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Gilbert de Clare, 1ú Iarla Penfro

Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.
Infotaula de personaGilbert de Clare, 1ú Iarla Penfro

Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Breith1100 (Féilire Ghréagóra)
Tonbridge, England Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Bás6 Eanáir 1148
47/48 bliana d'aois
Gairmsaighdiúir Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Teideal uasalIarla Pembroke Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
CéileIsabel de Beaumont Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
PáisteRisteárd de Clare, Dara hIarla Phembróic, Basilea de Clare Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
AthairGilbert Fitz Richard  agus Alice de Clermont
SiblínRohese de Clare, Richard Fitz Gilbert de Clare agus Baldwin de Clare

Cruthaíodh Gilbert fitz Gilbert de Clare (c. 1100 - 6 Eanáir 1148), ina Iarla Penfro sa bhliain 1138.[lower-alpha 1]

Rugadh Gilbert de Clare i Tonbridge, mac le Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare agus Alice de Claremont.[1]Thosaigh sé amach gan talamh agus saibhreas dá chuid féin ach bhí dlúthbhaint aige le fir an-chumhachtacha, go sonrach a uncailí Walter de Clare agus Roger de Clare[2]

I 1136 bhí Gilbert fitz Gilbert i gceannas ar shluaíocht i gcoinne Exmes agus rinne sé codanna den bhaile a dhó, lena n-áirítear eaglais Notre Dame, ach chuir fórsaí Guillaume III, Cunta Ponthieu isteach air, agus d’éalaigh sé as an gclampar a tháinig as, ach amháin tar éis dó caillteanais mhóra a fhulaingt.[3] Ba Barún é Gilbert, is é sin, príomh-vasáilleach i Sasana, agus fuair sé eastáit a uncailí aithreacha, Roger agus Walter, a chuimsigh barúntachtaí agus caisleáin Bienfaite agus Orbec sa Normainn. Bhí tiarnas Nether Gwent agus caisleán Striguil (Cas-gwent ina dhiaidh sin) aige. Chruthaigh an Rí Stiofán Shasana é ina Iarla Penfro, agus thug sé rape agus caisleán Pevensey dó.

Tar éis do Stiofán a bheith cloíte ag Lincoln an 2 Feabhra 1141, bhí Gilbert ina measc siúd a chuaigh i gcion ar an mBanimpire Empress Matilda nuair a ghnóthaigh sí Londain i mí an Mheithimh, ach bhí sé ag Canterbury nuair a atoghadh Stiofán go déanach i 1141. Ansin chuaigh sé le Geoffrey i mbun comhcheilge i bplota i gcoinne Stiofáin, ach nuair a thit an chomhcheilg as a chéile, chloígh sé arís le Stiofáin, agus é in éineacht leis ag léigear Oxford go déanach i 1142.[4] Sa bhliain 1147 d’éirigh sé amach nuair a dhiúltaigh Stiofáin na caisleáin a ghéill a nia Gilbert, 1ú Iarla Hertford, a thabhairt dó, agus ar sin mháirseáil an Rí go dtí an caisleán is gaire dó agus bhí sé beagnach gafa aige. Mar sin féin, is cosúil go ndearna an t-Iarla a shíocháin le Stiofáin roimh a bháis an bhliain dár gcionn.[5]

Phós sé Isabel de Beaumont, roimh 1130, iníon le Sir Robert de Beaumont, 1ú Iarla Leicester, Cunta Meulan, agus Elizabeth de Vermandois.[6]Bhí Isabel ina máistreás ag an Rí Anraí I Shasana roimhe seo.[7]

Bhí triúr clainne aige léi:

  1. He was called 'Strongbow' but his son Richard is much more readily associated with that nickname.
  2. William Dugdale had credited Gilbert, the first Earl of Pembroke, with a second son who was named Baldwin fitz Gilbert; but Round showed that this Baldwin was really his brother. See: CP: X, Appendix H, p. 100.
  1. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. X, Eds. H. A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1945), p. 348
  2. David Walker, Medieval Wales (Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 40
  3. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. X, Eds. H. A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1945), p. 348, & footnote (a)
  4. J. H. Round, Geoffrey de Mandeville (Longmans, Green, 1892), p. 158
  5. Paul Dalton, Graeme J. White. King Stephen's Reign (1135-1154)King Stephen's Reign (1135-1154) (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2008), pp. 88-89
  6. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. X, Eds. H. A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1945), p. 351
  7. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. VII, Eds. H. A. Doubleday & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1929), p. 526, footnote (c)
  8. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. X, Eds. H. A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1945), p. 352-57, Appendix H, pp. 102-04
  9. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, A History of the House of Lords and All its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. X, Eds. H. A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1945), Appendix H, p. 100
  10. David Crouch, William Marshal; Court, Career and Chivalry in the Angevin Empire 1147-1219 (London & New York: Longman, 1990), p. 139