 'urcorn', 'urcorner', -- HTML 5.0: top right corner (up right corner)
0x231E, 'dlcorn', 'llcorner', -- HTML 5.0: bottom left corner (down left corner)
0x231F, 'drcorn', 'lrcorner', -- HTML 5.0: bottom right corner (down right corner)
0x2322, 'frown', 'sfrown', -- HTML 5.0: frown
0x2323, 'smile', 'ssmile', -- HTML 5.0: smile
0x232D, 'cylcty', -- HTML 5.0: cylindricity
0x232E, 'profalar', -- HTML 5.0: all around-profile
0x2336, 'topbot', -- HTML 5.0: APL functional symbol I-beam (top bottom)
0x233D, 'ovbar', -- HTML 5.0: APL functional symbol circle stile (circle vertical bar)
0x233F, 'solbar', -- HTML 5.0: APL functional symbol slash bar (solidus bar)
0x237C, 'angzarr', -- HTML 5.0: right angle with downwards zigzag arrow
0x23B0, 'lmoust', 'lmoustache', -- HTML 5.0: upper left or lower right curly bracket section (left moustache)
0x23B1, 'rmoust', 'rmoustache', -- HTML 5.0: upper right or lower left curly bracket section (right moustache)
0x23B4, 'OverBracket', 'tbrk', -- HTML 5.0: top square bracket (over bracket)
0x23B5, 'UnderBracket', 'bbrk', -- HTML 5.0: bottom square bracket (under bracket)
0x23B6, 'bbrktbrk', -- HTML 5.0: bottom square bracket over top square bracket
0x23DC, 'OverParenthesis', -- HTML 5.0: top parenthesis (over parenthesis)
0x23DD, 'UnderParenthesis', -- HTML 5.0: bottom parenthesis (under parenthesis)
0x23DE, 'OverBrace', -- HTML 5.0: top curly bracket (over brace)
0x23DF, 'UnderBrace', -- HTML 5.0: bottom curly bracket (under brace)
0x23E2, 'trpezium', -- HTML 5.0: white trapezium
0x23E7, 'elinters', -- HTML 5.0: electrical intersection
-- 2400-243F Control Pictures
0x2423, 'blank', -- HTML 5.0: open box (blank)
-- 2460-24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics
0x24C8, 'circledS', 'oS', -- HTML 5.0: circled Latin capital letter S
-- 2500-257F Box Drawing
0x2500, 'HorizontalLine', 'boxh', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light horizontal (horizontal line)
0x2502, 'boxv', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light vertical
0x250C, 'boxdr', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light down and right
0x2510, 'boxdl', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light down and left
0x2514, 'boxur', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light up and right
0x2518, 'boxul', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light up and left
0x251C, 'boxvr', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light vertical and right
0x2524, 'boxvl', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light vertical and left
0x252C, 'boxhd', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light down and horizontal (horizontal and down)
0x2534, 'boxhu', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light up and horizontal (horizontal and up)
0x253C, 'boxvh', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings light vertical and horizontal
0x2550, 'boxH', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double horizontal
0x2551, 'boxV', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double vertical
0x2552, 'boxdR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down single and right double
0x2553, 'boxDr', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down double and right single
0x2554, 'boxDR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double down and right
0x2555, 'boxdL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down single and left double
0x2556, 'boxDl', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down double and left single
0x2557, 'boxDL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double down and left
0x2558, 'boxuR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up single and right double
0x2559, 'boxUr', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up double and right single
0x255A, 'boxUR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double up and right
0x255B, 'boxuL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up single and left double
0x255C, 'boxUl', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up double and left single
0x255D, 'boxUL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double up and left
0x255E, 'boxvR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical single and right double
0x255F, 'boxVr', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical double and right single
0x2560, 'boxVR', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double vertical and right
0x2561, 'boxvL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical single and left double
0x2562, 'boxVl', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical double and left single
0x2563, 'boxVL', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double vertical and left
0x2564, 'boxHd', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down single and horizontal double (horizontal double and down single)
0x2565, 'boxhD', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings down double and horizontal single (horizontal single and down double)
0x2566, 'boxHD', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double down and horizontal (horizontal and down)
0x2567, 'boxHu', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up single and horizontal double (horizontal double and up single)
0x2568, 'boxhU', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings up double and horizontal single (horizontal single and up double)
0x2569, 'boxHU', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double up and horizontal (horizontal and up)
0x256A, 'boxvH', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
0x256B, 'boxVh', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
0x256C, 'boxVH', -- HTML 5.0: box drawings double vertical and horizontal
-- 2580-259F Block Elements
0x2580, 'uhblk', -- HTML 5.0: upper half block
0x2584, 'lhblk', -- HTML 5.0: lower half block
0x2588, 'block', -- HTML 5.0: full block
0x2591, 'blk14', -- HTML 5.0: light shade (1'4 block)
0x2592, 'blk12', -- HTML 5.0: medium shade (1'2 block)
0x2593, 'blk34', -- HTML 5.0: dark shade (3'4 block)
-- 25A0-25FF Geometric Shapes
0x25A1, 'Square', 'squ', 'square', -- HTML 5.0: white square
0x25AA, 'FilledVerySmallSquare', 'blacksquare', 'squarf', 'squf', -- HTML 5.0: black small square (filled very small square)
0x25AB, 'EmptyVerySmallSquare', -- HTML 5.0: white small square (empty very small square)
0x25AD, 'rect', -- HTML 5.0: white rectangle
0x25AE, 'marker', -- HTML 5.0: black vertical rectangle (marker)
0x25B1, 'fltns', -- HTML 5.0: white parallelogram
0x25B3, 'bigtriangleup', 'xutri', -- HTML 5.0: white up-pointing triangle (big up-pointing triangle)
0x25B4, 'blacktriangle', 'utrif', -- HTML 5.0: black up-pointing small triangle (black triangle, up-pointing triangle filled)
0x25B5, 'triangle', 'utri', -- HTML 5.0: white up-pointing small triangle (up-pointing triangle)
0x25B8, 'blacktriangleright', 'rtrif', -- HTML 5.0: black right-pointing small triangle (black right-pointing triangle, right-pointing triangle filled)
0x25B9, 'rtri', 'triangleright', -- HTML 5.0: white right-pointing small triangle (right-pointing triangle)
0x25BD, 'bigtriangledown', 'xdtri', -- HTML 5.0: white down-pointing triangle (big down-pointing triangle)
0x25BE, 'blacktriangledown', 'dtrif', -- HTML 5.0: black down-pointing small triangle (black down-pointing triangle, down-pointing triangle filled)
0x25BF, 'dtri', 'triangledown', -- HTML 5.0: white down-pointing small triangle (down-pointing triangle)
0x25C2, 'blacktriangleleft', 'ltrif', -- HTML 5.0: black left-pointing small triangle (black left-pointing triangle, left-pointing triangle filled)
0x25C3, 'ltri', 'triangleleft', -- HTML 5.0: white left-pointing small triangle (left-pointing triangle)
0x25CA, 'loz', 'lozenge', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: lozenge
0x25CB, 'cir', -- HTML 5.0: white circle (circle)
0x25EC, 'tridot', -- HTML 5.0: white up-pointing triangle with dot (triangle dot)
0x25EF, 'bigcirc', 'xcirc', -- HTML 5.0: large circle (big circle)
0x25F8, 'ultri', -- HTML 5.0: upper left triangle
0x25F9, 'urtri', -- HTML 5.0: upper right triangle
0x25FA, 'lltri', -- HTML 5.0: lower left triangle
0x25FB, 'EmptySmallSquare', -- HTML 5.0: white medium square (empty small square)
0x25FC, 'FilledSmallSquare', -- HTML 5.0: black medium square (filled small square)
-- 2600-26FF Miscellaneous Symbols
0x2605, 'bigstar', 'starf', -- HTML 5.0: black star (filled star, big star)
0x2606, 'star', -- HTML 5.0: white star (star)
0x260E, 'phone', -- HTML 5.0: black telephone (phone)
0x2640, 'female', -- HTML 5.0: female sign
0x2642, 'male', -- HTML 5.0: male sign
0x2660, 'spades', 'spadesuit', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: black spade suit
0x2663, 'clubs', 'clubsuit', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: black club suit (shamrock)
0x2665, 'hearts', 'heartsuit', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: black heart suit (valentine)
0x2666, 'diamondsuit', 'diams', -- HTML 4.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOpub), HTML 5.0: black diamond suit
0x266A, 'sung', -- HTML 5.0: eighth note (sung)
0x266D, 'flat', -- HTML 5.0: music flat sign
0x266E, 'natur', 'natural', -- HTML 5.0: music natural sign
0x266F, 'sharp', -- HTML 5.0: music sharp sign
-- 2700-27BF Dingbats
0x2713, 'check', 'checkmark', -- HTML 5.0: check mark
0x2717, 'cross', -- HTML 5.0: ballot x (cross)
0x2720, 'malt', 'maltese', -- HTML 5.0: Maltese cross
0x2736, 'sext', -- HTML 5.0: six pointed black star (sextile)
0x2758, 'VerticalSeparator', -- HTML 5.0: light vertical bar (vertical separator)
0x2772, 'lbbrk', -- HTML 5.0: light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
0x2773, 'rbbrk', -- HTML 5.0: light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
-- 27C0-27EF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
0x27C8, 'bsolhsub', -- HTML 5.0: reverse solidus preceding subset
0x27C9, 'suphsol', -- HTML 5.0: superset preceding solidus
0x27E6, 'LeftDoubleBracket', 'lobrk', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical left white square bracket
0x27E7, 'RightDoubleBracket', 'robrk', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical right white square bracket
0x27E8, 'LeftAngleBracket', 'lang', 'langle', -- HTML 5.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): mathematical left angle bracket (bra); previously U+2329
0x27E9, 'RightAngleBracket', 'rang', 'rangle', -- HTML 5.0 (HTMLsymbol; ISOtech): mathematical right angle bracket (ket); previously U+2329
0x27EA, 'Lang', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical left double angle bracket
0x27EB, 'Rang', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical right double angle bracket
0x27EC, 'loang', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket
0x27ED, 'roang', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket
-- 27F0-27FF Supplemental Arrows-A
0x27F5, 'LongLeftArrow', 'longleftarrow', 'xlarr', -- HTML 5.0: long leftwards arrow
0x27F6, 'LongRightArrow', 'longrightarrow', 'xrarr', -- HTML 5.0: long rightwards arrow
0x27F7, 'LongLeftRightArrow', 'longleftrightarrow', 'xharr', -- HTML 5.0: long left right arrow (long horizontal arrow)
0x27F8, 'DoubleLongLeftArrow', 'Longleftarrow', 'xlArr', -- HTML 5.0: long leftwards double arrow
0x27F9, 'DoubleLongRightArrow', 'Longrightarrow', 'xrArr', -- HTML 5.0: long rightwards double arrow
0x27FA, 'DoubleLongLeftRightArrow', 'Longleftrightarrow', 'xhArr', -- HTML 5.0: long left right double arrow (long horizontal double arrow)
0x27FC, 'longmapsto', 'xmap', -- HTML 5.0: long rightwards arrow from bar (long maps to)
0x27FF, 'dzigrarr', -- HTML 5.0: long rightwards squiggle arrow (long rightwards zigzag arrow)
-- 2900-297F Supplemental Arrows-B
0x2902, 'nvlArr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke
0x2903, 'nvrArr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke
0x2904, 'nvHarr', -- HTML 5.0: left right double arrow with vertical stroke
0x2905, 'Map', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards two-headed arrow from bar (double maps to)
0x290C, 'lbarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards double dash arrow
0x290D, 'bkarow', 'rbarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards double dash arrow
0x290E, 'lBarr', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards triple dash arrow
0x290F, 'dbkarow', 'rBarr', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards triple dash arrow
0x2910, 'RBarr', 'drbkarow', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow
0x2911, 'DDotrahd', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with dotted stem
0x2912, 'UpArrowBar', -- HTML 5.0: upwards arrow to bar
0x2913, 'DownArrowBar', -- HTML 5.0: downwards arrow to bar
0x2916, 'Rarrtl', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards two-headed arrow with tail
0x2919, 'latail', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow-tail
0x291A, 'ratail', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow-tail
0x291B, 'lAtail', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards double arrow-tail
0x291C, 'rAtail', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards double arrow-tail
0x291D, 'larrfs', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow to black diamond
0x291E, 'rarrfs', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow to black diamond
0x291F, 'larrbfs', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond
0x2920, 'rarrbfs', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond
0x2923, 'nwarhk', -- HTML 5.0: north west arrow with hook
0x2924, 'nearhk', -- HTML 5.0: north east arrow with hook
0x2925, 'hksearow', 'searhk', -- HTML 5.0: south east arrow with hook
0x2926, 'hkswarow', 'swarhk', -- HTML 5.0: south west arrow with hook
0x2927, 'nwnear', -- HTML 5.0: north west arrow and north east arrow
0x2928, 'nesear', 'toea', -- HTML 5.0: north east arrow and south east arrow (to east arrow)
0x2929, 'seswar', 'tosa', -- HTML 5.0: south east arrow and south west arrow (to south arrow)
0x292A, 'swnwar', -- HTML 5.0: south west arrow and north west arrow
0x2933, 'rarrc', -- HTML 5.0: wave arrow pointing directly right (right arrow curved)
0x2933, 0x0338, 'nrarrc', -- HTML 5.0: wave arrow pointing directly right, combining long solidus overlay
0x2935, 'cudarrr', -- HTML 5.0: arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards (curved down arrow right)
0x2936, 'ldca', -- HTML 5.0: arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards (left down curved arrow)
0x2937, 'rdca', -- HTML 5.0: arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards (right down curved arrow)
0x2938, 'cudarrl', -- HTML 5.0: right-side arc clockwise arrow (curved down arrow left)
0x2939, 'larrpl', -- HTML 5.0: left-side arc anticlockwise arrow
0x293C, 'curarrm', -- HTML 5.0: top arc clockwise arrow with minus (curved right arrow with minus)
0x293D, 'cularrp', -- HTML 5.0: top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus (curved left arrow with plus)
0x2945, 'rarrpl', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow with plus below
0x2948, 'harrcir', -- HTML 5.0: left right arrow through small circle
0x2949, 'Uarrocir', -- HTML 5.0: upwards two-headed arrow from small circle
0x294A, 'lurdshar', -- HTML 5.0: left barb up right barb down harpoon (left up right down short arrow)
0x294B, 'ldrushar', -- HTML 5.0: left barb down right barb up harpoon (left down right up short arrow)
0x294E, 'LeftRightVector', -- HTML 5.0: left barb up right barb up harpoon (left right vector)
0x294F, 'RightUpDownVector', -- HTML 5.0: up barb right down barb right harpoon (right up down vector)
0x2950, 'DownLeftRightVector', -- HTML 5.0: left barb down right barb down harpoon (down left right vector)
0x2951, 'LeftUpDownVector', -- HTML 5.0: up barb left down barb left harpoon (left up down vector)
0x2952, 'LeftVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar (left vector bar)
0x2953, 'RightVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar (right vector bar)
0x2954, 'RightUpVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb right to bar (right up vector bar)
0x2955, 'RightDownVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb right to bar (right down vector bar)
0x2956, 'DownLeftVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar (down left vector bar)
0x2957, 'DownRightVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar (down right vector bar)
0x2958, 'LeftUpVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb left to bar (left up vector bar)
0x2959, 'LeftDownVectorBar', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb left to bar (left down vector bar)
0x295A, 'LeftTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar (left tee vector)
0x295B, 'RightTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar (right tee vector)
0x295C, 'RightUpTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb right from bar (right up tee vector)
0x295D, 'RightDownTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb right from bar (right down tee vector)
0x295E, 'DownLeftTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar (down left tee vector)
0x295F, 'DownRightTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar (down right tee vector)
0x2960, 'LeftUpTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb left from bar (left up tee vector)
0x2961, 'LeftDownTeeVector', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb left from bar (left down tee vector)
0x2962, 'lHar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down
0x2963, 'uHar', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
0x2964, 'rHar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down
0x2965, 'dHar', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
0x2966, 'luruhar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up
0x2967, 'ldrdhar', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down
0x2968, 'ruluhar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up
0x2969, 'rdldhar', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down
0x296A, 'lharul', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
0x296B, 'llhard', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
0x296C, 'rharul', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
0x296D, 'lrhard', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
0x296E, 'UpEquilibrium', 'udhar', -- HTML 5.0: upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right (up equilibrium)
0x296F, 'ReverseUpEquilibrium', 'duhar', -- HTML 5.0: downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right (reverse up equilibrium)
0x2970, 'RoundImplies', -- HTML 5.0: right double arrow with rounded head (round implies)
0x2971, 'erarr', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign above rightwards arrow
0x2972, 'simrarr', -- HTML 5.0: tilde operator above rightwards arrow (similar to above rightwards arrow)
0x2973, 'larrsim', -- HTML 5.0: leftwards arrow above tilde operator (leftwards arrow above similar to)
0x2974, 'rarrsim', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow above tilde operator (rightwards arrow above similar to)
0x2975, 'rarrap', -- HTML 5.0: rightwards arrow above almost equal to (rightwards arrow above approximately equal to)
0x2976, 'ltlarr', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above leftwards arrow
0x2978, 'gtrarr', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above rightwards arrow
0x2979, 'subrarr', -- HTML 5.0: subset above rightwards arrow
0x297B, 'suplarr', -- HTML 5.0: superset above leftwards arrow
0x297C, 'lfisht', -- HTML 5.0: left fish tail
0x297D, 'rfisht', -- HTML 5.0: right fish tail
0x297E, 'ufisht', -- HTML 5.0: up fish tail
0x297F, 'dfisht', -- HTML 5.0: down fish tail
-- 2980-29FF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
0x2985, 'lopar', -- HTML 5.0: left white parenthesis
0x2986, 'ropar', -- HTML 5.0: right white parenthesis
0x298B, 'lbrke', -- HTML 5.0: left square bracket with underbar
0x298C, 'rbrke', -- HTML 5.0: right square bracket with underbar
0x298D, 'lbrkslu', -- HTML 5.0: left square bracket with tick in top corner
0x298E, 'rbrksld', -- HTML 5.0: right square bracket with tick in bottom corner
0x298F, 'lbrksld', -- HTML 5.0: left square bracket with tick in bottom corner
0x2990, 'rbrkslu', -- HTML 5.0: right square bracket with tick in top corner
0x2991, 'langd', -- HTML 5.0: left angle bracket with dot
0x2992, 'rangd', -- HTML 5.0: right angle bracket with dot
0x2993, 'lparlt', -- HTML 5.0: left arc less-than bracket (left parenthesis less-than)
0x2994, 'rpargt', -- HTML 5.0: right arc greater-than bracket (right parenthesis greater-than)
0x2995, 'gtlPar', -- HTML 5.0: double left arc greater-than bracket (double left parenthesis greater-than)
0x2996, 'ltrPar', -- HTML 5.0: double right arc less-than bracket (double right parenthesis less-than)
0x299A, 'vzigzag', -- HTML 5.0: vertical zigzag line
0x299C, 'vangrt', -- HTML 5.0: right angle variant with square
0x299D, 'angrtvbd', -- HTML 5.0: measured right angle with dot
0x29A4, 'ange', -- HTML 5.0: angle with underbar
0x29A5, 'range', -- HTML 5.0: reversed angle with underbar
0x29A6, 'dwangle', -- HTML 5.0: oblique angle opening up
0x29A7, 'uwangle', -- HTML 5.0: oblique angle opening down
0x29A8, 'angmsdaa', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right
0x29A9, 'angmsdab', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left
0x29AA, 'angmsdac', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right
0x29AB, 'angmsdad', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left
0x29AC, 'angmsdae', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up
0x29AD, 'angmsdaf', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up
0x29AE, 'angmsdag', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down
0x29AF, 'angmsdah', -- HTML 5.0: measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down
0x29B0, 'bemptyv', -- HTML 5.0: reversed empty set (backwards empty set)
0x29B1, 'demptyv', -- HTML 5.0: empty set with overbar (dash over empty set)
0x29B2, 'cemptyv', -- HTML 5.0: empty set with small circle above
0x29B3, 'raemptyv', -- HTML 5.0: empty set with right arrow above
0x29B4, 'laemptyv', -- HTML 5.0: empty set with left arrow above
0x29B5, 'ohbar', -- HTML 5.0: circle with horizontal bar
0x29B6, 'omid', -- HTML 5.0: circled vertical bar (circled middle line)
0x29B7, 'opar', -- HTML 5.0: circled parallel
0x29B9, 'operp', -- HTML 5.0: circled perpendicular
0x29BB, 'olcross', -- HTML 5.0: circle with superimposed x (circled large cross)
0x29BC, 'odsold', -- HTML 5.0: circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign
0x29BE, 'olcir', -- HTML 5.0: circled white bullet (circled light circle)
0x29BF, 'ofcir', -- HTML 5.0: circled bullet (circled full circle)
0x29C0, 'olt', -- HTML 5.0: circled less-than
0x29C1, 'ogt', -- HTML 5.0: circled greater-than
0x29C2, 'cirscir', -- HTML 5.0: circle with small circle to the right
0x29C3, 'cirE', -- HTML 5.0: circle with two horizontal strokes to the right
0x29C4, 'solb', -- HTML 5.0: squared rising diagonal slash (boxed solidus)
0x29C5, 'bsolb', -- HTML 5.0: squared falling diagonal slash (backward boxed solidus)
0x29C9, 'boxbox', -- HTML 5.0: two joined squares (two joined boxes)
0x29CD, 'trisb', -- HTML 5.0: triangle with serifs at bottom
0x29CE, 'rtriltri', -- HTML 5.0: right triangle above left triangle
0x29CF, 'LeftTriangleBar', -- HTML 5.0: left triangle beside vertical bar
0x29CF, 0x0338, 'NotLeftTriangleBar', -- HTML 5.0: left triangle beside vertical bar, combining long solidus overlay
0x29D0, 'RightTriangleBar', -- HTML 5.0: vertical bar beside right triangle
0x29D0, 0x0338, 'NotRightTriangleBar', -- HTML 5.0: vertical bar beside right triangle, combining long solidus overlay
0x29DC, 'iinfin', -- HTML 5.0: incomplete infinity
0x29DD, 'infintie', -- HTML 5.0: tie over infinity
0x29DE, 'nvinfin', -- HTML 5.0: infinity negated with vertical bar
0x29E3, 'eparsl', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign and slanted parallel
0x29E4, 'smeparsl', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above (similar to over equals sign and slanted parallel)
0x29E5, 'eqvparsl', -- HTML 5.0: identical to and slanted parallel ('equivalent to' and slanted parallel)
0x29EB, 'blacklozenge', 'lozf', -- HTML 5.0: black lozenge (lozenge filled)
0x29F4, 'RuleDelayed', -- HTML 5.0: rule-delayed
0x29F6, 'dsol', -- HTML 5.0: solidus with overbar (dash over solidus)
-- 2A00-2AFF Supplemental Mathematical Operators
0x2A00, 'bigodot', 'xodot', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary circled dot operator
0x2A01, 'bigoplus', 'xoplus', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary circled plus operator
0x2A02, 'bigotimes', 'xotime', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary circled times operator
0x2A04, 'biguplus', 'xuplus', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary union operator with plus (big u plus)
0x2A06, 'bigsqcup', 'xsqcup', -- HTML 5.0: n-ary square union operator (big square cup)
0x2A0C, 'iiiint', 'qint', -- HTML 5.0: quadruple integral operator
0x2A0D, 'fpartint', -- HTML 5.0: finite part integral
0x2A10, 'cirfnint', -- HTML 5.0: circulation function
0x2A11, 'awint', -- HTML 5.0: anticlockwise integration
0x2A12, 'rppolint', -- HTML 5.0: line integration with rectangular path around pole
0x2A13, 'scpolint', -- HTML 5.0: line integration with semicircular path around pole
0x2A14, 'npolint', -- HTML 5.0: line integration not including the pole
0x2A15, 'pointint', -- HTML 5.0: integral around a point operator
0x2A16, 'quatint', -- HTML 5.0: quaternion integral operator
0x2A17, 'intlarhk', -- HTML 5.0: integral with leftwards arrow with hook
0x2A22, 'pluscir', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with small circle above
0x2A23, 'plusacir', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with circumflex accent above
0x2A24, 'simplus', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with tilde above (plus sign with similar to above)
0x2A25, 'plusdu', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with dot below (plus dot under)
0x2A26, 'plussim', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with tilde below (plus sign with similar to below)
0x2A27, 'plustwo', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign with subscript two
0x2A29, 'mcomma', -- HTML 5.0: minus sign with comma above
0x2A2A, 'minusdu', -- HTML 5.0: minus sign with dot below (minus dot under)
0x2A2D, 'loplus', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign in left half circle
0x2A2E, 'roplus', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign in right half circle
0x2A2F, 'Cross', -- HTML 5.0: vector or cross product
0x2A30, 'timesd', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign with dot above (times dot)
0x2A31, 'timesbar', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign with underbar
0x2A33, 'smashp', -- HTML 5.0: smash product
0x2A34, 'lotimes', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign in left half circle
0x2A35, 'rotimes', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign in right half circle
0x2A36, 'otimesas', -- HTML 5.0: circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
0x2A37, 'Otimes', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign in double circle
0x2A38, 'odiv', -- HTML 5.0: circled division sign
0x2A39, 'triplus', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign in triangle
0x2A3A, 'triminus', -- HTML 5.0: minus sign in triangle
0x2A3B, 'tritime', -- HTML 5.0: multiplication sign in triangle
0x2A3C, 'intprod', 'iprod', -- HTML 5.0: interior product
0x2A3F, 'amalg', -- HTML 5.0: amalgamation or coproduct
0x2A40, 'capdot', -- HTML 5.0: intersection with dot (cap dot)
0x2A42, 'ncup', -- HTML 5.0: union with overbar
0x2A43, 'ncap', -- HTML 5.0: intersection with overbar
0x2A44, 'capand', -- HTML 5.0: intersection with logical and (cap and)
0x2A45, 'cupor', -- HTML 5.0: union with logical or (cup or)
0x2A46, 'cupcap', -- HTML 5.0: union above intersection (cup cap)
0x2A47, 'capcup', -- HTML 5.0: intersection above union (cap cup)
0x2A48, 'cupbrcap', -- HTML 5.0: union above bar above intersection (cup bar cap)
0x2A49, 'capbrcup', -- HTML 5.0: intersection above bar above union (cap bar cup)
0x2A4A, 'cupcup', -- HTML 5.0: union beside and joined with union (cup cup)
0x2A4B, 'capcap', -- HTML 5.0: intersection beside and joined with intersection (cap cap)
0x2A4C, 'ccups', -- HTML 5.0: closed union with serifs
0x2A4D, 'ccaps', -- HTML 5.0: closed intersection with serifs
0x2A50, 'ccupssm', -- HTML 5.0: closed union with serifs and smash product
0x2A53, 'And', -- HTML 5.0: double logical and
0x2A54, 'Or', -- HTML 5.0: double logical or
0x2A55, 'andand', -- HTML 5.0: two intersecting logical and
0x2A56, 'oror', -- HTML 5.0: two intersecting logical or
0x2A57, 'orslope', -- HTML 5.0: sloping large or
0x2A58, 'andslope', -- HTML 5.0: sloping large and
0x2A5A, 'andv', -- HTML 5.0: logical and with middle stem
0x2A5B, 'orv', -- HTML 5.0: logical or with middle stem
0x2A5C, 'andd', -- HTML 5.0: logical and with horizontal dash
0x2A5D, 'ord', -- HTML 5.0: logical or with horizontal dash
0x2A5F, 'wedbar', -- HTML 5.0: logical and with underbar
0x2A66, 'sdote', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign with dot below
0x2A6A, 'simdot', -- HTML 5.0: tilde operator with dot above (similar with dot)
0x2A6D, 'congdot', -- HTML 5.0: congruent with dot above
0x2A6D, 0x0338, 'ncongdot', -- HTML 5.0: congruent with dot above, combining long solidus overlay
0x2A6E, 'easter', -- HTML 5.0: equals with asterisk
0x2A6F, 'apacir', -- HTML 5.0: almost equal to with circumflex accent
0x2A70, 'apE', -- HTML 5.0: approximately equal or equal to
0x2A70, 0x0338, 'napE', -- HTML 5.0: approximately equal or equal to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2A71, 'eplus', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign above plus sign
0x2A72, 'pluse', -- HTML 5.0: plus sign above equals sign
0x2A73, 'Esim', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign above tilde operator
0x2A74, 'Colone', -- HTML 5.0: double colon equal
0x2A75, 'Equal', -- HTML 5.0: two consecutive equals signs
0x2A77, 'ddotseq', 'eDDot', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
0x2A78, 'equivDD', -- HTML 5.0: equivalent with four dots above
0x2A79, 'ltcir', -- HTML 5.0: less-than with circle inside
0x2A7A, 'gtcir', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than with circle inside
0x2A7B, 'ltquest', -- HTML 5.0: less-than with question mark above
0x2A7C, 'gtquest', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than with question mark above
0x2A7D, 'LessSlantEqual', 'leqslant', 'les', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or slanted equal to
0x2A7D, 0x0338, 'NotLessSlantEqual', 'nleqslant', 'nles', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or slanted equal to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2A7E, 'GreaterSlantEqual', 'geqslant', 'ges', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or slanted equal to
0x2A7E, 0x0338, 'NotGreaterSlantEqual', 'ngeqslant', 'nges', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or slanted equal to, combining long solidus overlay
0x2A7F, 'lesdot', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
0x2A80, 'gesdot', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
0x2A81, 'lesdoto', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
0x2A82, 'gesdoto', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
0x2A83, 'lesdotor', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
0x2A84, 'gesdotol', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
0x2A85, 'lap', 'lessapprox', -- HTML 5.0: less-than or approximate
0x2A86, 'gap', 'gtrapprox', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than or approximate
0x2A87, 'lne', 'lneq', -- HTML 5.0: less-than and single-line not equal to
0x2A88, 'gne', 'gneq', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than and single-line not equal to
0x2A89, 'lnap', 'lnapprox', -- HTML 5.0: less-than and not approximate
0x2A8A, 'gnap', 'gnapprox', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than and not approximate
0x2A8B, 'lEg', 'lesseqqgtr', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above double-line equal above greater-than
0x2A8C, 'gEl', 'gtreqqless', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above double-line equal above less-than
0x2A8D, 'lsime', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above similar or equal
0x2A8E, 'gsime', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above similar or equal
0x2A8F, 'lsimg', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above similar above greater-than
0x2A90, 'gsiml', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above similar above less-than
0x2A91, 'lgE', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
0x2A92, 'glE', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
0x2A93, 'lesges', -- HTML 5.0: less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
0x2A94, 'gesles', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
0x2A95, 'els', 'eqslantless', -- HTML 5.0: slanted equal to or less-than
0x2A96, 'egs', 'eqslantgtr', -- HTML 5.0: slanted equal to or greater-than
0x2A97, 'elsdot', -- HTML 5.0: slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
0x2A98, 'egsdot', -- HTML 5.0: slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
0x2A99, 'el', -- HTML 5.0: double-line equal to or less-than
0x2A9A, 'eg', -- HTML 5.0: double-line equal to or greater-than
0x2A9D, 'siml', -- HTML 5.0: similar or less-than
0x2A9E, 'simg', -- HTML 5.0: similar or greater-than
0x2A9F, 'simlE', -- HTML 5.0: similar above less-than above equals sign
0x2AA0, 'simgE', -- HTML 5.0: similar above greater-than above equals sign
0x2AA1, 'LessLess', -- HTML 5.0: double nested less-than
0x2AA1, 0x0338, 'NotNestedLessLess', -- HTML 5.0: double nested less-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AA2, 'GreaterGreater', -- HTML 5.0: double nested greater-than
0x2AA2, 0x0338, 'NotNestedGreaterGreater', -- HTML 5.0: double nested greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AA4, 'glj', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than overlapping less-than
0x2AA5, 'gla', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than beside less-than
0x2AA6, 'ltcc', -- HTML 5.0: less-than closed by curve
0x2AA7, 'gtcc', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than closed by curve
0x2AA8, 'lescc', -- HTML 5.0: less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
0x2AA9, 'gescc', -- HTML 5.0: greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
0x2AAA, 'smt', -- HTML 5.0: smaller than
0x2AAB, 'lat', -- HTML 5.0: larger than
0x2AAC, 'smte', -- HTML 5.0: smaller than or equal to
0x2AAC, 0xFE00, 'smtes', -- HTML 5.0: smaller than or equal to, variation selector-1
0x2AAD, 'late', -- HTML 5.0: larger than or equal to
0x2AAD, 0xFE00, 'lates', -- HTML 5.0: larger than or equal to, variation selector-1
0x2AAE, 'bumpE', -- HTML 5.0: equals sign with bumpy above
0x2AAF, 'PrecedesEqual', 'pre', 'preceq', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above single-line equals sign
0x2AAF, 0x0338, 'NotPrecedesEqual', 'npre', 'npreceq', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above single-line equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AB0, 'SucceedsEqual', 'sce', 'succeq', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above single-line equals sign
0x2AB0, 0x0338, 'NotSucceedsEqual', 'nsce', 'nsucceq', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above single-line equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AB3, 'prE', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above equals sign
0x2AB4, 'scE', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above equals sign
0x2AB5, 'precneqq', 'prnE', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above not equal to
0x2AB6, 'scnE', 'succneqq', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above not equal to
0x2AB7, 'prap', 'precapprox', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above almost equal to
0x2AB8, 'scap', 'succapprox', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above almost equal to
0x2AB9, 'precnapprox', 'prnap', -- HTML 5.0: precedes above not almost equal to
0x2ABA, 'scnap', 'succnapprox', -- HTML 5.0: succeeds above not almost equal to
0x2ABB, 'Pr', -- HTML 5.0: double precedes
0x2ABC, 'Sc', -- HTML 5.0: double succeeds
0x2ABD, 'subdot', -- HTML 5.0: subset with dot
0x2ABE, 'supdot', -- HTML 5.0: superset with dot
0x2ABF, 'subplus', -- HTML 5.0: subset with plus sign below
0x2AC0, 'supplus', -- HTML 5.0: superset with plus sign below
0x2AC1, 'submult', -- HTML 5.0: subset with multiplication sign below
0x2AC2, 'supmult', -- HTML 5.0: superset with multiplication sign below
0x2AC3, 'subedot', -- HTML 5.0: subset of or equal to with dot above
0x2AC4, 'supedot', -- HTML 5.0: superset of or equal to with dot above
0x2AC5, 'subE', 'subseteqq', -- HTML 5.0: subset of above equals sign
0x2AC5, 0x0338, 'nsubE', 'nsubseteqq', -- HTML 5.0: subset of above equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AC6, 'supE', 'supseteqq', -- HTML 5.0: superset of above equals sign
0x2AC6, 0x0338, 'nsupE', 'nsupseteqq', -- HTML 5.0: superset of above equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
0x2AC7, 'subsim', -- HTML 5.0: subset of above tilde operator
0x2AC8, 'supsim', -- HTML 5.0: superset of above tilde operator
0x2ACB, 'subnE', 'subsetneqq', -- HTML 5.0: subset of above not equal to
0x2ACB, 0xFE00, 'varsubsetneqq', 'vsubnE', -- HTML 5.0: subset of above not equal to, variation selector-1
0x2ACC, 'supnE', 'supsetneqq', -- HTML 5.0: superset of above not equal to
0x2ACC, 0xFE00, 'varsupsetneqq', 'vsupnE', -- HTML 5.0: superset of above not equal to, variation selector-1
0x2ACF, 'csub', -- HTML 5.0: closed subset
0x2AD0, 'csup', -- HTML 5.0: closed superset
0x2AD1, 'csube', -- HTML 5.0: closed subset or equal to
0x2AD2, 'csupe', -- HTML 5.0: closed superset or equal to
0x2AD3, 'subsup', -- HTML 5.0: subset above superset
0x2AD4, 'supsub', -- HTML 5.0: superset above subset
0x2AD5, 'subsub', -- HTML 5.0: subset above subset
0x2AD6, 'supsup', -- HTML 5.0: superset above superset
0x2AD7, 'suphsub', -- HTML 5.0: superset beside subset
0x2AD8, 'supdsub', -- HTML 5.0: superset beside and joined by dash with subset
0x2AD9, 'forkv', -- HTML 5.0: element of opening downwards
0x2ADA, 'topfork', -- HTML 5.0: pitchfork with tee top
0x2ADB, 'mlcp', -- HTML 5.0: transversal intersection
0x2AE4, 'Dashv', 'DoubleLeftTee', -- HTML 5.0: vertical bar double left turnstile
0x2AE6, 'Vdashl', -- HTML 5.0: long dash from left member of double vertical
0x2AE7, 'Barv', -- HTML 5.0: short down tack with overbar
0x2AE8, 'vBar', -- HTML 5.0: short up tack with underbar
0x2AE9, 'vBarv', -- HTML 5.0: short up tack above short down tack
0x2AEB, 'Vbar', -- HTML 5.0: double up tack
0x2AEC, 'Not', -- HTML 5.0: double stroke not sign
0x2AED, 'bNot', -- HTML 5.0: reversed double stroke not sign
0x2AEE, 'rnmid', -- HTML 5.0: does not divide with reversed negation slash
0x2AEF, 'cirmid', -- HTML 5.0: vertical line with circle above
0x2AF0, 'midcir', -- HTML 5.0: vertical line with circle below
0x2AF1, 'topcir', -- HTML 5.0: down tack with circle below
0x2AF2, 'nhpar', -- HTML 5.0: parallel with horizontal stroke
0x2AF3, 'parsim', -- HTML 5.0: parallel with tilde operator
0x2AFD, 'parsl', -- HTML 5.0: double solidus operator
0x2AFD, 0x20E5, 'nparsl', -- HTML 5.0: double solidus operator, combining reverse solidus overlay
-- FB00-FB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms
0xFB00, 'fflig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature ff
0xFB01, 'filig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature fi
0xFB02, 'fllig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature fl
0xFB03, 'ffilig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature ffi
0xFB04, 'ffllig', -- HTML 5.0: Latin small ligature ffl
-- 1D400-1D7FF Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
0x1D49C, 'Ascr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital A
0x1D49E, 'Cscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital C
0x1D49F, 'Dscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital D
0x1D4A2, 'Gscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital G
0x1D4A5, 'Jscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital J
0x1D4A6, 'Kscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital K
0x1D4A9, 'Nscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital N
0x1D4AA, 'Oscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital O
0x1D4AB, 'Pscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital P
0x1D4AC, 'Qscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital Q
0x1D4AE, 'Sscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital S
0x1D4AF, 'Tscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital T
0x1D4B0, 'Uscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital U
0x1D4B1, 'Vscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital V
0x1D4B2, 'Wscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital W
0x1D4B3, 'Xscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital X
0x1D4B4, 'Yscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital Y
0x1D4B5, 'Zscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script capital Z
0x1D4B6, 'ascr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small a
0x1D4B7, 'bscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small b
0x1D4B8, 'cscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small c
0x1D4B9, 'dscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small d
0x1D4BB, 'fscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small f
0x1D4BD, 'hscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small h
0x1D4BE, 'iscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small i
0x1D4BF, 'jscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small j
0x1D4C0, 'kscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small k
0x1D4C1, 'lscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small l
0x1D4C2, 'mscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small m
0x1D4C3, 'nscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small n
0x1D4C5, 'pscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small p
0x1D4C6, 'qscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small q
0x1D4C7, 'rscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small r
0x1D4C8, 'sscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small s
0x1D4C9, 'tscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small t
0x1D4CA, 'uscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small u
0x1D4CB, 'vscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small v
0x1D4CC, 'wscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small w
0x1D4CD, 'xscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small x
0x1D4CE, 'yscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small y
0x1D4CF, 'zscr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical script small z
0x1D504, 'Afr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital A
0x1D505, 'Bfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital B
0x1D507, 'Dfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital D
0x1D508, 'Efr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital E
0x1D509, 'Ffr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital F
0x1D50A, 'Gfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital G
0x1D50D, 'Jfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital J
0x1D50E, 'Kfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital K
0x1D50F, 'Lfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital L
0x1D510, 'Mfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital M
0x1D511, 'Nfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital N
0x1D512, 'Ofr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital O
0x1D513, 'Pfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital P
0x1D514, 'Qfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital Q
0x1D516, 'Sfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital S
0x1D517, 'Tfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital T
0x1D518, 'Ufr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital U
0x1D519, 'Vfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital V
0x1D51A, 'Wfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital W
0x1D51B, 'Xfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital X
0x1D51C, 'Yfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur capital Y
0x1D51E, 'afr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small a
0x1D51F, 'bfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small b
0x1D520, 'cfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small c
0x1D521, 'dfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small d
0x1D522, 'efr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small e
0x1D523, 'ffr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small f
0x1D524, 'gfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small g
0x1D525, 'hfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small h
0x1D526, 'ifr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small i
0x1D527, 'jfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small j
0x1D528, 'kfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small k
0x1D529, 'lfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small l
0x1D52A, 'mfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small m
0x1D52B, 'nfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small n
0x1D52C, 'ofr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small o
0x1D52D, 'pfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small p
0x1D52E, 'qfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small q
0x1D52F, 'rfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small r
0x1D530, 'sfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small s
0x1D531, 'tfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small t
0x1D532, 'ufr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small u
0x1D533, 'vfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small v
0x1D534, 'wfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small w
0x1D535, 'xfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small x
0x1D536, 'yfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small y
0x1D537, 'zfr', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical Fraktur small z
0x1D538, 'Aopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital A
0x1D539, 'Bopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital B
0x1D53B, 'Dopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital D
0x1D53C, 'Eopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital E
0x1D53D, 'Fopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital F
0x1D53E, 'Gopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital G
0x1D540, 'Iopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital I
0x1D541, 'Jopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital J
0x1D542, 'Kopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital K
0x1D543, 'Lopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital L
0x1D544, 'Mopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital M
0x1D546, 'Oopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital O
0x1D54A, 'Sopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital S
0x1D54B, 'Topf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital T
0x1D54C, 'Uopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital U
0x1D54D, 'Vopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital V
0x1D54E, 'Wopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital W
0x1D54F, 'Xopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital X
0x1D550, 'Yopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck capital Y
0x1D552, 'aopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small a
0x1D553, 'bopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small b
0x1D554, 'copf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small c
0x1D555, 'dopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small d
0x1D556, 'eopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small e
0x1D557, 'fopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small f
0x1D558, 'gopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small g
0x1D559, 'hopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small h
0x1D55A, 'iopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small i
0x1D55B, 'jopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small j
0x1D55C, 'kopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small k
0x1D55D, 'lopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small l
0x1D55E, 'mopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small m
0x1D55F, 'nopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small n
0x1D560, 'oopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small o
0x1D561, 'popf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small p
0x1D562, 'qopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small q
0x1D563, 'ropf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small r
0x1D564, 'sopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small s
0x1D565, 'topf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small t
0x1D566, 'uopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small u
0x1D567, 'vopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small v
0x1D568, 'wopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small w
0x1D569, 'xopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small x
0x1D56A, 'yopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small y
0x1D56B, 'zopf', -- HTML 5.0: mathematical double-struck small z
0x1D6AA, 'b.Gamma', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital gamma
0x1D6AB, 'b.Delta', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital delta
0x1D6AF, 'b.Theta', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital theta
0x1D6B2, 'b.Lambda', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital lamda
0x1D6B5, 'b.Xi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital xi
0x1D6B7, 'b.Pi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital pi
0x1D6BA, 'b.Sigma', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital sigma
0x1D6BC, 'b.Upsi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital upsilon
0x1D6BD, 'b.Phi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital phi
0x1D6BF, 'b.Psi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital psi
0x1D6C0, 'b.Omega', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital omega
0x1D6C2, 'b.alpha', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small alpha
0x1D6C3, 'b.beta', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small beta
0x1D6C4, 'b.gamma', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small gamma
0x1D6C5, '', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small delta
0x1D6C6, 'b.epsi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small epsilon
0x1D6C7, 'b.zeta', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small zeta
0x1D6C8, 'b.eta', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small eta
0x1D6C9, 'b.thetas', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small theta
0x1D6CA, 'b.iota', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small iota
0x1D6CB, 'b.kappa', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small kappa
0x1D6CC, 'b.lambda', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small lamda
0x1D6CD, '', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small mu
0x1D6CE, '', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small nu
0x1D6CF, 'b.xi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small xi
0x1D6D1, 'b.pi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small pi
0x1D6D2, 'b.rho', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small rho
0x1D6D3, 'b.sigmav', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small final sigma
0x1D6D4, 'b.sigma', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small sigma
0x1D6D5, 'b.tau', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small tau
0x1D6D6, 'b.upsi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small upsilon
0x1D6D7, 'b.phi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small phi
0x1D6D8, 'b.chi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small chi
0x1D6D9, 'b.psi', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small psi
0x1D6DA, '', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small omega
0x1D6DC, 'b.epsiv', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold epsilon symbol
0x1D6DD, 'b.thetav', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold theta symbol
0x1D6DE, 'b.kappav', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold kappa symbol
0x1D6DF, 'b.phiv', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold phi symbol
0x1D6E0, 'b.rhov', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold rho symbol
0x1D6E1, 'b.piv', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold pi symbol
0x1D7CA, 'b.Gammad', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold capital digamma
0x1D7CB, 'b.gammad', 1, -- (ISOgrk4): mathematical bold small digamma
local entities = {}
local shortentities = {}
local otherentities = {}
local e = false
local c = ''
local i = 1
while true do
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i = i + 1
if n == nil then
elseif type(n) == 'number' then
if e then
e = false
c = ''
c = c .. char(n)
e = true
entities[n] = c
if defs[i] == 0 then
i = i + 1
shortentities[n] = c
elseif defs[i] == 1 then
i = i + 1
otherentities[n] = c
local function htmldecode(s)
return ((s == nil and '' or tostring(s))
:gsub('&[#A-Za-z][%.0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*;?', function(r)
local c
if r:sub(2, 2) == '#' then
if r:sub(-1) == ';' then
if r:sub(3, 3):lower() == 'x' then
c = r:sub(4, -2)
c = c:match('[0-9A-Fa-f]+') and tonumber(c, 16) -- match only integers before converting before conversion
c = r:sub(3, -2)
c = c:match('[0-9]+') and tonumber(c) -- match only integers before conversion
if c and c >= 0x0009 and c <= 0x10FFFD and (
c <= 0x000D and c ~= 0x000B or
c >= 0x0020 and (c <= 0xFDCF or c >= 0xFDF0 and (c % 0x10000) <= 0xFFFD)
) then
return char(c)
if r:sub(-1) == ';' then
c = entities[r:sub(2, -2)]
-- Note: otherentities are ignored in HTML 5.0
c = shortentities[r:sub(2)]
if c then
return c
return r
local function htmlencode(s)
return ((s == nil and '' or tostring(s))
:gsub('["&\'<>]', {
['"'] = '"', -- or '"' which is longer
['&'] = '&', -- or '&'
["'"] = ''', -- or ''' which is longer
['<'] = '<', -- or '<' which is longer
['>'] = '>', -- or '>' which is longer
return {
entities = entities,
shortentities = shortentities,
otherentities = otherentities,
htmldecode = htmldecode,
htmlencode = htmlencode,