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James Baldwin

Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.
Infotaula de personaJames Baldwin

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Breith(en) James Arthur Baldwin Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
2 Lúnasa 1924
Harlem, New York Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Bás1 Nollaig 1987
63 bliana d'aois
Saint-Paul-de-Vence, An Fhrainc Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Siocair bháisBás nádúrtha (Ailse ghoile)
Áit adhlacthaReilig Ferncliff Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Faisnéis phearsanta
Grúpa eitneachMeiriceánaigh Afracacha
Scoil a d'fhreastail sé/síThe New School
Bowling Green State University (en) Aistrigh
Ardscoil DeWitt Clinton Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Áit chónaitheSaint-Paul-de-Vence
Teanga dhúchaisBéarla Meiriceánach
Gairmfile, criticeoir sóisialta, scríbhneoir scripte, múinteoir ollscoile, gearrscéalaí, scríbhneoir aistí, drámadóir, gníomhaí ar son cearta sibhialta, úrscéalaí, gay fiction writer (en) Aistrigh Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Tréimhse oibre1947 –
FostóirColáiste Mount Holyoke
Coláiste Hampshire
Coláiste Amherst Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Ball de
SeánraGearrscéal agus aiste
Mac/iníon léinn de chuidBeauford Delaney
TeangachaBéarla agus an Fhraincis
GníomhaireJay Acton (en) Aistrigh
Saothar suntasach
Suíomh a chartlainne
Céileluach ar iarraidh Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
SiblínDavid Baldwin (en) Aistrigh agus Gloria Karefa-Smart (en) Aistrigh
Gradam a fuarthas

IMDB: nm0049924 Allocine: 37612 Allmovie: p80509 TV.com: people/james-baldwin IBDB: 6582 TMDB.org: 943183
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Bhí James Arthur Baldwin (2 Lúnasa 1924 – 1 Nollaig 1987) ina úrscéalaí, drámadóir, tráchtóir agus fheachtasóir Mheiriceánach.

Pléann aistí Baldwin, mar shampla Notes of a Native Son (1955), cúrsaí cine, gnéas agus aicme san Iarthar, i lár an fichiú haois, go háirithe sna Stáit Aontaithe agus an chaoi a chruthaigh na cúrsaí seo deachrachtaí don phobal gorm den chuid is mó.

Rugadh Baldwin ar an dara lá de Lúnasa, 1924 in Harlem, Manhattan, Nua Eabhrach. D'fhreastal sé ar DeWitt Clinton High School agus The New School. Bhí Baldwin aerach. Níor phós sé riamh agus ní raibh clann air. D'éag Baldwin ar an chéad lá de Nollaig, 1987 in Saint-Paul de Vence, France, in aois 63 bliana dó, de bharr ailse esofagais.

  • 1953. Go Tell It on the Mountain (semi-autobiographical)
  • 1956. Giovanni's Room
  • 1962. Another Country
  • 1968. Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone
  • 1974. If Beale Street Could Talk
  • 1979. Just Above My Head

Aistí agus gearrscéalta

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  • 1949. "Everybody's Protest Novel". Partisan Review (June issue)
  • 1953. "Stranger in the Village". Harper's Magazine.
  • 1954. "Gide as Husband and Homosexual". The New Leader.
  • 1956. "Faulkner and Desegregation". Partisan Review.
  • 1957. "Sonny's Blues". Partisan Review.
  • 1957. "Princes and Powers". Encounter.
  • 1958. "The Hard Kind of Courage". Harper's Magazine.
  • 1959. "The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American". The New York Times Book Review.
  • 1959. "Nobody Knows My Name: A Letter from the South". Partisan Review.
  • 1960. "Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter from Harlem". Esquire.
  • 1960. "The Precarious Vogue of Ingmar Bergman". Esquire.
  • 1961. "A Negro Assays the Negro Mood". New York Times Magazine.
  • 1961. "The Survival of Richard Wright". Reporter.
  • 1961. "Richard Wright". Encounter.
  • 1962. "Letter from a Region of My Mind". The New Yorker.
  • 1962. "My Dungeon Shook". The Progressive.
  • 1963. "A Talk to Teachers"
  • 1967. "Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White". New York Times Magazine.
  • 1976. The Devil Finds Work — a book-length essay published by Dial Press.
  • 1955. Notes of a Native Son
  • 1961. Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son
  • 1963. The Fire Next Time
  • 1965. Going to Meet the Man
  • 1972. No Name in the Street
  • 1983. Jimmy's Blues
  • 1985. The Evidence of Things Not Seen
  • 1985. The Price of the Ticket
  • 2010. The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings.
  • 1954 The Amen Corner (play)
  • 1964. Blues for Mister Charlie (play)
  • 1990. A Lover's Question (album). Les Disques Du Crépuscule – TWI 928–2.

Saothar i bpáirt le daoine eile

[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]
  • 1964. Nothing Personal, with Richard Avedon (photography)
  • 1971. A Rap on Race, with Margaret Mead
  • 1971. A Passenger from the West, narrative with Baldwin conversations, by Nabile Farès; appended with long-lost interview.
  • 1972. One Day When I Was Lost (orig.: A. Haley)
  • 1973. A Dialogue, with Nikki Giovanni
  • 1976. Little Man Little Man: A Story of Childhood, with Yoran Cazac
  • 2004. Native Sons, with Sol Stein

Cnuasaí foilsithe tar éis a bhás

[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]
  • 1998. Early Novels & Stories: Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, Another Country, Going to Meet the Man, edited by Toni Morrison.
  • 1998. Collected Essays: Notes of a Native Son, Nobody Knows My Name, The Fire Next Time, No Name in the Street, The Devil Finds Work, Other Essays, edited by Toni Morrison.
  • 2014. Jimmy's Blues and Other Poems.
  • 2015. Later Novels: Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone, If Beale Street Could Talk, Just Above My Head, edited by Darryl Pinckney.
  • 2016. Baldwin for Our Times: Writings from James Baldwin for an Age of Sorrow and Struggle, with notes and introduction by Rich Blint.